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Topics - Gloss

Pages: [1]
Drama / Dnm_168
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:47:14 PM »
Ok so i was at this guys server. And i only chatted like 2chats and get banned :/

Oh and the chats I said.

[9:40 P.M]Dnm_168: lolz
[9:40 P.M]DraftDinosaur5678: waaahh
[9:40 P.M]Spt. stars Fool: we winning
[9:40 P.M]Spt. stars Fool: :D
[9:40 P.M]DraftDinosaur5678: HOLY
[9:40 P.M]Glass: im a slut
[9:41 P.M]Dnm_168: DAfuq glass?
[9:41 P.M]DraftDinosaur5678: THERE LIKE SUPER CLOSE
[9:41 P.M]Glass: im a slut..
[9:41 P.M]Dnm_168: ..
[9:41 P.M]Dnm_168: You're disgusting.
[9:41 P.M]Spt. stars Fool: i am lonwg livin
[9:41 P.M]Storm Surge: hi
[9:41 P.M]Spt. stars Fool: g
[9:41 P.M]Glass: i'll suck your richard

What did I do?

General Discussion / Glass' FreeBuild [Rules Section Added]
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:31:37 PM »

Server Information

The Server runs 24/7 thanks to Kalphiters Dedicated Hosting.

I know FreeBuilds are not very Popular anymore and they are Not managed well. But. Mine will be managed well taken care of and will be up 24/7 so no loosing your builds!

Uses a decent amount of Events, Vehicles and Items.

AutoSaver is On.

We have the Duplicator and FillCan.

The AFKKicker will kick you after 15 Minutes of inactivity.


Do not Spam in any form.
Dont ask for admin.
Respect all Admins/Players.
Dont talk in Caps.
Have a nice visit.

Building Rules

Do not place random baseplates to spawn Weapons/Vehicles.
Do not use spammy bricks. Be resourceful. Don't use alot of bricks.
Give other people's builds Space. Don't put a build right next to each other if the maker doesn't want it there.
You are only allowed to Spawn 1-2Vehicles.
Vehicles must be part of a build. So don't just make a Baseplate for a vehicle or weapon. If you want a vehicle Make a Driveway or Garage.
Do not ever Purposely block someones Build.


No Current Pictures



Glass - Super Admin (Host)

Ipquarx - Super Admin (Co-Host)

Basement Dweller - Admin

The Brighter Dark - Admin


Report Abuse


Unfair Ban?
(The Ban must be over 24Hours to have a app filled out)
Were you banned unfairly? Fill out this app for a chance to be Un-Banned.

Reason to be Un-Banned:


Want to request something for server? Fill out a Simple app for it!

Link/Download (If there is):

Drama / Setro2 - Spamming Forums and Stupidity.
« on: May 27, 2012, 12:39:31 PM »
Lets just start with some screenshots of some things he posted.

Heres some quotes i found from his Last Posts.

The guy doesn't even know how to change his name? Your kidding me, right?

Sorry admins that might have thought I was pretending to be banned, I have made the "User was banned for this post" thing in the quote.
He keeps spamming the topic thinking that everybody cares about him. I agree.

This was a Lie since it meant nothing.
I'm sorry for acting so dumb, and I will stop. I wont post any other stupid topics. I post so much in the help board because I'm new, and I don't know everything yet. Heres to prove I'm sorry:

Yea. People don't like me I know that. But this guy is just like a BrushFire. He spreads fast. First it was the General Disc. Now he has spread throughout the rest of the forums.

All I really want him to do is use the before he posts Topics about Help or, Put the complaints in the Thread. Like the "Dose BlockOS effect RTB?" and the "Why I don't like BlockOS" That should go into the BlockOS Thread. Not Drama/General Disc. Im also going to Apologize for be behavior. This time for real. But i just want Setro2 to stop Spamming and think before he posts.(Something Tells me the Think before you post should go to me as well)

Drama / Awesomedude1234: ID: 13513 Tormenting Player on my Server.
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:34:28 PM »
Awesomedude1234 Tormenting Deisgner.  But if you read the ChatLog from Top to Bottom you will see.

And Designer joined Blockland on May11. So its not like he did anything to the guy. He just randomly starts insulting him.

Also. Dose he dose not know the meaning of Hater.

