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Topics - Lalam24

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Gallery / Millenium Falcon progress
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:10:35 AM »
I haven't worked on this in accouple of months but thought I might as well just make a thread for future progress

all criticism welcome.  I know the size isn't as big as some may think it should look, and you'd be correct if it weren't for the canon scaling being below what is actually possible.  So instead of wasting my time figuring out what'd be the the perfect size, I wasted my time figuring out how to make the given size as good as I could ingame.

Creativity / 3D (TRADITIONAL) General (mostly toy stuff)
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:40:22 PM »
Since there's no general for this stuff, though I might as well make a topic.
Beyond what's obvious, any work for stuff meant to be printed or worked on in person is accepted here.  Clearly if you feel it should be in the digital 3D topic, throw it there.  Even simple photographs of toys and stuff are welcome here.

My stuff:
Current project:

Going to be completely scratch built using raw materials (POM, Prosculpt, Fixit Sculpt).  Will probably post progress shots as I go a long.

Scratch builds (minus joints and some other misc items):


(didn't sculpt the joints, pistol or ankle straps)

(didn't sculpt joints or straps on shield/holding sheath)

Heavier mods/paint:

A lot more stuff here:

Creativity / Blockland iScribble v3
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:24:13 AM »

Name: Blockland v3

It's a private room which'll usually be publicly viewable.  Give me your username if you want to be invited.


Currently invited (iscribble usernames only)

When you're done with something, PLEASE delete it.

Off Topic / Clearing up some things
« on: October 19, 2013, 01:48:20 AM »
This is based on knowledge I've obtained throughout my life and statistic or fact which tends to be ignored by others.

Mathematically and historically, almost all mainstream religions are false. Or, rather, their supernatural concepts cannot exist if you rely on the texts alone (which is essentially the only form of evidence most religions have). But what needs to be understood is that most ideals are not fact. Science is not fact, science is study based on reasonable and inconsistent evidence which is purposely meant to be questioned (contrary to modern day religion). Evolution is not fact, it's a theory based on reasonable observation. Atheism is not fact, it's a belief based on the absence of another specific belief (which, contrary to what most people say, isn't the lack of a belief; atheism doesn't state the absence of acknowledgement on theistic ritual, but the opposition of a belief in what theism promotes). Christianity is not fact, it's a set of very well written stories primarily adapted from ancient literature to work with monotheism. Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, Catholicism, etc, all fall into the same basic catagory. Believe in what you want, but never use your belief to argue superiority, because it cannot and will never work. You only show how little you're willing to take in new knowledge, which is far from an achievement or a mental development.

A religion also doesn't define a person. Constantly slamming judaism because you're under the impression all jewish individuals are out to harm you is not only based on nonexistent statistic, but paranoia prompted by.. well, stupidity.

Homoloveuality isn't a choice (based on biology that isn't homegrown speculation). Chromosomal mutations/hormonal preferences aren't magically warped by mental power.

I'm open to anyone's objections and I'm willing to argue my point further or accept knowledge which I may have not been aware of.

Creativity / Custom Figures General
« on: December 01, 2012, 02:45:12 PM »
Couldn't bump my old topic, so I thought I might as well make a new one.  This one not exclusive to my works, either.  So, if you have custom painted warhammer stuff, or if anyone here works with action figures like I do, post 'em!

Scratch built (aside from joints, and the pistol + straps on project: LALAM) figures:

I updated this a bit from the last time.  I completely repainted the eyes with a brighter green, same with the light on his forehead, outlined that, outlined the vulcan cannons, filled in the vent on his forehead, replaced the neck entirely,  and sanded down the beam saber edges.  Overall, if you hadn't seen the last one, I painted a lot of the smaller details/panel lines.  Original:

Paintjob/turret modification for the Tomyarts Arwing:

Edit of the G-EXES HG Gundam kit:

Cannon on FoC Optimus made from random parts from other figures:

Did a lot more work to the proportioning on this figure.  Original figure is the McFarlane Anniversary Combat Evolved Master Chief:
Second edit:

Shoulder joints are completely changed, he now has true bicep swivels and more articulation in the area.  The elbow bend was lowered for accuracy, arms shortened, hands replaced completely.  The knees were shortened, the neck was given a lot more room to work with the helmet, and the I sanded below his crotch/around the waist armor, making it look less large/removing a lot of unnecessary plastic.

I also repainted the figure:

Did some work to the Halo 4 Master Chief figure.  I lowered the length of the arms, above the biceps and at the wrists, I extended the neck, pushed it back a bit, and replaced the shoulder pads completely.  The paintjob is rough/sloppy, I know, I had done some layers earlier this year and didn't really have a way of compensating for it.


Really did a lot of work to this guy.  I removed the shoulderpads completely, and attached them through some of the stretchy GI-Joe strap fabric, so they could move as they would in the CGI cutscenes.  I replaced the wrists with a tiny peg so they weren't as stupidly long, allot the neck to bend down and forward more, and cut down the visor (behind the piece) so it could sit better on the helmet.  I also painted in some of the areas which were darker on the CG model, and drybrushed a tad.


This was actually really fun to do. I simply had this figure lying around, so I wanted to spice him up. He was originally an all dark-metallic grey, so I drybrushed over it with a midtone grey. I realised, after that, I wanted to try out a new technique which was, instead of painting on scratches, painting around them. And that's exactly what it is here.

Did a pretty speedy paintjob on this guy. Had a fun time, too. Problem is, I don't want to paint the rest once I buy them, so I really don't know what to do now.

