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Topics - Aerodynamic

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Games / Project Reality [UPDATE 1 - IMAGE HEAVY]
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:51:08 AM »

Project Reality, a Battlefield 2 mod, is about as realistic as it gets. It is a realistic shooter mod based off of Battlefield 2, an old DICE game from 2005. Nevertheless, if you have played Battlefield 2 before and didnt like it, give Project Reality mod a try. It is not a very demanding mod (as was Battlefield 2) so bad PC's should be able to play it good on somewhat low graphics. I have an i3 3110m + Intel HD 4000 system and it runs perfectly when on low settings, and still looks good. The only thing is, it is important you have a mic for your PC that works, because VOIP is a vital part in this mod.

Main Idea:
You select and server and load in. From there, you can pick your class or team, usually the teams might be too unbalanced to swap if your joining a game in progress. Games last a couple of hours long, so you will need some dedicated time to play. You select your kit and squad. When you first join in, you may only be able to select one kit, but that will change later on throughout the match. The maps are big, some a lot bigger than typical maps from Battlefield 3 or Battlefield 4. You will need to select your squad. Squads can hold up to 8 people, and can be locked. When you join a squad, it is vital to listen to your squad leader. He will direct you and command you what to do throughout the match. Squad leaders can do lots of stuff, which I will mention in the Squad Leader section of the topic. You will always want to stick with your squad throughout the game. This is not one of those games to go frollic to and fro. This is classified serious gaming by some. Servers can hold up to 100 people (Most server, varies upon server). None of the maps are the same as the ones in Battlefield 2.

CAS is your support. Your backbone throughout the battle. CAS usually involves your support vehicles, such as Jets, Helicopters, Tanks, etc. If you are new to the game, do not attempt to be involved in CAS, until you have learned your way around. Your squad leader can call in CAS for support in the middle of a heated battle.

Squad Leader:
Your squad leader is like your sub-commander (Yes, there are commanders in this game like in Battlefield 4). He will guide you through the battle. Depending on what kind of squad you join, your squad type will vary. There are CAS squads, Support squads (For hammering the enemy with mortars, etc.), Infantry, and the list goes on.Your squad leader can build FOB's, basically your respawn point. He can place the mound for it, then all of the squad members need to hit the dirt and use their shovel item to get it built. The squad leader can also do this for Mortars, TOWs, etc. There are much more, but I will link the Project Reality Wiki on the bottom of the thread.

Modern Factions (Vanilla PR):
USMC (United States Marine Corp)

USA (United States Army)
(No faction pic)

BAF (British Armed Forces)


France (French Forces)
(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

PLA (Peoples Liberation Army)
(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

IDF (Israel Defense Forces)
(No faction pic)

MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)
(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

(No faction pic)

ARF (African Resistance Fighters)
(No faction pic)

AU (African Union)

Dutch Forces
(No faction pic)

FDF (Finnish Defense Forces)
(No faction pic)

Norwegian Forces
(No faction pic)

Polish Forces
(No faction pic)

The Falklands Mini-Mod Factions:

(No info yet)

World War 2 Mini-Mod Factions:

(No info yet)

Vietnam Mini-Mod Factions:

(No info yet)


There are WAYYYYY too many to list, so here is the ][list of them].

Compatible games for Project Reality Mod:


Battlefield 2



YouTube Commentator for Project Reality:

Official Project Reality Wiki:

Games that I have mentioned websites':


Battlefield 2:

Sorry for the lack of pics in factions and really the lack of a lot of info, but I will add as much as I can/want tomorrow. Use the wiki until then.


Off Topic / Favorite type of music?
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:49:56 AM »
What is your favorite type of music? My favorites are:

and Country.

Help / Avatar not changing?
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:26:57 AM »
I'm trying to change my avatar, but it will not change, when I click "change" on my forum profile layout after swapping the file, it just uses my current one.