Quote from: ChatLog
05/12/12   20:59:36   awsomedude1234   13513   hey,Designer get a backbone at least i have one
05/12/12   20:59:43   Designer   35945   what?
05/12/12   20:59:47   awsomedude1234   13513   f you
05/12/12   20:59:48   mora11do RULZ   30411   ?
05/12/12   20:59:56   Designer   35945   Wth did i do?
05/12/12   21:00:13   awsomedude1234   13513   ur a loving hater
05/12/12   21:00:16   Designer   35945   How....
05/12/12   21:00:20   mora11do RULZ   30411   ^.^
05/12/12   21:00:27   Number   28584   thanks
05/12/12   21:00:35   mora11do RULZ   30411   $/money
05/12/12   21:00:58   JAC   29389   HI
05/12/12   21:01:01   MaximumRide   7610   sup jac
05/12/12   21:01:08   Number   28584   should I buy the m4?
05/12/12   21:01:08   Designer   35945   Seriously, Awesomedude, How am i a Hater?
05/12/12   21:01:24   MaximumRide   7610   buy m27
05/12/12   21:01:25   Designer   35945   Exactly. No answer.
05/12/12   21:01:28   mora11do RULZ   30411   downloading file 120 of 174 ^.^
05/12/12   21:01:30   JAC   29389   you like soooo epic max
05/12/12   21:01:47   MaximumRide   7610   uhh, thnks?
05/12/12   21:01:53   mora11do RULZ   30411   hows it goin?
05/12/12   21:01:55   awsomedude1234   13513   lol
05/12/12   21:02:00   Designer   35945   Awesome dude
05/12/12   21:02:03   Designer   35945   Explain.
05/12/12   21:02:06   awsomedude1234   13513   wat
05/12/12   21:02:08   mora11do RULZ   30411   which team has flag?
05/12/12   21:02:08   Designer   35945   How am I a Hater.
05/12/12   21:02:26   awsomedude1234   13513   its caled ur loving handicapped
05/12/12   21:02:30   Designer   35945   LOL!
05/12/12   21:02:31   mora11do RULZ   30411   ?
05/12/12   21:02:32   Destructinator   20244   Jesus
05/12/12   21:02:41   Designer   35945   When i saw you a i was like "ooooforget" xD
05/12/12   21:02:42   mora11do RULZ   30411   what
05/12/12   21:02:47   mora11do RULZ   30411   ?
05/12/12   21:02:51   Destructinator   20244   I was in scope mode pressing F then you scared the hell out of me
05/12/12   21:02:59   Destructinator   20244   Designer
05/12/12   21:03:15   mora11do RULZ   30411   i spawned!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
05/12/12   21:03:17   Designer   35945   I turn corner not paying atention, Destruct is staring at me im just like.. "oforgetkool kids klub!" in my mind lol
05/12/12   21:03:22   Potatoes   30678   MORA
05/12/12   21:03:24   Destructinator   20244   I was in scope mode pressing F then you scared the hell out of me
05/12/12   21:03:29   mora11do RULZ   30411   what
05/12/12   21:03:38   Potatoes   30678   hi
05/12/12   21:03:39   JAC   29389   i wana be red
05/12/12   21:03:40   Designer   35945   That still dosn't answer my question Awesomedude
05/12/12   21:03:51   mora11do RULZ   30411   hi
05/12/12   21:04:01   Destructinator   20244   Wtf
05/12/12   21:04:02   Designer   35945   Reason awesomes not answering me is because he has no answer
05/12/12   21:04:08   Destructinator   20244   I jsut reloaded and I was out
05/12/12   21:04:09   awsomedude1234   13513   hater
05/12/12   21:04:16   mora11do RULZ   30411   potate want to be friends on game?
05/12/12   21:04:17   Designer   35945   EXPLAIN HOW THEN.
05/12/12   21:04:24   Potatoes   30678   sure
05/12/12   21:04:32   awsomedude1234   13513   ur a cigarette
05/12/12   21:04:32   JAC   29389   any body wana swap?
05/12/12   21:04:36   Designer   35945   You just seem like a friend. I have done nothing to you today
05/12/12   21:04:36   Destructinator   20244   Sure
05/12/12   21:04:39   Destructinator   20244   :P
05/12/12   21:04:39   Number   28584   glass
05/12/12   21:04:41   awsomedude1234   13513   no
05/12/12   21:04:42   Number   28584   kick him please
05/12/12   21:04:42   Designer   35945   Or, ever
05/12/12   21:05:08   MaximumRide   7610   stuff
