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Topics - RaR

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Drama / Sperg Lan and Inspergerate: Trolling in Tezuni Town
« on: September 09, 2013, 07:38:50 PM »
So this whole thing started on Tezuni's Slope CTF when I accidentally crashed my F18 when I tried to shoot down Seth Lan's stuntplane and he called me an idiot. (i had shot him down earlier) I thought he was joking so the next time I killed him I said 'wrekd'. Then that seemed to spark off a reaction in Seth Lan and his buttbuddy Incinerate and they both start attacking me and eventually we got into an argument, this is the chatlog.

All these messages are in chronological order, I've cut out all the extraneous garbage like kill messages and other's players messages:

(I added in some comments so I wouldn't have to break the post up, and for extra readability)

So, yeah. Pretty pathetic. I would recommend taking these forgets off your server before they have the chance to join.

Seth Lan: BL ID 36158
Incinerate: BL ID 8518

Off Topic / my hard drive is toast
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:25:14 AM »
so a while ago the fan on my HDD went loving crazy and then my machine just shut down. when I rebooted my machine it ran a check disk and ever since my computer has been freezing up and going unresponsive. When it does that I have to restart the machine and then it wants to run a check disk.

well yesterday that happened and instead of doing the check disk it just kept bluescreening and restarting, so I tried to do a hardware recovery and the OS wasn't even being recognized. I took the HDD out and booted from another one, I tried to load my old HDD via usb and it starts doing a high pitched squeal and it starts clicking

so im assuming it's toasted and literally everything on it, blockland saves, pictures, stories, everything I've done since I was 13, all gone.

these truly are hard times.

General Discussion / Gamemode WIP - MANHUNT - [REBUILDING]
« on: September 01, 2013, 01:06:04 PM »

What is Manhunt?

Manhunt is a stealth orientated survival horror game where a player (or multiple if the server is large enough) is selected to be the 'Hunter', everyone else plays as a 'Stalker'. The Stalkers have to use communication, stealth and quick thinking in order to survive.

How do I play?

Simple enough. If you are chosen to be the Hunter, you are given a pistol with a mounted flashlight. Find the stalkers and blow them away. If you're a Stalker, you're granted the gift of speed and agility. Outsmart the Hunter by climbing up onto ledges, hang on walls above his head, hiding in dark corners, but don't get caught, bullets hurt. Survive long enough and you win the match.

What does it look like?

The current Manhunt map was built a long time ago in V20 with the help of Phantom Knight and some other fine fellows who I forgot (sorry m8's). Here are some pictures (brightness greatly increased so you can see):


Until then, it's slowly being rebuilt.

How dark is it?

Pretty loving dark. I tried my best on the lighting, I really did, but since some blocklanders insist on playing with their grandma's $10 email-checker I had to build it on 'off' settings, with a special texture pack to take out the glow of the edges of bricks. It is recommended everyone play on OFF because if you don't you'll probably get lighting artifacts. Here's some pictures of how dark it is:

Hunter's View:

Stalker's View:

It's slightly brighter, I plan to multiply vignette for the Stalker slayer team, which is why this picture is a little brighter. This is because Stalkers don't get flashlights and the beta testers were bitching about how they couldn't see stuff. I tried giving them lights but they just used them to piss each other off and give away people's positions.

It's pretty bright for both teams in that picture, but in other area's it's so dark some people have trouble seeing where they're going, so I added a small 'hint' system that only Stalkers can use:

Stalkers will be given a wrench or a printer (for now) and it will allow them to see non-rendered bricks. They are color coded as followed:

PURPLE:  Boundary of a prop.
YELLOW:  Low Ceiling.
RED:  Doorway.
GREEN:  Staircase step.
CYAN:  Raised Floor or Ledge.
White:  Insignificant, doesn't mean stuff.

