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Topics - Alyx Vance

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It's important information for data preservation reasons

General Discussion / How do you actually feel about Blockland Rebuilt?
« on: October 07, 2023, 01:26:58 PM »
honestly seems alright to me so far but i know a few people got criticisms towards it

did you have a bad experience in the game?

how about the discord?

just wanted to ask because we've been mostly hosting on rebuilt with plans to host on v21 as well... just wanted to know how everyone felt about it and why  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Dedicated in V21? (help section is dead, sorry)
« on: September 25, 2023, 03:36:26 PM »
I'm trying to start a dedicated in V21 but I can't seem to find a way to actually start one. The steam version doesn't have one, using the dedicated server launcher from the non-steam v21 just resulted in a failed authentication and I can't find any good documentation regarding my issue.
I noticed a lot of V21 servers are dedicated so I know it's possible, I just can't figure it out for the life of me 

Off Topic / bored lol
« on: September 07, 2023, 03:38:34 PM »
i did everything, posted on here, chatted on discord, even went outside and tried to touch grass

still bored D:

why is the internet so boring nowadays

Off Topic / confession: i am wookie
« on: September 07, 2023, 02:19:07 PM »
i actually have to come clean about one thing i did lie about years ago

i said i removed all hair on my face and that i am not a wookie

but i have come here to admit after all these years, i am wookie

so far i have shaved my face 2 times today and still am prickly.

sadly i can't grow enough facial hair to fully become a bearded lady, if i grow it out i look like a douchbag

i prefer to look like a corpse :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / i f ucking died
« on: September 07, 2023, 08:36:54 AM »
just felt stuffty for like 3 days (probably the tropical weather)

General Discussion / Peavy's Halloween Build 2023
« on: August 27, 2023, 02:03:55 AM »
^ This is a placeholder ^

What the forget is this?

It is a community made terrain build similar to Badspot's Block Party or many of the City Build's I've done in the past.
In order to build the terrain, we'll use the cube bricks and you'll build a plot that connects to the rest of the terrain.

You can either contribute to the build or just explore the spookiness. You don't need to be good at building in order to contribute.

When the forget will it be hosted?

The server will start September 25th, and stay up until late November.

We want to give people enough time to build before October.

Why the forget make the thread now?

With how slow traffic is to the forums, it's smart to inform everyone early.

It also gives everyone time to start gathering other builders and friends or make suggestions.

(If you know any addons that would be fitting and you'd like to see on the server, please suggest)

What loving version will this be hosted on?

Nowadays multiple versions of BL can be easily accessed (Thank you to B4v21 <3)

This is another thing that hasn't been exactly decided, but it will likely be either V21 or Blockland Rebuilt.

Regardless, it needs to have working shaders for extra spoOoOky

What the forget can I do?

There will probably be heavily evented builds (like spooky carnivals), so you can just forget around and explore

You could build (wow!)

Join just to chill, chat, touch your snake, etc.

You can start a minigame

You can even have gay furry RP love (epic bro)

The Gallery / Media

- Empty for now -

Staff and Roles

Peavy/Alyx Vance: Host / Dirty Slut

Lizzy: Admin / Evil Bitch

EDIT: Moved date from 10th to 25th

Off Topic / Please stop dying - or make a time machine!!!
« on: August 25, 2023, 04:21:39 PM »
deviantArt has turned to stuff(more than it was). myspace and tumblr are basically gone. 4chan is 4chan

this place and other forums are the last remnants of 2000s internet and i'm loving SAD :panda:

discord is cool but it's more like a chatroom or a steam group... they just don't have the same feeling as a forum.

the internet becoming what it is today stings so much, i do all of my work from home, digital freelance kind of stuff, when I'm not working... i'm so bored D:

bout ready to just abandon dA and make a loving neocities site

but it's fine...

about to bawl over a loving block game dude :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

when i was younger and getting into drama on here, i never thought it dying would be the thing that affects me the most... at the end of the day, it is just a game/website/whatever... but i guess im more sad about the "end of an era" than anything. i cant let it go.

i just wish that i could relive 2008-2013 with the same experience and life i have now. i will be the last person on here... not even the person who owns this account wants to forget with it anymore.

i've been trying to figure out what i actually want to do next. i've messed with game dev (but only to make paper doll type stuff, i'm not gonna be making yet another block game).

i learned flash and got my adobe stuff just to make the kind of games i'd play all the time, only to have flash purged from the internet too. (god bless Ruffle and bluemaxima's flashpoint). i miss flash websites so loving bad.

i've been working on a comic book for a few years now and while it's nowhere close to publishing status, it's going to be heavily inspired by this games' existence. it'll be subtle, it won't be a block game. there won't be self inserts (cause they turn into mary sues often). there will just be a game that a group of like 20 characters are physically bound to and cannot leave. it'll be Code Lyoko type stuff, most likely... so that way outsiders can never figure out it was ever inspired by this game. it'll just be for us.