05/12/12   21:05:38   awsomedude1234   13513   designer would u just shut your loving ass up
05/12/12   21:05:44   MaximumRide   7610   plz
05/12/12   21:05:51   Designer   35945   You do realise that was Glass that talked, Right?
05/12/12   21:06:32   Designer   35945   And you need to answeer my Question, Why am I, 'friend' 'loving handicap' 'ass' 'hater'
05/12/12   21:06:39   SpriteExplode   21778   THIS IS MY HOLE STOP NOW
05/12/12   21:06:46   Number   28584   designer
05/12/12   21:06:51   Number   28584   he can't answer your question
05/12/12   21:06:56   Number   28584   because you're not any of them
05/12/12   21:07:00   Designer   35945   Exactly
05/12/12   21:07:19   Number   28584   I killed him for yoyu
05/12/12   21:07:21   Number   28584   you*
05/12/12   21:07:21   Designer   35945   Thank you number lol
05/12/12   21:07:44   Destructinator   20244   Im sneaky?
05/12/12   21:08:08   Designer   35945   Why cant youtube have a repeat butten... I keep ahveing to press replay on my youtube player lol
05/12/12   21:08:14   Destructinator   20244   ikr
05/12/12   21:08:21   Destructinator   20244   :O
05/12/12   21:08:25   Destructinator   20244   My dirt is 360
05/12/12   21:08:28   Destructinator   20244   Lol
05/12/12   21:08:37   Designer   35945   I just realised.
05/12/12   21:08:58   Designer   35945   I been playing this server for 17 Hours +
05/12/12   21:09:18   mora11do RULZ   30411   potateos where are you?
05/12/12   21:09:19   Designer   35945   Guess that is what happens when your sick and cannot do much lol
05/12/12   21:10:22   Designer   35945   shiz
05/12/12   21:10:30   Destructinator   20244   DAngit
05/12/12   21:10:36   Destructinator   20244   3 down 2 left I lost
05/12/12   21:10:39   Designer   35945   Im starting to consider upgradeing my weps.
05/12/12   21:10:45   Destructinator   20244   k?
05/12/12   21:10:46   Lt. York   29321   hi
05/12/12   21:10:53   Destructinator   20244   I can't for a while
05/12/12   21:10:58   Destructinator   20244   I need M249
05/12/12   21:11:00   Destructinator   20244   ._.
05/12/12   21:11:03   Designer   35945   Theres something about FreeWare i like :)
05/12/12   21:11:14   JAC   29389   jointeam Red team
05/12/12   21:11:28   Designer   35945   How. The. forget. Am. I. A. Hater.
05/12/12   21:11:33   Designer   35945   Do you even know what hater means?
05/12/12   21:11:58   Designer   35945   Do you even know what it means?
05/12/12   21:12:09   awsomedude1234   13513   duh!
05/12/12   21:12:13   Number   28584   awsome is just really bad at trolling
05/12/12   21:12:16   Designer   35945   No, You really dont.
05/12/12   21:12:36   Designer   35945   Because if you knew what Hater ment, You wouldn't be calling me one.
05/12/12   21:12:46   Destructinator   20244   Jesus
05/12/12   21:12:59   awsomedude1234   13513   actualy i do im older than you ok im 21
05/12/12   21:13:05   Number   28584   wow
05/12/12   21:13:05   Designer   35945   OH LOL 21!
05/12/12   21:13:12   Number   28584   you seem like you're 5
05/12/12   21:13:16   Designer   35945   So you just admited you haveing No Life?
05/12/12   21:13:34   awsomedude1234   13513   how i got this game 10 days ago
05/12/12   21:13:41   Number   28584   uh
05/12/12   21:13:46   Number   28584   he's trolling I think
05/12/12   21:13:50   Designer   35945   Hes definatly a 10Year old
05/12/12   21:14:11   awsomedude1234   13513   can we just forget about it
05/12/12   21:14:16   Designer   35945   Lol...
05/12/12   21:14:22   JAC   29389   plz swap
05/12/12   21:14:24   Number   28584   look at his blid id
05/12/12   21:14:32   Designer   35945   After the things you randomly called me, I donty think so. I might even Drama you.
05/12/12   21:14:33   Number   28584   he said he has been playing for 10 days

