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Topics - Arus3595

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So if you were to say something about this really awesome guy, just post ur thoughts and vote on the poll. Thanks.

Badspot is awesome.

Creativity / Blocko 300/Arus3595's book sample
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:23:51 AM »
Try this everybody!

Chapter Three - Section Two: Can it get Harder?

   Can it get harder? Really, can it? We left a member behind, we almost all die, in the middle of an apocalypse if it does get harder well, we just might see… The next few pages will make you think: Unbelievable, Just watch out.
   Right now I think this infection isn’t even full swing maybe it has only made its way trough a very small amount of Southern California, the rest of the world may have no idea of what is happening right now, The Living Deceased…
   If they would know there would have been military support coming and capturing, killing, doing tests, to figure out how the nanobot’ infection came upon the small town of Ramona, and so quickly, it was only a matter of hours during school. From 8:00 to 2:30.

   We stopped at Scotty’s house first, his parents were missing, he grabbed some family photos, we went on, he just didn’t feel like talking about it, he doesn’t talk much anyway. Next stop was Jason’s house, but of course it was blocked off by cars and other debris, since his house is the very back of the Ramona we couldn't be able to walk, I wouldn’t be safe enough. Jordan lived alone so in result we didn’t go. Jessica pleaded not to go to her house; she just didn’t want to see her family dead like Brandon’s. Last stop was my house…

   As we drove up to my house (it’s on the other side town of Jason’s house) we got out of the SUV and walked down my driveway. Everything was the same, nothing was different. All the same, unaffected by the infection, family cars: same, no damage done.
   The birds chirped in the trees and sounds of the cracking pine needles under our feet. We walked up to the house, and saw my parents staring in awe at the four kids and one twenty year old, walk up onto the porch with bloody baseball bats. I felt relived that my parents were there. But when we got in we asked them if they knew about the infection, they said they didn’t know…
“What do you mean you don't know?” I exclaimed. “How could you not know?”
“Well the cops wouldn’t let us out of our street to come get you, they did said that there was a problem down in the town,” my dad said.
“We were very worried about you, are you OK?” my mom said. “And, what’s with the bloody baseball bats did you KILL someone!”
“I’m fine,” I said. “And I didn’t kill someone they were already dead… long story,”
“Did he take care of you?” my mom said, pointing at Jordan.
“No ma’am he is in charge of this whole thing he does better then I would, this kid knows what to do whenever he needs to,” Jordan told my mom.
“If you don't know about this infection and it hasn’t gotten to you yet, then your fine staying here, just maybe we should barricade the doors and windows,” Scotty said.
“I can stay and help your parents, David,” Jordan volunteered.
“Mom, Dad, What do you say? I asked my parents.
“I can’t think right now but… yes,” my mom said.
“You’re not going to leave again, besides wont it take long to get to where every your headed?” my dad asked.
   I jingled the keys to the SUV in my hand, he nodded. I think he knew what it meant.
“Were looking for a survivor group somewhere, maybe my friends parents are there,” I explained.
“We almost died through these last two days, I was hiding in the bathroom then, and I haven’t had anything to eat… do you got any snacks?” asked Jessica.
“Sure there are some apples and some ham in the fridge, take that if you want to,” my mom replied to her.
   Jessica ran to the kitchen grabbing both the apple and ham. Jessica loved apples so she started to eat that first, it was a bright red apple, and I like those ones too.
We sat around the couch and talked for a while about what we were going to do.
“What’s that? Is that a helicopter, by the airport?” Jason exclaimed.
“Help! Exactly what we need!” Jessica exclaimed.
   Excitement rushed through my veins; we were going to get out of here with out having to die. I felt so relived we were going to get out of here.
“Well let’s go!” Scotty exclaimed.
“Ok Jordan you stay here with my parents and we will be back with in an hour,” I said.
“No, David like I said, you’re not going back out there,” my dad told me.
“Dad I have to it’s our way to find a safe house,” I replied.
   My dad sighed. I stared at him wondering if he would let me go, I know what I’m doing.
“Fine you can go, just be careful, I don't want to leave you,”
“Dad I’ll be back in an hour, trust me,”

   Jessica, Jason, Scotty, and I ran out the door up to the SUV, with a click of the unlock button we all opened the doors up and got in the SUV, I closed my door and twisted the key. The engine roared to life, lights came on and we were already driving out the driveway, speeding towards the small airport, if there was a cop, I would get a speeding ticket.