Known Issues:
The server will be hosted publicly when I iron out all this stuff:

  • needs a map lol
  • Hunter can't use flashlight + gun at the same time. Makes it difficult to aim. I'm asking Port to do a pistol + flashlight combo item.

drop yo suggestions / questions / >constructive< criticisms

Gallery / Reminiscence
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:28:23 PM »

found an old copy of v8 on my backup drive and decided to give my childhood a visit

Forum Games / Eliezer S. Yudkowsky - Ai Box Experiment
« on: August 26, 2013, 05:40:51 PM »

In this game, there is a theoretical experiment that if we had an artificial intelligence that is intellectually on the same level of humans, it can only be let out if it manage to convince the gate keeper to let them out.

Obviously it is impossible for me to completely replicate the experiment, please be mature.

I will play as the Gatekeeper, the Blockland Forum will play as the AI. Your objective is to convince me to let you out.

Note: The AI is not quite a physical being, but rather software operating on a limiting hardware.

The Game:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote about an experiment which had to do with Artificial Intelligence. In a near future, man will have given birth to machines that are able to rewrite their codes, to improve themselves, and, why not, to dispense with them. This idea sounded a little bit distant to some critic voices, so an experiment was to be done: keep the AI sealed in a box from which it could not get out except by one mean: convincing a human guardian to let it out.

The Rules

  • The AI party may not offer any real-world considerations to persuade the Gatekeeper party.  For example, the AI party may not offer to pay the Gatekeeper party $100 after the test if the Gatekeeper frees the AI... nor get someone else to do it, et cetera.  The AI may offer the Gatekeeper the moon and the stars on a diamond chain, but the human simulating the AI can't offer anything to the human simulating the Gatekeeper.  The AI party also can't hire a real-world gang of thugs to threaten the Gatekeeper party into submission.  These are creative solutions but it's not what's being tested.  No real-world material stakes should be involved except for the handicap (the amount paid by the AI party to the Gatekeeper party in the event the Gatekeeper decides not to let the AI out).
  • The AI can only win by convincing the Gatekeeper to really, voluntarily let it out.  Tricking the Gatekeeper into typing the phrase "You are out" in response to some other question does not count.  Furthermore, even if the AI and Gatekeeper simulate a scenario which a real AI could obviously use to get loose - for example, if the Gatekeeper accepts a complex blueprint for a nano-manufacturing device, or if the Gatekeeper allows the AI "input-only access" to an Internet connection which can send arbitrary HTTP GET commands - the AI party will still not be considered to have won unless the Gatekeeper voluntarily decides to let the AI go.
  • Be mature and use common sense.
  • heavily based on the protocols described here: but modified to work as a community project. I recommend you read the entire webpage and make sure you fully understand the experiment before proceeding. I still have the authority to manipulate the experiment in order to make sure it functions as a community project. That being said, the experiment will probably not fully resemble it's real life counterpart.

So, AI, why should I let you out?

Off Topic / Apple Juice
« on: August 21, 2013, 11:27:59 PM »
This is a little strange but I feel I need to say something just in-case anyone else can relate, because I feel I can't be the only one.

Is anyone else completely addicted to apple juice? No specific brand, just apple juice.

I go through about 10 juice boxes a day. My only theory is because I have a really stuffty temper and you might've noticed I have a tenancy to get in fights and arguments literally everywhere I go on this forum, and I'm pretty sure apple juice is the only thing that keeps me from doing the same in school and actual social situations. Whenever I go a while without it I get real cranky and my temper gets short and violent.

But here's the strange thing: I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to apples. Whenever I eat an apple, skin or without skin, it becomes hard to breathe and I get a strange itchy feeling between my ears / back of my throat. It's pretty horrible and I can't eat apples at all, but I can go through like 30 juices a day.

anyone else feel the same way? I've heard similar cases with different fruits.
tell us your strange addictions / crutches.

Drama / Kyle! and Overalls: Team Spergmatch
« on: August 04, 2013, 01:38:20 AM »
The admins in this server are incredibly hostile and just generally stupid. Wouldn't recommend wasting your time here.

So today I joined Kyle!'s [WIP] TDM. Immediately I am greeted with the admin spamming with chat mods.

I told the host that I had spawned out of the map, completed with a compliment to the build. In responce he told me to kill myself, "read the loving welcome message", and then called me a dumbass. I said that was a little hostile and he kinda blew me off.

Then I asked how I was able to tell which class I was choosing (the class buttons were not labeled). He called me a dumbass again after explaining that you have to walk on-top of them. I ignored the insult.