Sorry for not picking out the Chats.

Drama / DJ SL33T's Apocalypse RP
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:08:56 PM »
Alright so I'm on this Apocalypse RP and the host is just a downright idiot. First

And hes jetting around killing with a SMAW. And he bans for people for jetting.

So then i shoot him twice with SMAW And HE DOSN'T DIE. Then i realize...Hes doing a Relay Health Regenerator. So. I start taking pics, But The server goes down before i can take more. Anyway heres the pics.

[Also the box around Players and vehicles is something a friend just told me about and i was testing it, And i forgot to turn it off. Lol.]

Anyway, Then I say, oh, So you get to jet around killing with unlimited health and he says "Were not human :3" But then i say "Doesn't give you the right to cheat and abuse."

Anyway, I know the Topic isn't well put togever and I'm sorry. I'll try to get more evidence.

Drama / "GlassSucks" Bumping Dramas, Making Fake Posts!
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:29:44 PM »
Alright So, This guy doesn't like me apparently. So. He thinks its cool to get a Forum account, Name it GlassSucks. Then his Account, 34976 He named himself after how much i suck. GlassSucks Forum Account Heres a few Quotes.

Glass banned me from his server permanently  because I like Obama.

Glass banned me from his server like 6 weeks ago. His name was Glass not Moby1997. The reason was like that I was saying Obama 2012. And he was a republican so he banned me forever

Heres a Pic of his Past names.

Anyway, He's saying i banned him for liking Obama. So. Ya. This guy seems to really hate me if he's willing to waste $20 on a Forum name of GlassSucks. Anyway. He will probily keep bumping on Dramas anyway. So. Idk if Badspot bans for that stuff. Bumping old dramas, And telling fake posts. Anyway. I reported him.

Drama / Someone on Gravity Cat's Server Fakeing My Chat
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:38:07 PM »
Alright, So I'm playing Gravity Cats, And Some friend decides to Fake the Chat of ME, And a few chats of Mr.Jacksaunt.

And Im pissed because he's making me say all kinds of stuff, First it started with spamming ChatMsgAll with red spam but then i get upset and he/she starts faking MY name, Heres some of the things that happened.

Also, If you don't believe me and think it was just me attention whoreing then Look at first screenshot. Theres no way i could have spammed like that without Admin.

Proof, Because it didn't show in my Client Console. (I have a Special ChatLogger that plays the message in the client console)

If i find out who it is i will Post. Im sorry for no name.

Note to, Gravity Cat.

Please, Get Event Restrictions and do it to the MiniGame>MsgAll events.

Drama / Drama MegaThread - For those little things!
« on: April 19, 2012, 05:58:04 PM »

Ever wanted to Post a Drama on someone/server but it probity isn't worth making a whole new Topic? Go ahead and post them here! Trolls, Attention Whores, Abusive Admins, And all of that type of things.

If you want, Post your ban list, Or really anything you could think of!

You can even post some of those funny blocking noobs like when your attacked by Blockheads! Annoyed by some idiot, And all of that stuff. So go ahead and post some stuff right here in Drama Megathread.

To some of you this might be a useless topic but, It might come in handy for some of those times you, Don't Want to make a new Topic, The Issue isn't worth making a Topic, Other reasons.

No Spaming on how Stupid you might think this is. Please, Ik it might seem stupid to some but to others its a nice thing to be able to come to.

Gallery / Glass' Gallery [Plane Parts Needed!]
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:33:27 AM »
No current Pictures until a get a little more Progress on the Plane done.

Drama / Hafnium's Server - Abusive Administration
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:12:37 PM »
First, I want to say, I know I'm not liked on the Drama Topic, My topics are not respected, ect. But this I have plenty of ScreenShots, Proof, Witness's ect. 

Screenshots of them Banning people.

Thats all the screenshots i currently have.

Heres a few Quotes from people that have visited this horrible server.

Quote from: Spook 11
On my time on this server the admins curently on the server were being in plain words starfisheto people, banning them for fun, i wouldent recommend going on this server untill this is fixed.

Drama / Myntical's Military RP - Stupid/Abusive Admins
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:21:44 PM »
Alright so, Im at this Military RP, HORRIBLY put together, And they say: "Test out the blow darts we gave you" and, I shoot them at the target, An admin walks in front of it, I shoot him(Seriously, IM shooting Blow Darts at a target that he walks into, What did he expect) He kills me with a Machine Gun. So then I go and tell him how this server is Horribly put together, Its ran badly, Its not Organized, Etc. So, After i come back i say "Hah. So now the admins abuse too?" Then he Perma bans me with the reason of HAH.

Anyway, I never actually got any In-Game screen shots other than the Servers name and The ban reason and a small part of my chat log.