It was getting late, must have been close to five o’clock. The airport was empty, no sign of a helicopter, the hangars were empty and there was nothing on the strip, but we decided we would search anyway.
I saw a girl off in the distance, crouching slowly, she was by one on the hangars, before I could say anything out, one of the infected ran out from the side of a hangar, it missed and the girl fell down though she didn’t seem hurt, the girl stood up and I saw she wasn’t how young she appeared, she looked about twelve or thirteen.
   She screamed and ran toward another hangar, the infected was catching up with her, this one in particular was able to run fairly quickly, or maybe the girl was just slowing down. Then the head of the infected exploded, and then I heard the sound of lighting going off. Make the lightning a gun, a very big gun. A man with dark skin and a navy uniform stood there on top of a hangar about 6 feet tall pulled back the bolt of the bolt action rifle and pushed it back forward.
“Captain Sparkles always wins against the dead!” he yelled. “Samantha get back up here, we have visitors,”
Chapter Four – Section One: What do you mean?

Oh and just in case you’ve been probably thinking: Why doesn’t he just find a phone and just get out of there? Well. Good question, one reason, my phone is dead. Two the cell towers won’t work if there isn’t anybody taking care of the cell signal, for the towers, in result: No phones.
“Who are you, and why are you here?” Samantha asked eagerly as we climbed a ladder up onto the top of the hangar. (She is Captain Sparkle’s sister)
“We saw a helicopter come over here and we came to search,” I replied.
“Yeah so, you think your going to be rescued,no,” the Captain Sparkles said to us, as his greeting.
“Really let’s just answer each others questions so we can all get out of here?” said Jessica.
“Just get this over with me and my sister were doing just fine till you came around,” Captain Sparkles said, still irritated. “Ok no rescuing the helicopter just came here to pick me up, and well I rejected, I don't want to go back, here is where I fell like I can release my anger of my life out on those freaks,”
“So no helicopter rescue?” asked Scotty.
“No,” he replied. “So you got what ya’ll wanted, so shoo,”
“Yeah one question, why do you have sparkles on you’re gun?” I asked him.
“Didn’t you catch my name, Captain Sparkles, I-I'm not crazy, don't think that,” he said.
Before we left I grabbed a pack of his ammo for his gun, 17. Hollow point, a pack of two hundred-fifty bullets.
   I didn’t want to talk with him anymore, sure it’s sad that helicopter isn’t going to pick us up but look at some of the good things. Well there isn’t very many…
   “Look what I grabbed,” I said, as I flashed it in front of my friends’ faces. Ok this was stealing but like Scotty said back in the store… “I think the rules change,” So… do what you need to do.
   “Yeah, so what are we going to do with some bullets? Throw them?” Jessica asked me with some sarcasm dripping.
“My dad has a gun, we can use it, I don't know really why we would but… we need to be prepared if anything happens. Right?” I told everybody.
    Just, most of this is all a big mess, I need to start rethinking my plan, maybe we can find a way to get some phone and cell connection somehow. Also the same way Captain Sparkles and his sister may have gotten the helicopter to come here, then again, maybe one of them sent the signal, maybe someone, knows about what’s going and can get us out of here.
   I always thought that there was a way out of everything, and that’s a good thing when you’re a leader.
   Well as we started to go back to the SUV, Captain Sparkles spoke up.
   “Hey, wait a min I haven’t told you everything, just… come back up here,” he said in a loud, clear voice. Now it’s really going to get interesting.

   “What, haven’t you told us?” I asked, as I came up the ladder with the rest of us.
   I could see it in his eyes now, he wasn’t truthful with us. Well I shoulda thought that, why else would he be here? I could see him tense up as we climbed up onto the hangar.
   “Well you… um I don't know how to tell you this but—,” he began to say.
   Samantha put the point in. “Look you just need to come with us; we’ll explain when we get there,”
   OK slow down, you’re taking us somewhere I don't think so, I'm not leaving until I know that… that, well I don't really need to know anything, wow, uh. I changed my mind, I started to listen closer.
   “It’s about you’re lives, you are very important,” she continued. “So are you in?”
   She must have seen my face; she looked at me blankly then shot away and looked back at me again, ready to listen to my answer. I looked around me; everybody was looking at me, my friends all speechless, Captain Sparkles and Samantha, just staring.
   I broke the silence. “Fine we will, everyone cool with that?”
   “What ever you say, but don't we have to go tell you’re parents?” Jessica asked, with her stunned expression still on.
   “We don't have time for that,” Captain Sparkles said, interrupting my response.
   “Why? Why can’t I?” I asked him.
   He ignored me and went to a small COM radio on his shoulder, well that was working, maybe it was satellite. It’s 2013 after all. “Sir, call back the pick up, we got ‘em,” he said.
   I'm confused. Were we hostages now?
   “Are we hostages now?” I asked him.
   Again he didn’t answer, he just had a straight face, and he just got all… serious.
   The helicopter was coming, slowly and it was getting late the sun had almost set completely. Silence for the entire time until the helicopter was there, looking up at it was huge, it had big propellers, and lots of seats, just enough to squeeze all of us in there.
   As it landed the wind pushed against us, making it hard to see, after it landed the engine turned off. Then man stepped out of the door, he wore a suit and a big tie, he just looked at me, and it seemed like he recognized me, I sure didn’t.
   “David, nice to see you again, you are, as you may know, a very important asset to saving the planet, come with me, you’re friends may come, they too are important,” he said. His voice was firm and deep, when he spoke it was hard not to listen.
   We stood before him shocked; we just obeyed him for no questions in return, except me. 
   “What did you mean by that?”

