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Topics - Mackerel

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Buying a computer
« on: October 09, 2011, 05:04:25 PM »
The last one I was trying to get rose 200 bucks so I have no chances in getting it. I need one that can run BF3, or something with ease at med settings. price range is about $400-$550

« on: October 09, 2011, 01:30:08 AM »

Games / Terraria Problem
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:19:27 PM »

This happens every time I start up a world or join a sever. I have plenty of space in all my drivers. I've tried reinstalling it, but it didn't work. Help me ; ;

Off Topic / Looking for a song.
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:57:14 PM »
The video is like these two guys going to meet up with a girl and they have these crazy ass shirts that kinda go with the song.

Off Topic / My stupid leg
« on: September 27, 2011, 04:57:24 PM »
I messed up my leg last month, and we had it checked out yesterday. It's kinda messed up. Got an X-ray today and its broken and somehow I've been walking on in. Now I have this giant cast that weighs about half my weight, and a riot of ugly girls begging to sign my casts tomarrow.

; ;

Creativity / Poems
« on: September 26, 2011, 09:57:28 PM »
Been bored and I've been doing this a lot in the past few months. Did this one in class while I was bored. Inspired by my first day of school this year ;(

They weild their knives,
right behind you.
To tell the secrects,
of your lives.
They could be anyone.
They could be your favorite,
the one you won.
They could be next to you,
They could have already stabbed.
They could be just lowering it
The knives of lives,
The knive that could ruin your lives.

Please rate c:

Pages: [1]