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Topics - nuketf

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Suggestions & Requests / Cannon and Anti-creeper Turret
« on: July 03, 2016, 07:11:59 PM »
if i make the models would anyone script it and help animate it?

my idea is simple

anyone remember this gamemode? ? ya fun! but what could go a little more?

what i mean is bring two weapons from Creeper world III Arc eternal into blockland that would work for

this gamemode
REMEMBER! if anyone is willing to help Script it and animate! i will make the 3D models of them.

First we have The Cannon

The cannon is a farly simple turret it fires anti-creep from the anti-creep spray can at the creep near it but if

there is to much the Cannon can become overwhelmed...but it is great for getting a foot hold! (if you want to

escape were your stuck in!)

_____________________________ ____________________

Then we have the Anti-Creep Cannon

The Anti-Creep Cannon is very different from the Cannon...what it does it quickly generates a 1 layer of light

blue Creep that does not damage players BUT destroys creep HOWEVER when one layer is done (1X1 just like

the creep) it slows down the anti-creep spreading for all the rest of the layers it makes.


_> Layer 4 <(every 24 secents this layer grows 1 X 5  untill it hits a wall or creep)
_> Layer 3 <(every 16 secents this layer grows 1 X 5 untill it hits a wall or creep)
_>Layer 2 <(every 8 secents this layer grows by 1 X 5untill it hits a wall or creep)
-->Layer 1 (above ground)------------------------------------------------------------------------ <(when it first is builtLayer1 spreads very fast untill hitting a wall or creep)
-->layer 0 (Ground)

and it keeps increasing by 8 secants untill it hits the roof of the map

also players can walk though anti-creep

_____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________


i would love to have this but if i cant then it is still fine (would use RTB or Blockland glass to chang this)

AC spread speed [8] <-- this is the default spread speed for the anti-creep spread meaning every time the

anti-creep cannon trys to spread layer 2-4 it will be 8+8 the number can be chaned to what aver you wish (set

to 0 for 0+1)


Cannon Reload Speed [0.5] <-- this is the reload speed of the Cannon...not much to say the cannon fires

enough anti-creep to destroy one block then it needs to reload (changing to 0 will mean the cannon never


_____________________________ ___________________________

Max Cannons per player [3] <-- this is something i wish the sentry addon had with them.. this means the  

player can have a max of 3 cannons in play it can be like 2 anti-creep cannons and one cannon or 3 anti-creep

or 3 cannons it matters to only the player!

_____________________________ _____________________________

and i think that's it! anyone willing to help?

Modification Help / .OBJ to .BLS?
« on: July 01, 2016, 03:56:34 PM »
is it possable?

Games / TLOPO - The Legend of Pirates Online
« on: June 26, 2016, 07:25:54 AM »
Hello everyone!
The Legend of Pirates Online
is a fan remake of Pirates OF The Caribbean Online! i think  it going pretty well!

here is the newest game play of the semi-open alpha game!

game info


i found my model of the Poseidon UEF Battleship from Supreme commander 2! would anyone like to help get it

working? i want it to be-able to float on the water like the row boat! (the model also had the turret with it in the .blend save so

there are not two files)

Help / help with Events
« on: June 24, 2016, 10:31:46 PM »
Hello i just redownloaded the Battleship and PT boat addons and i was woundering if i can use events to make them "Hover" above water blocks so i can still use rowboats and the Aircraft Carrie addon so i can have Battleships, Torcreep Boats,Rowboats,and aircraft carrier battlefield!

so can i use events to make them "hover" above the water and still move around and stuff?

Boat Wars

two teams

two bases

each base has 10 boats (+laser turret that spawns above the boat then becomes part of it so the players cn fire lasers!)

and one submarine per base

boxed in naval like map i will use the water base plates and it will be about...5 64 deep water so the submarines have a lot to drive around in!

aircraft and AA also (Aircraft carriers maybe..if i can find the add-on that is :P)

what do you all think of my little idea here?

Modification Help / help with System_StaticMaps [1.2-beta] -
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:51:44 AM »

it says to load in a new save put this in the consol $loadoffset = "-84 114 -93.9";

to load in oldsaves for the bedroom but it does not work


Help / renderman add on question
« on: June 23, 2016, 10:15:14 AM »

is there any way to get renderman to not ban players when he kills them?

General Discussion / renderman add on question
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:53:56 AM »
is there any way to get renderman to not ban players when he kills them?

Help / you can not display this reslusion
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:15:25 AM »
i tryed setting my game to full screen now this message pops up while everything turns do i scale it down since i can't do anything in-game?

Help / [not sure where this goes] how do i..
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:47:03 PM »
use events to make a force field door? AKA

has something to simulate health after a # of shots it dissapers for a set time

i have tryed all i can think of

Drama / im starting to remember why i don't play this game anymore
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:22:24 AM »
re-downloaded it yesterday thought id would play it haven't in a long time fun time playing! then i enter a free build server but down a base-plate then i resave this message

so...what did i do to get banned? he did not say...can someone help me desypher this message so i knows what he is trying to tell me? so i know what i can improve...thanks


Modification Help / WWII USN and Japan Naval Ships
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:27:02 PM »
this will contain all of the screen shots and stuff -=NOTE all the updating will be shows ON THIS FIRST POST!!=-

Ships i will make



-New Mexico(BB)

- South Dakota(BB)

-Iowa Class(BB)

- Fletcher(DD)

- Gearing(DD)










- Hosho(CV)


over all 0% compleated

P.S this will be my versions of them so some may not look like the real verson

Modification Help / what addon pack should i create?
« on: August 25, 2014, 01:30:37 PM »
ok so im back and i want to make something for this game (also il back up my addons i get ingame unlike my SCII addon pack)

1.Naval Pack

This pack contains 4 diffrent Battleships from US and Japan WWII 2 Destroyers and 2 carriers!

2.Plane Pack

This pack contains 1 plane from everyone in WWII!

3.Fall Of Cybertron Guns

this pack will contain some of the Guns from the transfromers game-Fall of Cybertron

4.WWII Pack

this pack will contain 2 Battleships, 2 carriers, and 2 planes! Also as a bonus you will get a FREE Landing craft! (Iowa Yamato Enterprise japain carrier F4F Wild cat and Zero)

welp say what you vote for!

p.s im NOT doing cars! there are to meny car addons >_>

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