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Topics - TheFireyPhoenix

Pages: [1]
Help / Blockland Crash for no Reason :(
« on: May 03, 2007, 06:36:53 PM »
I wasn't doing anything at all, I was standing and building, and blockland randomly crashed, in the middle of a huge build :panda:

Modification Help / [Solved] .CS Opening Weird
« on: April 29, 2007, 01:44:13 PM »
I've been able to open up .cs files until now, I've checked word wrap and all that, and they still come out like this-

Clan Discussion / (\BH/) Reopened...
« on: April 28, 2007, 05:03:18 PM »
...this time without Marco.

Now that I don't have Marco to help me make bad decisions (kicking all members for no reason, build competitions, starting clan wars), and have newfound experience, I'm reopening BH (for the... 4th time? xD). If you want to join, contact me. You will have a better bet of contacting me via MSN or Email than ingame. If anyone wants to rejoin they don't have to apply unless requested. Everyone else must apply, and make at least a half-decent build. Originality counts more than looks, colors, effort, or anything else. This is how I will decide-

Effort- 5
Originality- 10
Creativity- 5
Detail- 5
Humor- 2

Maximum Score- 27
Minimum Passable Score- 15 (Some circumstances may change this, like 100% in creativity).

I'm going back to our old point, Deathmatching and Deathmatch related builds (War, ruins, giant warfare maps, etc.)

Best part is, we have Aloshi to make mods/weapons for us to test first, or maybe even be the only ones to own them (lol, bribery.) :cookieMonster:

Before I list reasons, I'm not calling any clan bad, or trying to troll. I'm giving you reasons to stop spamming applications.

1. It is very annoying seeing a million topics a day in the gallery that are all an application.

2. If you are a bad builder; you're going to get flamed and/or insulted.
If you are a good builder; Lets say theses this new clan called "[CLAN]". Its an awesome building clan and you want to join, and you're pretty sure you can get in with your skills. You post and application, and you are accepted. The next day you go on Blockland with your tag in. You join a freebuild server and someone says, "Hey look, he's in [CLAN], he must be a good builder!", when they used to say, "Hey look, its [whoever], he's an awesome builder!". In other words, you will lose respect, and you will be viewed as part of the clan instead of an individual.

3. What is the point of joining a clan in a game about interconnecting blocks?

4. Chances are the clan is crap, and will die soon.

5. You're going to feel better than everyone else and become disliked. (I believe one of the rules of USSR is "1. No elitism.", there must be a reason for this rule, no?)

6. You will probably bring/are bringing a bad name to the clan (For example, if you are a noob, they will see the whole clan as a noob, or if you suck at building and post 500 applications and all get rejected, people will see the clan as a bunch of losers and jackasses.)


General Discussion / Hello.
« on: April 04, 2007, 07:56:27 PM »
I have been reading these forums for the past two years now, but never bothered to join due to the complete idiocracy and ignorance of a lot of the members.
I play blockland and have played for quite a while, though you probably don't know me, because I usually play solo for the same reason I haven't joined these forums. I'll attempt to contribute useful posts to keep from following the same fate as many of you. If you must flame me then go ahead; you will be ignored and forgotten.

To wrap things up, I would like to introduce myself. Theres no real need to introduce yourself unless you would like to, as I know pretty much everyone here.

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