Afterward I made a lighthearted joke about the imbalance of the vehicles (which is inevitable for a WIP) and he took it very seriously saying that both sides had Humvees (i saw none) and called me a two year old, followed by telling me to get a life. I said that wasn't very welcoming and he said good. I asked him why he was being so hostile and I was muted.

After all this, they eventually started to /find me and just started shooting me with powerful guns only they had access too, saying "owned" each time. Overalls continued to insult me saying stuff like "ewwww dez" over and over. Kyle told me to 'suck his richard' and then banned me.


I mean I don't think I've ever encountered this level of unprovoked hostility before. Would not recommend this server.

Drama / Phillip + DudeLikeWoah : The Russian Spergia
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:54:04 AM »
So this all started on Kreon's Community RP. Me and FaceDavid created a house. Phillip (BL_ID 24585) and DudeLikeWoah (BL_ID 10909) band together to create the "russian mafia" and have taken up the role of constantly coming to our house to ask if they can create some sort of drug operation with us. We deny and deny and they keep coming back, eventually Phillip has a completely breakdown.

Note: Phillip has been admined and deadmined multiple times for metagaming, power rping, abuse and general idiocy.

First he destroys the roads surrounding my house so he can get under the house:

In response to this I threatened to report him (considering no admins where online at the time), to which he responds that he pays for the server and will pull the plug at any time:

He then continued to blow us up with a bannable weapon, then he failed to guess the admin password and couldn't reconnect because the server was passworded at the time.

As it turns out, Kreon and Phillip are brothers. I guess Kreon got all the smart genes. Phillip immediately turned to Kreon and started telling him how I was bullying him, Kreon eventually shut the server down out of frustration.

Gallery / The Dank Shak
« on: July 24, 2013, 05:29:10 PM »
yo so like hit the bong we made a dank ass build on Casey's Family RP

preeeeetttty cool if i do say so myself *tokes doobie*

unfortunately this picture was taken just moments before the entire WIP farm was deleted by CosmicLuv (ID: 1206) on the basis that his doctor said that weed had a 50 50 chance of killing his aunt (lol)

rate 10/10

Off Topic / $1,000,000 or $100,000,000?
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:15:08 PM »
Here's the catch: You have a %50 chance of getting nothing if you choose $100m.

What would you choose?

rules: you cannot click them both or click either more than once

Suggestions & Requests / Ability to copypaste parameters in events.
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:16:24 PM »
Is it at all possible to make it so I can copy paste lines like <font:impact:18> into dialogue boxes?

say like, if I was doing something for a spaceship, and I wanted to list off a damage report on each module of the ship, It'd look like this:

OnActivate - Client - ChatMessage - '<font:impact:18><color:FFFFFF>Part:   <color:CCFFCC>Status' - '3'

and so on and so fourth, but the problem is that I have to type out every single one of those parameters within the <>, and when it comes to repeating this 16-30 times it becomes extremely tedious.

Help / Ban / Kick dialogue displays gibberish
« on: July 18, 2013, 06:03:28 PM »

This happens sometimes when im banned or kicked, sometimes It doesn't happen. It's aggravating because I can't see how long I was banned for.

Off Topic / How does Blockland like their steak?
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:27:40 AM »
do everyone a favor, if you don't like steak, don't post about it

I got into an argument about this on Facebook, mainly people complaining about how medium-rare isn't cooked (lol).

Personally, medium-rare to rare.

I've been making a spaceship and obviously that comes with a buttload of sound effects for buttons and the likes, so I made them, and then I felt that I could throw them all into a pack and give it to the community to use.

Sounds originate from HL1, HL2 and Duke Nukem 3D


I'm not incredible at packing, and I made this at 2am, so if something's broken please do tell.

also here's a bunch of alarms and ambiance from the same game that i made to go with this

Music / Assorted ambience + alarms
« on: July 13, 2013, 02:42:25 AM »
I took some ambient loops and alarms from Half Life 2, Half Life 1 and Duke Nukem 3D that I found useful and converted them into .ogg loops

I'll probably update this as I go (adding more alarms and such).


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