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Topics - nairb84

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Nairb's Mansion (WIP)
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:52:14 AM »
This is my mansion I started one year ago, I thought I'd go back to it and finish it, I wanted to finish before V9 came out, but I guess that didn't happen. Anyways, this all I can give you from the front, I'll update this on my progress and everything. But till its done, I shall post the final.

Forum Games / The Driving Game
« on: February 19, 2008, 11:50:53 AM »
This game is all about math most of the times. This game might sound confusing so read it over a couple of times so you actually get the concept of the game. Here's how the game works:

The game is played with (x*Drivers). There are (-1 # of Drivers) legs to the race, where one racer is eliminated after each leg. Thus, the last man standing wins. (-1 # Drivers means, its Minus 1 from # of drivers, for Ex. 6 Drivers = 5 Legs, I know this might sound weird)

a New leg is started Each day (Ex. 6 Drivers = 5 Legs = 5 Days to play)

Each driver starts with (x*100)speed points. where X is the number of players Times 100

Must submit the Speed points within a 24 hour period.

During each leg, the drivers PM to the moderator of the game the number of points they wish to spend for this leg. These points will be deducted from their pool (initially x*100).

Once everybody submit, the choices are NOT revealed to the public. If one player/driver does not submit how many points they wanna use with in the 24 Hour period, that person is automaticly Eliminated meaning they were the last person to Arrive in the leg, so the game goes on as planned.

The moderator of the game will reveal 1st, 2nd, 3rd and who went out and the other particpants in order.

There are incentives for finishing first, second and third. First place receives 20 speed points, second 10 and third 5.

The person who finished last will naturally be eliminated from the game.

In case of tie, the person who submitted FIRST will be the one who arrives faster.

When 4 players/drivers remain, no bonuses will be given out, so watch how much points you use up.

Follow this PM Guideline so no one gets confused.
Subject: Driving game
PM: x*Speed points (Where X is the number of Speed points your gonna use up)

Players: (8 - 10 players would be a reasonable ammount to play.)

Game starts when we have a reasonable ammount, which would be 8 - 10 Players

Forum Games / Town vs. Mafia
« on: December 25, 2007, 04:50:30 PM »


1 King: (First to PM me will be King)
The king knows nothing. His goal is to stay alive to win. He must also make sure that the assassin is dead.

4 Guards:(First 4 to reply to this Thread will be the 4 Guards)
They all know who the king is, but not who everybody else is. They must kill the assassin and keep the king alive to win.

Town Peoples:(Just reply to the thread to be one)
Incharge of making the Lynch, Sell Weapons and Food to other people.


2 Assassins: (First 2 to PM me will be the Assassins)
There goal is find out who the king is and kill him. When he figures out who he wants to kill, he launches a Self Delete attack in the day. If he kills the King, he wins, otherwise if he didn't pick the king, he loses and town wins.

RULES Thread related.
2.non-game players MAY NOT post in this thread.
3.Players CANNOT vote for a No Lynch.All the towns people just all come to a Agreement on who to Lynch, when all the people come to a Agreement that person is Automatically lynch, NOTE: No take back Actions, what ever is done is done.
4.There is no night phase After every lynch we reveal if the town has sucessufully lynched the assassin, if not we move to the next day only way for the assassin to win is to figure out who the king is and launch a Self Delete attack on him. Unless he manages to lynch to King (which is impossible, since all guards know who the King is).
5.There is no time limit, this can go on for Days if it has too.
6.Be specific in your Actions your about to do.

Note to Assassins:You have ONE shot to kill the King, which is by Sucide, no second Chances, do it Wisely. Buy weapons to kill the King. You can earn money by Making a job that sells Food or either Weapons, Whatever the Customer buys, the Item they bought, the Price goes up by $2 so you get more money and buy more stuff, you get that since your gonna be part of the Town and be a Regular Civilian.Lastly don't try to be Obvious, the person can tell the other people and the Whole Town can Lynch you.

Note to Town:Sell stuff so you can get some Weapons to Protect your self if your Facing against a Assassin. Be careful who you Trust your probaly giving Vital Information to a Assassin. A Assassin will be part of the Town not even telling you there are a Assassin to kill the King but act like there a Regular Civilian. Same as the Assassin Whatever a customer buys, the Item they bought, the Price goes up by $2 so you get more money and buy more stuff

Note to Guards:Always protect a Civilian even though there in Trouble even if it might be a MAYBE a Assassin. BTW you start out with a Mace a Sheild and Full Body Armor. You can buy a Weapon if the Mace isn't enough.

All the different roles get a Different amount of money depending on there role
King - $5000
Guards - $1000
Towns People - $400
Assassins - $300

Towns People can sell...
Sword - $20
Dagger - $10
Sheild - $30
Full Body Armor - $400
Bomb - $500
Apple Pie
Soda - $5
Full Breakfast Dish - Contains Toasted Bread, Drink of your choosing, and Bacon -- $30
Full Dinner Dish - Contains Chicken, Drink of your choosing, and Corn -- $30

Definition to Lynch - To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.

Game On when we have all the roles covered.

At the end of the game I will Reveal the Winner.

Inspiration from another forum

Clan Discussion / FBI clan
« on: August 04, 2007, 03:25:43 PM »
hi i'm the leader of FBI (federal bureau of investigation). what we do mostly is learn tatics for example the defensive tatic that will teach you how to get cover during a shoot outs in mini games that we do,we usually hold fire arms to do combat or survival shootings,we also do building.

Our Motto
We have a motto our motto is fedelity,bravery,and integrity, that means to adherence to fact,courage,and to be in the start of being whole with one another like working together in our builds.

Our rules
1. respect the dignity of all the people
3.Leader ship, both personal and professional
4.just have fun
Our priorities establish all our clan builds

How to apply
To apply in FBI just build something that will tell me that your good at building just put the build on gallery or go to a FBI server and load it there for us to see.

Hope you join our growing clan!

Clan Discussion / united bow (new)
« on: June 26, 2007, 02:07:45 PM »
Hi i am the owner of united bow, a clan that works with weapons and building times. Some people say that bow is a fail but i don't think so. So to get on with thing here are the rules of bow:

rule 1: never think that you are better than any other member
rule 2: never steal any other people's builds
rule 3: never kick/ban any member unless you have a reason
rule 4:don't fool around (sometimes i give a day off to the member to do what ever they want)
rule 5:do your best in building
rule 6:have fun!

if you want to apply reply to this post and i'll see if you can join

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