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Topics - DANBOII96

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / Advice for putting computers in a shed
« on: October 15, 2013, 08:00:48 PM »
I have a couple of servers and a VoIP phone I would like to move out of the house and into a shed as they make noise throughout the house. Getting power and network to the shed wont be a problem but would any of you know if it would be better to use a wooden or metal shed to put these in. Any other advice and suggestions kindly appreciated.

Off Topic / RAID Controller Recomendations
« on: September 19, 2013, 02:32:18 PM »
OK, so I have a home server system with a motherboard that has two PCI-E slots an x1 and an x16 (Graphics slot).

What I want to do is move away from my system being on a single drive so that if that drive fails I can then just pop in a new one and carry on as normal.

I bought this and I may possibly want to but this in the near future.  What I want to do is have 2 or 3 raid 1 arrays or 1 raid 10 array that I can add disks to later I do NOT want raid 0 as this is defeating the objective and placing me at greater risk of my system going down.

So any 4/8 port pcie raid controller suggestions?

Off Topic / Requesting website review
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:00:46 PM »
I have developed a website that (If you guys have the time) I would like to get reviewed.

The URL is

I think I uploaded the site before but it has been updated a lot since then. Accepting all criticism.

Off Topic / Why do some people think the plural for LEGO is LEGOS
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:02:30 PM »
The most frustrating thing I hear is "LEGOS". if you have more than one brick it is still LEGO. What are your comments on this?  :cookieMonster:

Help / Blockland compatibility with windows home server
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:42:04 PM »
Instead of hosting a game servers on a windows 2008 r2 vps, I would like to host the game servers with an In house solution, as I don't need all the bells and whistles windows server 2008 r2 has to offer, a windows home server would be much more suitable for me, however I am unsure if a dedicated blockland server would run on windows home server.

Could anyone give me any information on this?

Gallery / Guess the build
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:27:22 PM »
Greifer told me to upload this... Can you guess what it is?  :cookieMonster:

Help / Dedicated Server Auto-Start On Server Boot Without login
« on: December 30, 2012, 07:39:10 PM »
I run a vps and I wan't to setup a blockland server, however I don't like the idea of having to login everytime the server is rebooted. I would like blockland to be run once the server has booted up and windows has loaded up, however the problem is that blockland can't be run as just a process and I don't wan't to edit the registry so the server logs in automatically. Unless I can have it log back out again almost instantly.

Does anyone have any ways I can get around this dilema?

I've got a vps running windows server 2008 r2 and I can setup websites on it but I need email support as I want to transfer all my sites across to this vps and they have their own mail server setup with their hosts but unfortunatley I'm unable to get my email sorted with this host, the mx points to my domain and then I have a cname pointing to my domain (cname being and then within my vps I have set the host to, is this right?

Help / What are the system requirements for a blockland dedicated server?
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:41:53 PM »
What are the minimum system requirements for a blockland dedicated server? or rather recomended system requirements?

I have a webhost on a linux server that costs me about $7.50 a month and a windows vps host that's currently charging me $90 a month and this is a contract however I can downgrade my system requirements and get that to $30 a month, the reason I don't just ditch the linux web host is because they are excellent however the windows host... terrible,

So because I do wan't a blockland server and I do wan't sites I'm just gonna keep both and pay $37 a month :)

So yeah what system requirements can you guys give me?

Help / Where can I get the source code for server status?
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:07:35 PM »
Where can I get the source code for server status? It was the one that Zack0Wack0 (I think that's how you spell it) He did have it on his server but either that's down or the domain is.

Gallery / Blockle - The Blockland Search Engine... Coming soon
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:26:15 PM »
I'm creating a search engine for blockland, It will include domain submitting for users to upload domains, a cloud service and much more...

What you think?

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland variable to MS SQL
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:35:19 PM »
Basically I'm looking for a way of writing and pulling data from an MS SQL database however I have no knowledge of torque coding. To be completely honest with you I'm not willing to learn either however if someone could make a program that would allow Blockland variable to be exported and imported to an SQL server (of course the other way around to) then I'm sure it would be an advantage, not just to me but to other hosts.

If this is possible it would allow...

- variables to be kept even if blockland had to be re-installed

- clients to view their variables and in some cases even manage via a asp/php page

- A log of all clients and their BL_ID's to be kept in a database which would allow hosts to refine their server to a point of excellence (basically making changes and viewing certain trends of people who have joined the server and how long they have stayed for)

- servers to increase their load time as hosts could view which add-ons were more favored

And probably many more which I currently can't think of...

I have just ordered a vpn ms server and I'm wondering if its possible to connect blockland or rather vce to a ms sql server. This would make saving items and client variables more reliable as it would be saved in a table so even if the games server wen't down the clients current data would still be on a seperate table, it would then be easy to keep a record of players who have joined, I't would also allow a website to be made where players can login and view their stats.

Can anyone help me with this?

I got an ubuntu web/samba/email/pxeboot/minecraft/ftp/print server and would like to add blockland to this but can I do this without installing the lightest of GUI's because even those use resources and if I wanted a GUI I would use a windows server but a gui is just pointless on a server in most cases

Off Topic / Ubuntu dedicated server hosting
« on: August 20, 2012, 07:35:28 PM »
I'm going to be renting out my ubuntu server as I no longer have any use for it (didn't in the first place). Its not the best specs for a server, it has an amd athlon II X3 CPU, 3GB ram and a 500GB HDD.

You can use it for what ever you want and I declare that I will not look through your files.

The internet has a dynamic ip so you will need to connect via this host (unless you want to pay out for another)

The server is UK based.

Payment will be a monthly paypal invoice (no contract but payment must be within 7 days of invoice being sent )

upnp is enabled on router but if ports need forwarding you will need to email me to let me know.

If your interested it is $20 £13 €16  a month.

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