So, Heres the ScreenShots Below.

Also, If i find anymore evidence against this server i will post. Sorry for the lack of Evidence.

General Discussion / Glass' Trench Wars [Official Topic]
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:38:43 PM »

    Logo by Glass.

    Server Information

    This server is 24/7.

    This Server now offers Pre-Made terrain and Buildings, So fresh loads don't look so...Fresh. Makes the map look so much nicer on a Reload.

    Also, To listen to Music while you play, Join my SynchTube Channel!

    Using, BF3 Weapons Pack

    Hosting provided by, Kalphiters Dedicated Hosting Service

    If theres a Server Issue Contact us, Gloss, Wordyor Any other Super Admins.

    Glass' Contact Information: Glass' Forum GlassBlockland (Steam)


    Sorry about the faces being Black, Its a rendering glitch i have since V20, Badspots fixing it in V21 (It happens with all the new Macs)


    List of Videos that were made of my server.


    Current Version: V4

    Version Update Log for V5:
    • Moveing Spawn&Shops away from direction of blue base to stop people from lagging.
    • Adding Some Things to spawn rooms.
    • New map layout.

    Administration Team



    Glass - Super Admin [Host]

    Danny Boy - Super Admin [Co-Host]

    Darren - Super Admin [Co-Host]

    TomTom - Super Admin

    Ipquarx - Super Admin

    Cody Max - Super Admin

    WhiteStorm - Super Admin

    Thorfin25 - Admin

    Filipe1020 - Admin

    Nobot - Admin

    Jincux - Admin

    Pablo - Admin

    MATT ZAP - Admin

    Badger - Admin

    The Brighter Dark - Admin

    Dr.Shoe - Admin

    Crown - Admin

    Jes00 - Admin

    Honor - Admin

    Nitrogen - Admin

    Joffrey - Moderator


    Admin Requirements


    1)Must have RTB.

    2)No past Admin Abuse.

    3)Two well known Host must Recommend you, Have them send me a PM.

    4)Enforce Rules.


    Glass - Map, Terrain, Host.

    The Brighter Dark - Spawn/Weapon Rooms.

    WhiteStorm - Terrain Builder.

    Nitrogen - Terrain Builder.

    Server Status


    General Discussion / Glass' Falling Platforms! [Official Topic]
    « on: March 30, 2012, 09:38:12 PM »

    Logo by Glass.

    Server Information

    Server is 24/7.

    Hosting Provided by, Kalphiters Hosting Service

    Any problems, Post here, Or contact Glass Or

    Not much to say other than, Platforms that fall! Name explains all. :P


    LOL, We were board and 3 of the Admins including myself decided to hang out in the Admin Hottub :D

    Administration Team



    Glass - Super Admin [Host]

    Danny Boy - Super Admin [Co-Host]

    Thorfin25 - Super Admin

    Filipe1020 - Super Admin

    Cody Max - Super Admin

    Nobot - Super Admin

    Ipquarx - Super Admin

    Darren - Super Admin

    TomTom - Super Admin

    Cat123 - Super Admin

    Darkness - Super Admin

    Pablo - Super Admin

    Bubbler - Admin

    WhiteStorm - Admin

    The Brighter Dark - Admin

    Dr.Shoe - Admin

    YoungRotations - Admin


    Apply For Admin


    1)Must have RTB.

    2)No past Admin Abuse.

    3)Two well known Host must Recommend you, Have them send me a PM.

    4)Enforce Rules.

    5)Fill out the Application correctly.

    Admin App must be filled out as shown. Also, It is to be left in a Reply of this topic. If you don't have access to a forum account then Email me it. My E-Mail is in Server Information.

    Admin Application

    Why should you be Admin?:
    List two Host that will Recommend you(Have them PM me):
    Do you meet the requirements? (Yes/No):

    Admin Positions AVALIABLE (4Positions)
    2.The Brighter Dark

    Apply For Moderator


    1)Must have RTB.

    2)Two well known Host must Recommend you, Have them send me a PM.

    3)Enforce Rules.

    Moderator App must be filled out as shown.

    Moderator Application

    Why should you be Moderator?:
    List two Host that will Recommend you(Have them PM me):
    Do you meet the requirements? (Yes/No):

    Moderator Positions AVALIABLE (10Positions)


    Glass - Build, Events.

    The Brighter Dark - Admin Room, Spectator Rooms.

    Server Status

    Pages: [1]