This is not a leaving post, i will never leave. i will never let it go. i know about us being on borrowed time, and i have this soul crushing feeling of dread that this year is actually gonna be the last.

i already have most of you on discord and can be found in most of the Blockland channels... but just in case

Mine is just lizzyrascal

Peavy/pie man/Alyx Vance is .peavy

Creativity / Blockland Crafts
« on: August 24, 2023, 01:58:30 PM »
I recently got kind of bored with drawing so i've started messing with polymer clay, shrink plastic, epoxy resin, etc.

i decided since i got back into playing Blockland, i would make all kinds of BL stuff. Obviously I have no intentions to sell any of it, but if i can find a way to give some of it out i will.

I'll be honest; because i haven't been doing physical crafts for a long time, i'm not happy with them like the way i'm happy with my drawings. A lot of them look kind of bad but i'm posting them anyway because it's fun.

So far I only made 2 rounds of magnets and some keychain prototypes, but I think they came out really interesting so i decided to share

Here is the first round of shrinky dink magnets. The acrylic coating i use for glazing didn't seem to stick very well and even looked like stuff because it got foggy and cracked. I'll probably use epoxy resin next time around. The coloring also looked stuffty because i only colored on one side of the plastic

The second round came out much cleaner because I made sure to color both sides with a pencil. (Prismacolor pencil with the extra sanded variety yielded the best results because of the soft pencil lead on the rough surface). Although they still came out extremely rough. However, progress.

The wrench and zombie came out amazingly. I was super careful and made sure to put a very thin layer of glaze on it. The B logo probably would've came out better if I was more careful with the glaze.

Another thing is that the magnet strips had really bad adhesive so i had to painstakingly super glue them on. (You can actually see where i got super glue on some of the magnets by being dumb lol) 

Here's all of the magnets I made with shrink plastic so far.

They all seem to have the same issue (the glaze going on too thick and then cracking when it shrinks). The only way I could sort of fix it was doing another layer of glaze and then scraping it with a card. This  worked for the Eye of Cthulhu magnet, but it didn't really turn glossy, it kind of became lumpy and even foggy in some spots. From now I'll probably only use the glaze for clay and paper crafts

The clay crafts are the ones I am extremely happy with, they came out how I wanted. except the noob face is having a stroke XD

The already painted ones are sort of "prototypes" for the keychains I wanted to make, and the unpainted ones are going on my keys when finished.

Supplies I used:
  • Crafter's Collection white polymer clay
  • Apple barrel acrylic paint
  • Liquitex acrylic medium (clear glossy) for the glaze
  • Grafix shrink film (both in white and in clear sanded)
  • Prismacolor colored pencils
  • Astrobrights white cardstock
  • "Adhesive" magnet strip
  • Krazy Glue

WARNING: Do not put loving acrylic-anything into an oven, it will catch on fire. Only use acrylic on stuff you already baked.

Liquitex is pretty good on clay, it's water resistant and doesn't get too easily forgeted up by the sun or extreme temps, it's not the best though. It was annoying to use with shrinky dinks unless I used a thin layer.

Epoxy resin (UV or time setting) is absolutely the superior gloss. It's just expensive and is bullstuff to work with.

The metal jewelry findings that I use for keychains can be bought at literally any store that sells hardware and/or craft stuff, even dollar stores. The little screw in hooks are often called screw eyes, the long ones without screws are called eye pins. I typically use screw eyes with smaller keychains because they hold better when glued in due to the threading (i believe this is what it's referred to).

However for bigger keychains I will often use the long eye pins.... just make sure you use a really loving strong water bonding adhesive such as krazy or gorilla glue, they will slip out with literally anything else. It can be off-brand, it just needs to be the kind that binds from moisture because that stuff is strong. If you get it on your skin or glue your fingers together, you can remove it with most kinds of oil such as baby oil.

If you're an environmental person or just straight up busted; I believe you can also recycle plastic scrap and use it as shrink plastic. Almost every plastic container will tell you what "type" of plastic it is made of. Some shrink plastic is quite literally the same plastic used in some food containers, just be careful and do your forgetin research... don't gas yourself or burn your goddamn house down like a loving idiot. Also get a fan when working with any craft that needs to be baked or cured, it's probably toxic.

Games / Terarria 1.4.5 is coming this year
« on: August 23, 2023, 06:33:27 PM »
Terraria is getting a pretty cool content update that will include a cross-over with dead cells. i haven't played dead cells yet but it looks really interesting.