The figure is one of the new TMNT Nick figures from Playmates:

This is my preferable spartan in-game. Had this setup for a while, just wanted to take a few shots of the things I touched up. I cleaned up a lot of areas in general, outlined all of the lights/highlighted them, added on some decals, and fixed up some of his joints.

Off Topic / Figma Link Released
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:20:01 PM »

Creativity / Project: LALAM (Action figure)
« on: November 02, 2012, 04:07:09 PM »

Here's the OC I've been working on for a while. I DID NOT sculpt the following:
Gun (aside from the handle)
Joints + sockets
GI: Joe straps (the bands around the ankles and holding the holster)

Everything else was sculpted using super sculpey/fixit sculpt. The figure is ridiculously small, standing about a 2 heads taller than your average GI:Joe/SW figure, and contains:
Triple ball jointed neck (two balls connecting to neck piece slide up and down, allowing for height adjustment), double jointed torso, and ball jointed inner shoulder joints (all of these are the less obvious points of articulation, not all of them). Shield and Holster were made using Styrene sheets.

Vague recipe:
All of the sockets are poly pieces from gundams/kotobukiya kits. The shoulders (not the inner ball joint) are ankles from a halo ODST figure, the ankles are ball joints from some older gundam, with polycaps from an old kotobukiya kit. The torso double ball joint is from the ODST's neck, the sockets from gundams. The shoulders are Reach wrists, the neck is a bunch of different sized sockets/ball joints, the knees are from a Joe, and the hips are the second to smallest Revoltech joints.

Deviantart page:

Games / Skyward Sword - Wii Motion+ Issue (not common?)
« on: October 13, 2012, 12:18:53 AM »
I know this is old news, but I can't seem to find anyone else with my specific issuee. I'll try to be as straight forward as possible, but sadly my explaination lacks the proper evidence to validate it.

Anyway, while playing Skyward Sword, the motion plus used to be absolutely fantastic. I always had to center, etc, but it wasn't ever really an issue. (this question is on the side, but it relates to my issue)I'm unaware of how the sword/bird/other things you cannot "center" work. Are they based on the sensor? It doesn't seem that way, considering I can be turned around and use my sword the same way if I recalibrate it. More on track, I seem to be getting an issue where the sword, or any of those other items drops down too far, or up too much. When I swing the sword up a couple of times, and recenter my wii remote (manually place it horizontal, considering the down key doesn't center the sword, only the cursor), his hand is almost completely to the ground. When I swing it down several times, it goes up completely, making me skyward strike often. It's easy to fix, but it's incredibly annoying, because it happens when using the beetle and flying the bird (for the same reasons; flapping the wings on the bird, etc).

I also find myself completely incapable of leaping after a short period of time. No matter how I swing the remote, I cannot leap, then, suddenly, it starts working. It doesn't just stop working and start working immediately, though. I usually have to recalibrate/if I don't, it starts working after accouple minutes of more gameplay. I assumed this had something to do with my initial problem, considering whenever I tried leaping, the remote was completely off when I pulled out my sword.

Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / Favorite Film/Television Scores
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:48:58 PM »
Pretty self explainatory, post your favorite film/television score(s).

15. Ip Man - Maestro

14. Star Trek - Enterprising Young Men

13. Iron Man - Driving with the Top Down

12. Transformers Animated (Jap) Theme

11. Escape from New York Theme:

10. Doctor Who: All the Strange, Strange Creatures

9. G Gundam: Moeagare Toushi Ima Washiki Shukumei wo Koete

8. Gundam Unicorn: MAD-NUG

7. Lifeforce Theme

6. Akira: Kaneda

5. The Avengers Theme

4. Pirates: Drink Up Me Hearties:

3. X-Men First Class: First Class

2. Tron: Legacy - Flynn Lives

1. Cyborg 009: Cyber Theme

Off Topic / SUPER ROBOT/Tokusatsu/Figure General!
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:05:27 PM »
And men in giant monster costumes/tight outfits fighting crime!

No autistic spazzing about what is or isn't a super robot, please.  Eastern, western, etc, all are welcome. (yes, this includes Transformers)

Tokusatsu is Kamen Rider/Power Ranger/Godzilla esque.

As a headsup, I'll probably be contributing more to the merch discussion, so I'll give that a boost:
...but, first
This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory!


i hope you enjoyed the climax.  100% original do not steal
And, now, toys:

And now for my some minor Toku' love:

Off Topic / Collection photos -- What do you collect?
« on: January 14, 2012, 11:56:35 AM »
Post photos of your collection(s) ~ video games, toys, rocks, coins, etc.

Drama / Tenshi (Emo Freak)
« on: December 07, 2011, 05:17:14 PM »
I have a difficult time finding people this power hungry.  He's constantly offering concequence for the simplist of practices.  Examples:

(I'm kicked several times during the course of this conversation.  If something doesn't make sense, I'll clear it up once requested):

A more recent situation:

His ignorance really shouldn't be tolerated.

Drama / Flaming Ninja: i hax you
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:42:11 PM »
Another wonderful pest roaming around.  I really can't get enough humor from people who threaten to hack others when they're at the shorter end of the stick.

After the ban:

Creativity / Artisan General
« on: August 24, 2011, 07:25:41 PM »
Not only would I rather not make a new thread for every project I start, but I also like to encourage people to try their hand at this sort of thing.  So, post anything related to 3D traditional works!

NOTE: Anything artworks you've produced that are 3 dimensional, and NOT displayed in a digital fashion(3D printed objects are permitted), can be posted here. 

(What was used/how they were used to make Link: )

Creativity / Sculpture *WIP*
« on: August 12, 2011, 10:56:56 PM »
Nameless sculpture - work in progress.

Original character design.. which is, although many people assume otherwise, a lot easier than copying an existing character design.

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