If it matters, im trying to use a .png

Off Topic / The Deer Flip
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:19:03 AM »
A truly funny video to all hunters. Duck Commander is famous for this amazing shot.

Viewer discretion is advised. An animal dies in this video.

Drama / Slim Cognito (ID: 19424) Massive Spammer
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:47:19 AM »
I went to Visolators Auth Bunker today, and when I spawned, Slim Cognito (ID: 19424) was using VCE events with cannon projectiles to lag and kill everyone. It got gradually worse from there. He kept using the events continuously until he made this.

After this happened, it was clear he was trying to lag the hell out of us/crash the server.

Look at my FPS while his contraption was going off.

It later dropped to 1.6

The fireworks continued to go off until about 8 - 10 minutes later.

Proof the contraption was made by him

SO the rest is up to you guys now. /support or /unsupport?

Modification Help / Hiding Nodes for Weapons
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:27:49 PM »
I'm making a weapon and I can't figure out how to hide the hands, because I have attached hands to my model and I think it looks a lot better. Can someone please tell me how to hide nodes via TorqueScript?

Modification Help / Blender exporting to Milkshape [SOLVED]
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:01:29 PM »

So, iv'e been friends with Horus for about 3 months, maybe 4. He was all fine in the beginning, until about 4 weeks ago.

So he has been having little mood swings here and there, and i'm thinking "Wow, is this kid a girl, because they are acting like they are on their period".

A list of thing's recently:

  • Kick me and change password because I side stepped his knife stab on his server, and I stabbed him. Then logged out of RTB and Steam.
  • Freak out if i touch his bricks or grapple rope on them (The bricks have no events).
  • Freaks out when you wrench his brick to see what light is spawned on the brick.
  • Cries when he doesn't get what he want's.
  • Has crazy mood swings.
  • Keep's complaining about how he is loosing friends every week (Gee, I wonder why).
  • And just yesterday, I cracked a little joke about his name by typing this: "Whoreus :3". It was not the first time, so I don't know why he did not know I was joking. He immediately shut down his server, sent me a message on RTB saying something like: "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO STOP BEING SO CHILDISH? FOR THAT, I'M BANNING YOU OFF NAT3's FORUM (A lame little forum that they think is the best ever, and best of all, he is the only administrator there. I will put link at the bottom. Basically, they made it on because hate this forum and think everyone here is way to critical, so they cried about it and made their own with 19 members, and about 4 are active.)AND IM DE-FRIENDING YOU ON STEAm, RTB, AND IM BLOCKING YOU, YOU ANNOYING CUNT cigarette!!!" So, he did, then followed up "Goodbye forever, cigarette <3" Then left.
  • He also spams a lot (Who likes a spammer?)

So i'm struggling to think why he had so many friends in the first place, but now I think he is down to about 5 friends in all on Blockland. And he will lose about 2 next week, 1 the next, and the last 2 the next. Hopefully then he will realize how much of a douchebag he is.


/discuss. Who else thinks this kid has hormone issues?

Modification Help / Round Debugging Help!
« on: May 28, 2013, 10:51:31 PM »
I fixed up and debugged some of the Murder Mystery code, but when someone dies, it shows who killed them, and when the murderer has killed everyone, the minigame doesnt end. Please help me! I spent 2 hours debugging it and just to find out its still bugged.

Here is the code:

Code: [Select]

datablock AudioProfile(ScreamSound)
filename = "./scream.wav";
description = AudioClosest3d;
preload = true;
function servercmdEnableMM(%client)
messageall('', '<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>%1 <color:FFFFFF>has enabled the Murder Mystery.',;
messageclient(%client, '', '<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You must be in a minigame to activate <color:FFFF00>Murder Mystery<color:FFFFFF>.');

function servercmdDisableMM(%client)
$MMmini = "";
messageall('', '<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>%1 <color:FFFFFF>disabled murder mystery.',;
messageclient(%client, '', '<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You must be in a minigame to disable <color:FFFF00>Murder Mystery<color:FFFFFF>.');
function servercmdCheat(%client)
if($murderer !$= "")
commandtoclient(%client, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>The murderer this round is<color:FFFF00> " @ $murderer @"<color:FFFFFF>. \nGod, why do you have to cheat?",3);

package MurderMysteryPackage
function MurderMysteryBootUp(%client)
$victims = 0;
$playersleft = 0;
$time = 500;
$MMmini = %client.minigame;

