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Topics - AWESOME :D

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Need Help Registering New BLF Account
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:32:53 PM »
I just bought a new account from and i have my auth key.
I cant find where to put it in on the new account. I need someone to tell me where to go so I can put in my key.
Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / should i buy another account?
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:27:27 PM »
people judge my name cuz i was like 10 when i made this
what do u guys think i should do?

Suggestions & Requests / I need help with a bit of code on Mac.
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:20:40 AM »
I believed I have found the Macintosh version of v20, and I would like to bypass the auto-updater. I am not the best with writing commands. Port's .sh file won't do me any good of learning how. I need some help from you guys. Please help me out!

Modification Help / Switchable channel and server in RTB 3.5 irc client
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:24:06 PM »
I recently downloaded and packaged rtb 3.5 from Greek2me's addon dump.
I really want to make a gui that changes the channel and the server of the IRC.
Because the code exceeds the maximum amount of characters, you can view it here.
please help me to do this.

Off Topic / Cannot change Blockland Forums avatar picture!
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:03:21 PM »
I would post this in help, but it isn't blockland related.
I need help changing my profile. No matter what I make my profile, it gets left as the same icon.
Please help me with this problem.

« on: August 22, 2014, 12:53:54 AM »
So if you read my last topic you know about this girl
Well her dad disapproves, and now I'm not allowed to talk to her
How can I impress her dad and let us be together

If you didn't read my last topic, we're both 12

Off Topic / So there's this girl
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:02:29 AM »
shes "in a relationship" with me.
it's her first relationship ever. 7th grade.
what do i do? i want to keep this.

Help / Any way to buy BL with an older ID?
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:00:29 AM »
I want to buy an alt. I dont want a 100k or 200k id.
Someone told me you could buy 40k from
is that true?

Help / Hosting Server On Mac Using Airport Extreme
« on: August 08, 2014, 02:29:35 PM »
I am trying to host a server on my Mac.
Not a dedicated one or anything, just a server.
People tell me that when they join they time out.
How should I go about hosting?

The Port Forward tutorial doesn't really make sense to me.

General Discussion / Blockland V20 Running On Mac (Port's)
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:44:03 PM »
I was successfully able to make Blockland V20 run on my 10.6.8 Macintosh using WineBottler, and a bat2exe converter.
Here are some pics:

If you have any questions, ask away!

Modification Help / BLB and Colorset Color Tutorial
« on: July 04, 2014, 07:36:36 PM »
For those of you who don't know how, I'm making a tutorial to
teach you how to make custom colorsets and BLB colors.

First of all, let me tell you what you need.
You will need:
  • An RGB or RGBA color code
  • A Calculator

Make sure your color code is in the correct format.
To check if it is RGB or RGBA, look for the following:
  • There is 3 or 4 seperate numbers. No letters.
  • There are spaces in between the numbers.
  • The first 3 numbers don't go over 255.
  • If there is 4 numbers, the last number doesn't go over 1.

Now, you can usually covert color codes of other type into RGB, such as HEX.
HEX example: #FF0000, RGB: 255 0 0, RGBA: 255 0 0 1.

For more complex HEX's, use an online converter.
HEX example: #6C2DC7, RGB: 108 45 199, RGBA: 108 45 199 1.

If you have any questions, ask them below!

Modification Help / Default key (rebindable)?
« on: June 21, 2014, 10:25:25 PM »
Would it be possible to have a key, that is rebindable, that isn't blank by default?
Code: [Select]
function ToggleGUI(%a)

$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "My Add-On";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "Toggle GUI";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "ToggleGUI";

Add-Ons / Auto-Clicker Add-On (Now with Support_Updater!)
« on: June 21, 2014, 03:38:53 PM »
Auto-Clicker Add-On
Created by Yes (BL_ID: 22935)

A handy little auto-clicker for all your rapid-fire clicking needs!
Just press F11, and either click "Click" or "Stop" and watch the magic!
Click starts the process, and Stop, well, you can probably guess what it does.

I'm going to answer this question before it is asked.
Q: Does it work with weapons?
A: No. It only works to activate blocks.

Q: Do you plan to make it work with weapons?
A: No. If it worked for weapons, it would be abused.
If it was abused, it would be fail-binned.

I am not liable if you get banned from servers for using this.
If somebody wants to make it prettier, or make it toggle without having
to click, that would be nice.

Do not re-release under a different name, or the same name
for that matter. If you make a change, show me the code so I can maybe
implement into the add-on. (Credit will be given where needed)

Support_Updater support has been added! No more needing to come back here
to get the newest version!

Download here!
Sorry! No old versions!

v0.0.0: First release
v0.0.1: Mild edit to client.cs
v0.0.2: Change unbild to unbind
v0.1.0: Make a bindable key and remove rexec();
v0.2.0: Support_Updater!
v0.2.1: New web host! Zymic!

Add-Ons / [Discontinued] MainG Custom MainMenu GUI
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:03:53 PM »
After careful consideration, I have decided to discontinue MainG.
It was going downhill, and the poll results weren't pretty.

I will leave the download link up. Feel free to take it.
You can download MainG Alpha v0.03 here.

You do not have to talk to me before using. I am abandoning
in this project. I probably will make something better in the future.

To all the people who thought this would be good, if there
were any, thanks for the support. If you would like to pick up
on where I have left off, feel free.

This topic is now locked.

Thank you all,
- Daniel

Suggestions & Requests / Non-Static Bricks
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:44:21 PM »
The only physics in bricks right now is fakeKillBrick. If we could have some real physics that could be enabled/disabled, that would be nice.

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