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Topics - Swagbot

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / I found a penguin in my bed!
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:41:58 AM »
Holy stuff wadda I do????
Its all slimy here is a picture


Off Topic / Im going to North Pole
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:30:21 AM »
I am going to the north pole anyone wanna come?
I am gonna bring my penguin farm and hopefully find santa if he is on the other side I will bitch slap him
on christmas.
Bring what you wish!

Off Topic / Jad quit,
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:16:55 PM »
Jad quit as you know it,
this is the last post I, Jad will ever do.
So bye bye community!
Have a good life without me!

Off Topic / Those Dam Bumpers.
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:53:46 PM »
Don't you just hate people who bump topics?
I don't mind if they have no B-U-M-P in it
but people just get pissed if they type a reply,
What are we to do if the people say post bugs,
Like people
Say there is
16 December
Ephialtes: Heres my add-on
(Add-on Download link here)
Please post bugs

16th December
Random dude: (Post)

25th December
Jad: Hey I found a bug!

25th December
Random Dude: Don't bump it stupid!

I just don't get it? Why must we complain about bump if there not saying the word B-U-M-P
I just don't ok!

Drama / Cat123 + 456 - Stolen Builds
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:03:41 AM »
Sorry for +456 I just had to...
Ok, So I was on Cat123's Server and realised that this build was familiar.
I then realise once 'Count' joins that it is Counts build
His 'All So Famous' Knife TDM Build that he doesn't host anymore is taken
I asked Count and he didn't say anything
I will gladly destroy this topic if Cat123 had got permission
Here are some pics
The different patterns to throw you off.

Also I would gladly

If Cat123 had permission
Which I doubt
Sorry for pic spam but I didn't know how to make small....

Off Topic / What would you do to the user above you?
« on: December 22, 2011, 12:51:29 AM »
Example: Above me is: Namehere (Lets say %1)
He will be burnt to death,
Topic says all!

Help / Keys are not working in game/out of game
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:55:58 PM »
Hello as you know I am Swagbot,
I am currently having a problem were I cannot use the keys
one (Number version)
the toggle tools keybind (Default)
console key,
and ESC,
me and my friend WALDO have tried everything,
from updating my driver to asking people who have had the problem.
if anyone knows please post below.
my keys are starting to stop working so in about 3 months all my keys wont work.
post below......

General Discussion / Blocktropolis Back In Action!
« on: October 25, 2011, 01:56:53 AM »
Well hello, As you know I am Swagbot also know as Jad.
Me and Cciamlazy have been working on a City RPG like none other.
This is the biggest project we are working on we put hours and days into this and we present to you!
We are starting it back up!
We are currently working on some bug fixes and glitches that may or sometimes occur.
Current stage: Alpha
You may be wondering what is actually the point of just a new city RPG?
More will be coming and an update of the stages I will upload pictures at the moment they are marked Higher than top secret.
Cciamlazy will be hosting for around 2 weeks then I will take over we will probably be hosting 24/7
Anyways quick note the server name will be:
Jad's Blocktropolis
Cciamlazy's Blocktropolis
Or something like that.
we will update on the further things we add but this is a quick preview of the mod.
Anyone who wants to sign up for the Beta when it comes to Beta will follow this format
Reason you want to be a Beta tester
How long you have been known to me or Cciamlazy.
Leave your comments below Below

Drama / Malfunction & Paperdemon abusing votekick!
« on: October 01, 2011, 04:49:07 PM »
Hello well I was on Moby1997's server then blocker Is cake, Malfunction and Paperdemon join.
Then they start votekicking each other and Im like wtf? so Blocker is cake is my friend so I voted no every time they votekick him and I ask what the reason is and they say "For being an starfish thats why." and then after that I votekick Malfunction for freevotekicking and then he just goes Spazzy and of course they all vote yes.
After that he got votekick and then the server got full so Paperdemon votekicks me and I am just saying why?
He then trys to get everyone to say yes which they say no
In the end they are out for me and blocker banning me and him from every server that they have admin on.
Sorry for no proof but I took pictures but they arn't there...
 /Discuss some more

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