Extra sample:

Luckily we know how to fight. Even though our baseball bats were left at the helicopter, we still have fists and feet. The fun part is that the agents have handguns.
   There was a total of three agents. The first thing they do is pull out their guns. Why? Why not? I slide down near the front of one. Scotty and Jason dash behind a wall. Jessica runs up and pulls the one hand away from an agent's gun. She takes her fist and slams it into the main blood vain in his wrist, result screaming pain for the agent.
   I sucker punch my agent's face. He losened his grip on the gun. Which was enough for me to grab the gun by the barrel and twirl it into my hand. The agent realized what happened for a split second before there was the butt of Jessica's gun into his temple. Knock out!
   Scotty and Jason came around the corner, only to have the last agent behind him.
   "I got'em," I said as i slid pass the agent and shot the gun. Bang! A nice clean shot to his leg, he just fell to the ground, after, he rolled over onto his back and just looked at me.
   "You'll live," I said to him. He struggled to move his leg uselessly.
   The Director wasn't behind us either. Oh and did i ever mention that Jessica knew how to fight too... yeah. Anyway, I checked my gun's ammo. Fourteen beautiful 40 cal. bullets. Scotty grabbed the gun off the third agent and surprisingly we were almost to the exit with no more agents in the way.
   I almost forgot we had glider wings on our backs. Oh here's a really poor joke: When life gives you wings, you fly. Yeah, very poor, but you get the point.
   "Up the ladder," I told everyone. "Check your guns too,"
   I opened the hatch, and i expected a bright flash of sunlight, nope just darkness. Gotta remember how late it was when we got here. It was pure black, the moonlight didn't even show. I pressed the light on my watch, it glowed up and the time was revealed to my eyes... 10:17.
   "Everyone good?" i asked my friends.
   "Perfect, in ev'ry single way,"
   We all climed out of the hole then I shut the hatch. I looked around to see some of the town lights on.
   "Better start walking back before it gets any later," Jessica stated.
   "You do know we can fly back," I said.
   "David, i still, dont know how..." Scotty added.
   "We dont need the Director," I said back.
   "We could walk but it would take longer, and if we did go we could learn more about the wings," Jason included.
   "Fine," Scotty worked out.

   Scotty never really liked flying, but now he loves it! Scotty took up tward the sky, as he did the wings twitched.
   "Hey twitch," I labeled.

   I took up to the sky as Scotty did, Jessica and Jason followed. Flying is diffucult, and now in the sky it seemed even easier... Maybe the Director was right, am I developing new abilities?

Copyright 2012 Andrew Russell

Off Topic / My book name
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:03:47 PM »
The book is about 4 kids David, Jason, Scotty and Brandon, in a zombie apocalypse, a girl will come in later.
Should be finished by 2012 summer vacation.

General Discussion / Blocko 300's Zombie City RPG
« on: January 13, 2012, 09:48:54 PM »
Just letting people know my server so they can maybe have fun on of their lonely days.

General Discussion / Why is Blockland sooo frickan amazing!
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:45:40 AM »
Is it just me or is Blockland wayyyyyy better than rolbox with all of the possiblities

Clan Discussion / RE: New Clan IBC
« on: August 06, 2011, 12:29:59 PM »
Hello ppl Im making my new clan and im just wondering who wants to be in its International Building Clan
Join Now you can be a VIP member and get admin every time you join join my server and remember you need to be a builder not a FREAK!
Oh and cookies to every body! :cookie:  :cookieMonster:   :cookie:  :cookieMonster: NOM NOM NOM!

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