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Topics - Reshiram

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions & Requests / Creeper Gamemode
« on: April 30, 2021, 12:13:55 PM »
The topic I've made before is probably much too old to bump, if I made one... can't remember.

Basically, it's an expanding mass of bricks that kill you on touch, covering wherever it can.

Possibly add options like making it so conventional damage could work, rather than just a specific spray, option for damage it deals on touch...

The classic one all the way back when Maps were a thing was fun to use, and the Super Creeper someone made has its own issues...

Suggestions & Requests / Guide on SpaceBots?
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:13:18 AM »
A guide or the GUI of sorts for Space Bots, I've looked through the code and I can't exactly tell what arguments are needed and the like for the commands..

Suggestions & Requests / Creeper World-esque growth
« on: January 17, 2018, 05:09:55 AM »
Something kinda akin to what Creeper we got now, but it can grow more than just on surfaces, much like Creeper World 4 in dev atm. Could be more dynamic than what Creeper we got now.

Gallery / ReShade topic 2.0 (or something)
« on: July 08, 2016, 08:57:41 AM »
(I only saw one ReShade topic a while ago, could be more than 2.0)

I got a new GPU recently that runs stuff really well so I decided to re pick up Reshade and tinker around with it, one of the candidates to do so was in fact Blockland, so here we go, ReShade revival!

If you don't know what ReShade is, it's a "program" (it's rather a .dll that hooks onto a game's rendering) and can add an array of shading effects, such as for example Cel shading (Borderlands series is mostly known for that kind) shown here:

(Disclaimer: Cel Shading requires Depth Buffer access, which Reshade disables in Multiplayer automatically. Also... GUI's act silly with them as they're not 3d objects, the lines the shading makes show through them!)

You can even make your own, which I haven't bothered to do because I'm not a shader coder or anything of the likes.
Share your screenshots of your own tinkering here!

ReShade link:

Forum Games / BLF Plays Chess
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:41:40 AM »
Blockland Forums plays chess against me!

State your move in grid form, an example is my first move (I'm white)

Pawn A-2 to A-4

Your move, BLF

(First post's move is the one that will be used, to avoid me picking the best move for me)

General Discussion / What was the first server you joined?
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:17:12 AM »

To go into detail, just state what you remember about the first server you ever joined in Blockland (The very first, with your first BL key)

Name the server, its host, what happened, what you were doing, what others were doing, etc.
Anything you can remember.

The first server I joined was back when I first got this game on my birthday of 2008, it was a server set in the Bedroom, where you could only build with these sort of 1x1 type bricks, I forgot what they were called, they weren't default 1x1's though. Sadly I can't recall the name of the server or its host, but the builds made were quite interesting.


Specifically the functions relating to starting a mission, 'cause I'd really like to fix this:
( Blockland Central Hub by Lilboarder, original RTB topic here: )

If anyone could even help me (such as helping find the functions that're broken) and even give me a short crash course on Torque, I'd be grateful.

Deciding to take matters into my own hands with at least fixing that script, since Lilboarder appears to not be around anymore.

Hopefully I'm not being too intrusive about this! Sorry if I am!

Off Topic / So I noticed this in the "Gallery" board
« on: January 13, 2015, 06:39:23 AM »

Someone likes the Gallery?

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland Central Hub
« on: January 04, 2015, 12:13:07 PM »
Anyone remember this? I found the old one on RTB by Lilboarder, however it's still coded for the version before shaders, so I think it just plainly doesn't work.

I'd love to see this continued, I've always wanted to give Blockland a Hub, brings a bit more liveliness to the menu.

Off Topic / Bad cough, won't go away.
« on: January 05, 2014, 04:49:13 PM »
I got this horrible cough, it won't go away and my temp is around 99.
Sometimes my heart rate would reach 100-130.
It's getting annoying, anyone else got this?

Games / Dynasty/Samurai Warriors thread!
« on: January 05, 2014, 04:06:11 PM »
Unsure if anyone has made this, but from what I've seen, few people have even heard of either game let alone Koei, so here I go.

Dynasty/Samurai Warriors thread!
Talk about:
  • Favorite out of all of them
  • Favorite Character
  • Favorite spinoff (Empires, EX L, I think those are the only ones.

INFO (If you don't know the games but from the thread wanna check it out)
Basic summary: Dynasty/Samurai warriors is a third person (non fixed) hack and slash made by Koei, they take place in 6th century (or so) China/ 16th century Japan respectively. One can play as many warriors, some that actually existed, some made up, and fight through ranks of enemies to unify the land. In the main games, the main mode (Called Musou Mode) is basically the story mode, and each character features their own story. In the Empires spinoffs, the player can play as a main game character or make their own and fight strategically to unify all of China/Japan under one ruler! Two player is include in most, either Co-op story or free mode, or some have competitive versus.
Dynasty Warriors:
Samurai Warriors:

(I would have formatted this better but I'm on my iPhone. So, if this goes well I'll format it better.)

Suggestions & Requests / More Bot AI events
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:25:22 PM »
This would be interesting to see. It'd make bot AI more flexible.

One Idea I have is a wander setting where the bot stays close to a player, but wanders around when the player they are following is idle or close enough. (Parameters could be the same as the lookplayer output.)

More ideas? Fire away, I'm not much of a scripter myself, the best I know is very basic LUA.

Off Topic / Any interesting dramas or other Forum sights?
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:21:31 PM »
I have not logged in a long time, so I probably missed a lot.

Better catch up, I guess.

Off Topic / Songs that stick to your mind
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:40:19 AM »
Ever had a song, of any type, stay in your thoughts for days?

Which song, and where did you hear it?

Erectin' a river. (Engie techno as I call it)


Off Topic / Ever been to/lives in Alaska?
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:19:02 AM »
I was born and raised here in Ketchikan, Alaska.
Have any of you even stepped foot on this state?
If so, which city and for what reason?

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