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Topics - Melting Plastic

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Creativity / Mechanism Game
« on: July 28, 2019, 07:02:07 PM »
Mechanism Game: (Plastic Physics Sandbox Prototype)
download the first prototype on discord:

Suggestions & Requests / Auto-Terrain-Brick
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:05:08 AM »
     Someone should make a 16x16 terrain brick that has multiple hidden datablocks. When planted,  the brick would search for surrounding terrain bricks and adjusts its shape to the adjacent brick.  This way all you would have to do is get this "Auto-Terrain-Brick", turn Super-Shift on, and go to town while the bricks automatically change shape.

Modification Help / Loading Bricks Callback
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:35:25 PM »
Is there any way I can sense if the server begins loading bricks through a callback or some other means?

Off Topic / 3D print blockland builds?
« on: May 10, 2012, 09:35:34 AM »
I've been following a new potential 3D printer on the market, it actually has very high resolution print-outs (something that's been a limitation with other printers).  I imagine printing out block-land builds in miniature!

Modification Help / Lan Client confusion
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:27:27 PM »
when proccessing a new input event:


where the %client variable has been tested thoroughly and does differ between 2 LAN players.

any output events that need a %client as an input - only get the last LAN player to join the server, not the correct and distinguished client object that was processed with the input event.

has anyone experienced this?

EDIT - Fixed

Suggestions & Requests / Client Side Ghost Brick
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:18:21 AM »
This is more of an engine change suggestion, but If the Ghost brick when building wasn't fully server sided as it is now, building on other servers would be much smoother. - as you wouldn't have the ghost brick jerk around on lag spikes.

Modification Help / Logic Bricks - Beta Release
« on: January 14, 2012, 12:21:05 AM »
lately I have been working on a digital logic system for Blockland, giving possibilities for both simple binary machines and numerical calculations built with Wire bricks and Logic Bricks.

here's a video of a binary adder:

All Ray-casting is done while building, or deleting bricks. when finished, 1 global tick updates the Logic Bricks (only if they need to be updated). current Logic Bricks are: Wires, NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, Adder,  Multiplier, GreaterThan, Equal-To and a positive clock edge D-FlipFlop.

(please report bugs to this thread)

Wires not only work with on or off values but also can work with floating point numbers.

Off Topic / Physics Blocks
« on: December 06, 2011, 11:15:19 PM »
A little test app i've been working on:

Help / Rendering Context Error
« on: November 10, 2011, 03:11:21 PM »
Since the recent update, Blockland crashes with an unexpected error, when it reaches
"Creating a new rendering context..." in the console.  There is no info on what the error is, just a "send, dont send" dialog. 

On windows XP

attached is console log file.

Help / Launcher doesn't start Blockland.exe
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:06:28 AM »
I;m Having a problem that is stated in the other topics as well, Blockland.exe simply won't launch from the launcher.

Uninstalled Old Blockland Files and folders.
No Antivirus software activated
Launcher runs without a hitch - but does nothing when starting up blockland.exe from within the Ducuments folder.
No Blockland log is generated in the documents folder - only the launcher log (attached below)

I've tried running the Blockland.exe file directly but of course it says to open via the launcher..

Windows 7 (64 bit system)
Full UAC/Administrative privileges...

Thank you for your time.

Creativity / Snakes and Balls
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:37:32 PM »
Ive been working on a BlitzMax game recently called "Snakes and Balls"

Goal: Eat all the colored food without running into yourself


1. Each time you run through a colored ball

a. Mass is taken off the Ball and added to the length of the snake.

b.The color of the snake changes to the color of the ball as you pass through

2. You can overlap yourself if the color of the snake's head is not the same color as the overlaped section.

Modification Help / Global Tick Schedule for Zones?
« on: February 24, 2011, 05:20:25 PM »
In my ZoneEvents mod I have been simply using a combination of triggers and physical zones around bricks and accessing the onTickTrigger callback for all my OnInZone events.  Of course Torque doesn't sense projectiles at all within a trigger so I tried doing a container ray cast for projectiles within the onTickTrigger callback for each trigger. - but onTickTrigger only gets called if a player of vehicle is already in the trigger..

my question is: is it worth it to have a global schedule that does container raycasts on each zone?  Or would it be too laggy on the networking side of things?  I want to keep Zones as fast and clean as possible.  Any Thoughts?

Music / FunkyClav
« on: December 30, 2010, 05:29:43 PM »
This is a Custom Instrumental Loop I created, Tried to stick with a Video game feel.

Suggestions & Requests / GPU fakekill physics.
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:08:03 PM »
According to the bullet physics forums, version 3 of the sdk will support doing simulation on the GPU, supporting many more objects at once.  I thought this would be an ideal solution to doing the fake-kill effect in blockland because many more bricks could be simulated, as well as leaving the CPU with much less overhead.  At the same time however, this might increase the Graphics card load.  The little knowledge I have is that this type of physics processing involves the use of pixel shaders and doesn't actually effect the polygon based load on the graphics card. of course this would remain a client side effect.  If the user had an older card (without pixel shaders) the regular method could be used instead.

Is this a possibility or is my information misled?

Modification Help / Minigame Events
« on: October 09, 2009, 10:17:18 PM »
Ive been messing around adding some new output events for minigames
Code: [Select]
registerOutputEvent("minigame","SelfDamage", "bool 0");
Code: [Select]
function MinigameSO::SelfDamage(%minigame,%damage)
%minigame.selfDamage = %damage;

Sadly any events like these wont update the actual minigame GUI, how would you tell the Gui to alter the push buttons ect. when this event is called.

any thoughts?

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