%players = 0;
for(%i = 0; %i < clientgroup.getCount(); %i++) //Populating the bottomPrint and picking the murderper.
%person = clientgroup.getObject(%i); //We are not gonna shove a bunch of "if>isObject>Murderer" because we know everyone has respawned and it is impossible to die in 0.000001 seconds... Unless someone joined and then died like they do.
%player[%players] = %person;

%person.I = true;
%person.M = false;
%person.Used = false; = "";
%RanClient = %player[getRandom(1, %players)];
%RanClient.M = true;
%RanClient.I = false;
%RanClient.isCorpse = false;
messageclient(%ranClient, '', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You have been selected to be the <color:FFFF00>murderer<color:FFFFFF> this round. Your job is to <color:FF0000>murder everyone<color:FFFFFF>.");
$murderer =;
MurderMysteryBootup(%client); //cycle through until the person has a valid player object.
for(%i = 0; %i < clientgroup.getCount(); %i++)
%person = clientgroup.getObject(%i);
if(!%person.M && %person.I)

function Gameconnection::OnClientEnterGame(%client)
%client.player.schedule(3000, "kill");
schedule(3000, 0, "messageclient", %client, '', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You will participate in the next round.");

function MinigameSO::removeMember(%this,%client)
if(%client.M && !%client.I)
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>The <color:FFFF00>murderer<color:FFFFFF> has left the game. <color:FFFF00>Resetting<color:FFFFFF>...");
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
if(isObject(%client.player) && !%client.M && %client.I)
function MinigameSO::reset(%this, %client)
parent::reset(%this, %client);
function gameConnection::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow)
if(%damagetype $= $damagetype::fall)
if(%killer != %client)
if(!%client.M && %client.I)
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has fallen to a painful death...");
echo("An innocent fell to his death.");
if($MMmini.getNumberOfSurvivors() < 1) //Those idiots killed themselfs off...
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>The <color:FF0000>murderer<color:FFFFFF>, <color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has murdered everyone. <color:FFFF00>Resetting in 5 seconds...");
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FF0000>Murderer <color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has fallen to his death... <color:FFFF00>Resetting minigame in 5 seconds...");
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
echo("The murderer fell to his death.");
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
%killerc = %killer;
if(!%killerc.M && %killerc.I) //if the killer is not the murderer...
if(%damagetype !$= $damagetype::fall) //and the person did not die because he fell...
if(!%client.M && %client.I) //if the person whos geting shanked is not the murderer...
if(%killer != %client) //the "Addmember" function would screw up if this was not here...
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has murdered the innocent<color:FFFF00> "@ @"<color:FFFFFF> - he has been slayed.");
echo("An innocent killed another innocent.");
$playersleft--; //cause two people died.
if($MMmini.getNumberOfSurvivors() < 1) //Those idiots killed themselfs off...
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>The <color:FFFF00>murderer<color:FFFFFF> has won the round - Everyone killed eachother. <color:FFFF00>Resetting in 5 seconds...");
echo("They killed themselves off...");
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
else //if the person who is geting raped is the murderer...
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>Innocents<color:FFFFFF> have succeeded this round. <color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has killed the murderer. <color:FF0000>Murderer<color:FFFFFF>, <color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> is no more. <color:FFFF00>Resetting in 5 seconds...");
echo("The murderer was killed.");
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
else //if the killer is the murderer...
if(%damagetype !$= $damagetype::Fall) //There cannot be more than one murderer, so we don't need a bunch of if the client is innocent etc.
if(%killer != %client)
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
messageall('', "\c3"@ @"\c6 has come to a bloody death...");
echo("The murderer killed an innocent.");
$time += 70;
if($MMmini.getNumberOfSurvivors() < 1) //Space guy's TDM mod takes care of this, considering that the last player standing wins, so this is pretty much useless.
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>The <color:FF0000>murderer<color:FFFFFF>, <color:FFFF00> "@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has murdered everyone. <color:FFFF00>Resetting in 5 seconds...");
echo("The murder killed everyone.");
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
parent::onDeath(%client, %killerPlayer, %killer, %damageType, %someValueIdontKnow);
function servercmdSelf Delete(%client)
if($MMmini = "")
parent::servercmdSelf Delete(%client);
commandtoclient(%client, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>Self Delete is disabled so nobody can chicken out.", 3);
function MinigameSO::UpdateEveryone(%so)
for(%a = 0; %a < %so.member[%a]; %a++)
%person = %so.member[%a];

