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Topics - Sgt. Rob

Pages: [1]
Help / Can't Run Blockland
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:30:06 PM »
My computer first acted really weird, and shut down randomly sometimes. That kept happening. Then I couldn't turn it on! I tried a few times, and I knew it wouldn't work so a few hours later I just tried again. Then I got it to turn on so I felt like going on Blockland. When I double clicked it. A message came up and at the top it says: nVidia OpenGL Driver. Under it: Driver componets Mis-Match. Exit is the only option. I went on some other games like CSS and DoDs and the screen was blinking black on any server I went to! So I got off it and the computer shut down again...In the next couple days I got a new Video Card. And I went on everything I went on earlier, but they were the exsact same! My computer no longer shut down unexpectdedly, but I still couldn't get any games to work right. I told my friends about it and pm'ed Badspot. I told him what it said when Blockland didn't start. He responded and said that I needed a new driver or I went on Dell support and looked for drivers. Since it said "nVidia OpenGL Driver", I looked for the nVidia drivers. I found about ten of them that said nvidia/nVidia Driver. So I asked Badspot which one to get. He gave me a link to a nVidia driver Download. I downloaded it and it said somthing like: This is not Windows Vista 32 bit, this driver is for Windows Vista 32 bit only...But I do have that. So I gave a last pm to Badspot and then posted here to ask you guys.

Help me?  :panda:

Suggestions & Requests / Ramped Water Bricks?
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:00:10 PM »
Ramped Water Bricks?

Has anyone noticed all the water park/water slide servers up latley? I sure have I went on a few too but they were just rapids or river falling down one after another into a pool. But if we had ramped water bricks we could acually slide down into the pool. And it would gain speed the farther you go down or somthing like that. Any other ideas? Or problems with the suggestion? Anything?

Music / Reqeust: Do you like Waffles?
« on: June 25, 2008, 01:36:47 PM »
Do you like Waffles?
I lol'd. I say put it on Blockland  :cookieMonster:

Games / Team Fortress 2
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:03:57 PM »
Funny Video!  :cookieMonster:
Video 1:
Video 2:

Name: Team Fortress 2 Western (PART 1 or 2 out of 2, 17 minute machinima)

Games / Pirates Online-Lol, or no lol?
« on: May 03, 2008, 08:15:28 PM »
Pirates Online          Lol, or no lol?

I saw this game on commercial and it looked okay. It didn't look bad, but not very good either. I thought it was worth a try. And I didn't have much else to do anyways... So I went on the website and dowloaded it:  Then I went on the game. Note: You can't have a bad computer or else the game won't work properly. When I went on the game and made a character, named him and all that. And it was pretty good! There were lots of very specific details. After I named my character the game had a tuturial. Then I started playing. At first, it looks like a million newbs are running around you. But thats not really it, it's just the server. The put the new people on one server where not much people are on. Only the people like you who just joined and is just training. After a while I was okay at the game, about a level 10. And I had quite a bit of friends and made a guild called "Army of Tortuga" (lol) Tortuga is one of the main islands on the game. After a while of playing I noticed that the game wasn't very good unless with unlimited access. (Unlimited Access: Basicly a membership.) Well I got it. And believe it or not the game was great! Better than ever! And I kept playing till this day. (I only started about a month ago.) I am now a level 25.

NOTE: This game is made by Disney, Disney has made very sucky games in the past, but this one is their best one yet by far. And if you want to watch how it is on Youtube, don't the Videos on this are gay lol. Yes, these pirates gamble! But I would recomend to not gamble because I lost over 2000 gold......  :panda:

Rated: E +10

Weapons (From first to last): Sword (level 1), Gun (level 2) (Basicly a Revolver), VooDoo Doll (level 10), Grenade level 20), and the best........ :iceCream: VooDoo Staff :iceCream: (level 30). The farthest weapon I got up to right now is the grenade.

Level cap: 40

So it's your choice, Lol, or no lol?

Suggestions & Requests / Boats? Submarines? On Water!?
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:32:33 PM »
I have been thinking, since we have that Blockland editor thing that can make water...why don't we have boats on Bockland? You think somebody should make one?

There is also slopes, that has water on the map. We actally have lots of maps on Blockland that has water? Why not make boats to go in the water? We could make a Vacation build if we had boats!  :cookieMonster:

Or we could even make a submarine add-on too. I thought water vehicles was a pretty good idea! And since I don't have the skills to make add-ons, well...thats why im asking you guys!  :cookieMonster:

Main Questions
1. Should we have water vehicles on Blockland?
2. Would you guys make these suggested vehicles for me?
3. Will this work?

So whats the answer?

Clan Discussion / How Popular is the "Outdoors Clan" (OC)
« on: January 29, 2008, 05:18:22 PM »
Outdoors Clan

**/10   How popular is this clan?

I voted 8/10 myself    ;)

Clan Discussion / Death Match Builders
« on: September 07, 2007, 10:14:45 PM »
Obviously in this clan we build dm's.  Sometimes we will have meetings and group builds.  We will also need some server makers, just like in DC because i still cant make servers. :panda:.  Well, the app is building a dm.  I will have to rate it a 7/10 or over.

Leader (me)
Builder Out Of All Members   (:cookie:'s for you)
Death Match Builder

1. Sgt. Rob

Notice Board
I'll soon build the DMB base.

Suggestions & Requests / Snowboard
« on: June 15, 2007, 11:42:12 AM »
  I think that skiing is cool but snowboarding would sure be better.  Then maybe we could do tricks on it at the slopes. It would be so awesome! (just sharing ideas) I hope it'll be an add on some time in the future.

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