I tend to really like the games they crossover with, which is actually how i discovered stardew valley and corekeeper.

but anyway supposedly this is really the last update (yeah, okay)

out of all the things that get added to Terraria I really wish there was a sand bomb... i use the dirt bombs to fill in holes all the time, so why tf do i need to manually place sand?! but that's such an oddly specific thing, i doubt it'd be added unless someone suggests it.

one of the features that was teased is supposedly a voice slider, which will probably be good for female characters (which sound like they're getting raped each time they take damage). better whips as well, which i hope will make summoning more worth it as a class and not just a secondary thing.

but out of all the features we know are coming, I really am excited for the new seed menu, which is apparently going to let you mix special seeds to create unique worlds.

i kind don't like the secret seeds so i hope the ability to mix and match my world will change that (like i can mix "for the worthy" and "drunk" seeds to create the most torturous, awful, insane, forget you kind of difficulty). despite the fact i always get stuck on lunatic cultist and end up giving up on the world, i really enjoy the high difficulties.

Off Topic / I feel like a completely different person
« on: August 23, 2023, 10:42:34 AM »
i dont even really know why i felt like saying this, but i woke up feeling like i should post this

i don't know if it's my age, or the fact i moved out of the inner city, but within the past 2-5 years i have grown and felt like i changed completely

i was absolutely insane and looking back i realize that i kind of treated people like stuff, burned bridges and just was completely batstuff to anyone i could get close to. i had too much pride in the past to admit i was wrong, but i know now i was a crazy bitch lol

when i look back at my past, i actually do realize there was a lot of self destructive behavior and a lot of lashing out on my end. i was also pretty manipulative whenever i felt like i needed attention, which i definitely feel guilty for from time to time.

i'm only bringing this up for context and closure; i had extremely bad habits, made bad life choices when i lived in the city, i didn't get along with my parents, and had some weird stuff happen to me and got really sick when i was young etc. this all probably contributed to my personality issues but i was still an starfish. i used these kinds of things to excuse being crazy and having bad habits for a really long time

i realize now that my life being imperfect was not a reason to mentally abuse other people.

the only reason i forgive myself for these things is because i was a troubled teen, but that doesn't mean i don't acknowledge it was wrong and that i was a jerk to people i actually still care about. i dont feel like i have to hate anymore.

this morning i sat down and talked to my husband, and we both miss a lot of people we used talk to on here. he misses his old friends, and so do i.

so i suppose the point of this thread was to say that i'm sorry to the people i hurt

Off Topic / Rawr XD XD!! 1!! O_O
« on: August 18, 2023, 03:15:11 PM »
 :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: O_o

H4I !! XD RAWR (which men i luv u in dnisoaur bt also meanz haiii!!!!!))) i f33l extr4  le randum 2day lul XDD

so im goin 2 b EP1C !!

n s4y cum 2 teh le darksidez cuz we hab c00kiez n lotz 0f Hot Topic (EPCI ST0RE BTW!! warnin: /!\ R34L EMO ONLY!! no p0zerz)

otherw1ze if u dunt succum 2 my evil wrath :p :P :P den u WILL gt PWNED N00B!!!1

XD XD random mode off!!!: >_> >.< >w<

on n0ez!!! random mode - turning on!!11!:

randum level: OVAA 9000!!!! XD

O_O <_< O_o
so if ur n0t a fuuckin n0oob 0r p0zer (uihm wuld b an epic F4IL!!!!!!11!!) u can 4dd me on myspace :D epic@!!  btw im super randum XD

every1 likes curage wolf but he is G4YYYY i like INSANITY WOLF bcuz hes crazy n randum like me!!!!11 XD :p :3 >:3 >:3

Forum Games / Post a GIF that describes how you feel about BLF dying
« on: August 14, 2023, 10:40:31 PM »

Off Topic / What's something you miss from the 2000s?
« on: August 13, 2023, 05:07:01 PM »
I just genuinely do miss forums like this that were for a specific theme or extremely small game. I cling to this one and a few other small ones but overall i really miss when we frequently perused like 5 websites or communities rather than it all being lumped onto one platform and they were active

Discord has overall done a good job at feeling the void of niche communities, but sometimes chat rooms just go too fast to have long conversations

I might make another anime megathread, maybe that would give us stuff to talk about

Off Topic / uWu DaddyBaddy-chan~ >o< :3 :3
« on: August 09, 2023, 11:46:43 PM »
Im DaddyBaddy's little ghost brick >o< when daddyBaddy feels horny he lifts me up and puts me on his huge brick richard
and I click click click. NO PLANT ERROR. I keep getting LAG but DaddyBaddy keeps spamming me untill I EVENT PROJECTILE. Leaving all my blocks Water FX for daddyBaddy and his 8x rapid cummies are all inside me wiggling around just like Undulo... DaddyBaddy's admin wand is soooo big, bigger than A.T.C Fort and 1000 bricks long. DaddyBaddy is giving me so many cummies they need to load a million datablocks~!! >o< >//w//<

 :panda: :panda: :panda:

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