function MinigameSO::ClearEveryone(%so)
for(%a = 0; %a < %so.member[%a]; %a++)
%person = %so.member[%a];

commandtoclient(%person, 'bottomprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>...", 0.1);
function gameconnection::UpdateBottomprint(%client)
%font = "<font:impact:25>";
%client.InfoPrint = %font;

%client.infoPrint = %client.infoprint @ "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00> Time: <color:FFFFFF>" @ $time;

%client.infoPrint = %client.infoprint @ "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00> Victims: <color:FFFFFF>" @ $victims;

%client.infoPrint = %client.infoprint @ "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00> Survivors: <color:FFFFFF>" @ $playersleft;

if(!%client.M && %client.I)
%client.infoPrint = %client.infoprint @ "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00> Status: <color:EEC900>INNOCENT";
%client.infoPrint = %client.infoprint @ "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00> Status: <color:FF0000>MURDERER";
commandToClient(%client, 'bottomPrint', %client.infoPrint);
function MinigameSO::getNumberOfSurvivors(%so)
%count = 0;

for(%a = 0; %a < %so.member[%a]; %a++)
%member = %so.member[%a];

if(isObject(%member) && !%member.M && %member.I) //If the murderer is innocent... continue.

return %count; //When this function is called, it will return %count. Example: there are 5 players left, one is the murderer. $MMmini.getNumberOfSurvivors(); -> 4 people left.
function MinigameSO::countDown(%so)
if($time > 0)
$countDownLoop = $MMmini.schedule(1000, countDown);
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>Innocents have won the round. The murderer ran out of time. <color:FFFF00>Resetting...");
%owner = $MMmini.owner;
cancel($countDownLoop); //Sometimes its right on top of rescheduling, so we need to do it twice.
for(%a = 0; %a < %so.numMembers; %a++)
%cl = %so.member[%a];
$MMmini.schedule(5000, reset, %owner);
function scream()
for(%a = 0; %a < clientGroup.getCount(); %a++)
%cl = clientgroup.getObject(%a);
   function Armor::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%slot,%val)
case 0: = %val;
case 2:
%obj.jump = %val;
case 3:
%obj.crouch = %val;
case 4:
%obj.jet = %val;
%oclient = %obj.getControllingClient();
   if( !$= "Corpse")
if(%slot == 4 && %val)
     if(%oclient.M && !%oclient.I)
if(!%oclient.Used && %obj.getmountedImage(0) $= ButterflyknifeImage.getid())
if(%obj.getmountedImage(0) $= ButterflyknifeImage.getid())
if(vectorLen(%obj.getVelocity()) < 0.1)
      %obj.playthread(2, death1);
%oclient.Used = true;

%oclient.schedule(100, setControlObject,;

