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Topics - Blockhead36001

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / How do I reduce damage taken on item equiped.
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:09:44 PM »
Hey, guys, I had a question, what is the code for making it so when a player equips a item, it makes it so he takes less damage than usaul, and when unequiped, it goes back to normal.

Modification Help / How to add defense.
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:37:14 PM »
So guys, Uxie and I are starting up BRPG and I'm real excited about it, but we are having problems with a script, how do you make it so when you equip a item it reduces the damage taken to that player by a certain amount?

Off Topic / My failed essay
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:54:45 PM »
This is the essay I made for school based on a opposing arguement about unleashed dogs, sadly, my teacher rejected it insaying I was "BSing her", I just thought it would be interesting to put up because I found it utterally redicluios.

Dogs present a extreme dangers for all local civilians, bikers, and themselves when unleashed, they cause chaos and disruption in society when unleashed, we need to keep them leashed to keep the poppulation save, here are some of those examples.
 In 2002 two swans were slaughtered due to brutality of a hostile dog, killing not just the mother, but her infant babies; Not all dogs are this brutal, but taking such a risk could be even more devastating than the attack of '02.

 Now, if you thought the brutality of the attack on the swan's babies was bad, if you haven't heard already, over 50 percent of dog bites every year are children. Now, when it's your own child being put in harm's way, it's different, isn't it?
 Along with the fact that 2 percent of the entire American poppulation is bitten by dogs every year, that's 50 million people! If more than 50 percent of the American poppulation is bitten every year, that is more than a estimated 25 million children bitten every year... and your kid might just be the next victim of that large number of children if you take the risk to let your dog go unleashed.

 The Ozone is already almost at its climax with all of the waste products releasing Co2 waves into the sky, carrieing methane 25-miles up to the Ozone layer, with all the dog waste that's left on the ground for every careless American
(120 million dog owners) and 2-3 dog fecies logs, and they have to be taken out for walks twice a day, every day of the year, that is about 17,520,000,000 fecies logs per year (infered how many dogs per house and number of logs per dropping group, numbers may be A LOT bigger) If you thought the Ozone was having problems already, you've seen absolutely nothing yet, this is a serious problem to the environment too.

 In conclusion, dogs need leashes, not because they should not be allowed their freedom, they are just as worthy to be unleashed than us, but we need to protect them the best we can, as a parent to a child, you you care for your fellow man or women, or other animals, your children, and the dog its self, you'll know that it's not to punish the dog because we purely just don't trust them, we need to help them before they do something that is out of our physical control.

Drama / I am not an idiot
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:51:46 PM »
I am gonna say this once, my inteligence and mental capacity are held by my judgement, it will not be a fact
if you say I am a idiot, it will be a opinion.

Off Topic / I am Not a Idiot
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:48:45 PM »
I am gonna say this once, my inteligence and mental capacity are held by my judgement, it will not be a fact
if you say I am a idiot, it will be a opinion.

Modification Help / Grouping help.
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:23:16 AM »
How do I make groups in Milkshape based on textures? Please post if you know and I'll lock.

Help / Making groups in Milkshape?
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:14:29 AM »
Hey guys, question, how do I make groups in Milkshape?

Off Topic / Totally butt forgeted
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:26:00 AM »
So, I am currently in Emirates in Dubai and my family has a bus to catch in like 10 minutes but we scheduled a safe guy to come out and pick-lock the safe holding all of my mom's valuables and they are leaving me here to watch it yet this hotel has been completely untrusting and has never been on time once at all. They want me to stay and grab the objects when he latches it open when he'll have 3 people helping him unlock it yet it's just me to make sure he doesn't end up taking any of it. So, now, I'm stuck here having to guard it from 4 buff-Arabic-men pick-locking the safe...


Off Topic / The Clan Chowder situation
« on: May 16, 2012, 01:41:45 AM »
Alright, I would like to discuss the problems of this so called "Clan Chowder" in the description of the Clan section,  I find it to be extremely close to a soup I love called "Clam Chowder", and Campbells worked really hard on such a thing why they were disgrace the very name of it is offensive! Badspot, I demand we not let the people of clans to be put into a bowl of soup with the intestines of oysters!



War, war never changes

Hello Blocklanders, I wanted to discuss a surprise I ad set up for all of the Fallout 3 fans that are sick and tired of regular VCE variables and bots, I am talking about Fallout 3 add-ons for Blockland. Here are some pictures that I am going to incude for my following RPG that Uxie and I are doing.

^Leather Armor^

Super Simple Nuka-Cola I just whipped up.

--Karma system
--New Bots
--Equipable amor
--Leveling system

Super Mutant: 80 percent, Uxie needs to script.
Molerat: 80 percent: Uxie needs to do the animations.
Ghoul: Same deal as the super mutant but model done.
Rad-roach: 0 percent
Rad-Scorpion: 0 percent(Might be removed)
Leather armor: MountPoint incomplete.
Metal armor: Next
BoS helmet: model done, script needed
BoS armor: 0 percent
Nuka-cola: 0 Percent

Taking suggestions on other items

Taking no beta testers at the moment due to I have yet to confirm if this is gonna all work out.

-The 36Ker

General Discussion / Fallout 3 upcoming items.
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:44:19 AM »
War, war never changes

Hello Blocklanders, I wanted to discuss a surprise I ad set up for all of the Fallout 3 fans that are sick and tired of regular VCE variables and bots, I am talking about Fallout 3 add-ons for Blockland. Here are some pictures that I am going to incude for my following RPG that Uxie and I are doing.

*Pictures currently unavabile, sorry, too busy working on the models, if you feel you want them right now, just message me*

--Karma system
--New Bots
--Equipable amor
--Leveling system

Super Mutant: 80 percent, Uxie needs to script.
Molerat: 80 percent: Uxie needs to do the animations.
Ghoul: Same deal as the super mutant but model done.
Rad-roach: 0 percent
Rad-Scorpion: 0 percent(Might be removed)
Leather armor: Doing it right now.
Metal armor: Next
BoS helmet: model done, script needed
BoS armor: 0 percent
Nuka-cola: 0 Percent

Taking suggestions on other items

Taking no beta testers at the moment due to I have yet to confirm if this is gonna all work out.

-The 36Ker

*READ* Badspot, if this isn't the right category, please move it for me, I haven't used the forums in a while.

General Discussion / Congrats Blockland!
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:22:55 AM »
We offically have 36K IDs in Blockland, it's Zyber by the way, I have come to personally apologize about my last post that got me banned, I've done a lot of thinking on it too(Other than you guys were not very forgiving) But anyway! We offically have 36Kers of Blockland, and for those of you wondering, I am 36001 because it skipped 36000 because of bragging rights, but hey, I'm still the first 36ker, good job BL community!   :cookie: for you.

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