%obj.schedule(2000, playthread, 2, root);
%oclient.schedule(2000, setControlObject, %obj);

commandtoclient(%oclient, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You have faked your death...", 3);
messageall('', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFF00>"@ @"<color:FFFFFF> has come to a bloody death...");
commandtoclient(%oclient, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25>color:FFFFFF>You must be standing still for fakekill to work.", 3);
commandtoclient(%oclient, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You may not be crouching while attempting fakekill.", 3);
else if(%oclient.Used && %obj.getmountedImage(0) $= ButterflyknifeImage.getid())
commandtoclient(%oclient, 'centerprint', "<font:impact:25><color:FFFFFF>You may only use fakekill once per round.", 3);
parent::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %slot, %val);
parent::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %slot, %val);
function Observer::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%trigger,%state)
return parent::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%trigger,%state);

Modification Help / Scopes In Blender
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:33:43 PM »
I'm modeling a gun right now, and I would like to know how to take a cylinder, extrude, make a small hole, and go straight through the center of the cylinder, like a ACOG scope. I got the extruding part, I just need to find out how to get it where you can see straight through the part.


  • I'm using Blender version 2.66 (Yes, I understand the exporting process)
  • Sorry if I am sorta unclear about things, I tried my best :[

Help / People Can't Hear My Music
« on: May 11, 2013, 09:24:32 AM »
Well, one day, I gave my friend all of my loops, and he enabled them all, along with some of his loops. Well, everyone could hear just his loops and not mine, and they didnt even download music in network options. Does anyone know if i need to set my .ogg files to read only so people can hear them in game without downloading the actual files into their Blockland add-ons? (not when you load in to a game)

Drama / Eeposs - Trying to get my key revoked.
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:40:20 PM »
Well as some of you may know, I made a topic about someone being my impostor. Well, as seen in nerraD's post, there is a screenshot of him spamming the master server. Well, I just want to inform anyone, especially if someone important is reading this, ITS NOT ME

Drama / A fake me.
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:28:19 PM »
Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know, there is a fake me in Blockland, and his name is Aerodynam1c. Notice the 1 instead of the I like in my name. Just thought I would let you guys know. He is a attempted troll, but fails horribly.

Blake1's Indoor Grapple Knife TDM

This server is your ordinary Grapple Knife server, however there's a major difference. On my new Grapple Knife TDM, I have added walls, a floor, and a roof. I also added Music, Easter Eggs, and Lights!


Overall view of Arena. Yes, I know, the style looks like Ravencroft's. However, I am not trying to copy him.

Game clock. (5 Minutes is round time.)

Closer look at Music Bars.

Close up look of center platforms.

Speakers that hangs from ceiling.

VIP/Admin Room.

Player's Eye View.

Blake1 - Idea, Main Build.
Untamed (doesn't play anymore :c) - Platform Style
Aerodynamic - Topic

Music List
deadmau5 - Brazil
deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon
deadmau5 - Strobe
deadmau5 - Sofi Needs a Ladder
deadmau5 - Some Chords
Tetris Trance
Gangnam Style


Blake1 (31622) - Host
Aerodynamic (25804) - Super Admin
Kong123 (30966) - Super Admin
Lenovo (34066) - Super Admin
PaperDemon (27021) - Admin
John98 (9095) - Admin
Trifornt (38424) - Admin

Please Note: If you were Admin on Simon Says and are NOT on this list, do not beg for Admin again. I picked the most active Admins and let the continue being Admin. You may reapply if you wish.

Apply For Admin

We are accepting Admin Applications! Here's the requirements, and application. Post the application as a reply. Posting more than once will not give you a higher chance of becoming Admin.

1. You must be active on the server.
2. You must be a good Admin, and know the basic duties. As well as obeying rules.
3. You must fill out the Application correctly.

Admin Application
In-Game Name:
Why you should be Admin?:
Who recommends you (pictures or quotes please):
Other (Not Required):

Filling out the application does not mean it has to be centered, or bold. Just as long as it's in reading condition and all the questions are filled out.

General Discussion / What are these bricks?
« on: May 03, 2013, 07:39:08 PM »
What is this brick that? (Outlined in black)

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