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Topics - Glass-Is-Back

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Um, Anyone else have this problem?
« on: September 05, 2012, 03:00:47 PM »
I went to PM someone back and I couln't find the Reply button. o.0 So I look on their profile and find this.

Drama / Len and Zadantra - Spamming Up Clan Disc and raging.
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:51:46 PM »
Alright so the one day I decide to look in Clan Disc I start seeing a TON of topics made by Len. So I look at them. And I start seeing his posts. This topic is mostly directed at Len since he was the one raging and cussing people out.

Heres Len's Profile and zadantra's Profile


Listen up,If you all just are being stuffs.Go die in the corner.I know what im doing.Have you ever tried to help a friend? Hmm? No? Well just lay off!

I don't give a forget what you say or how you say it.

Quit bothering Len.It's my fault he made the thread,I wanted him to.If your just gonna rage at him,at least do it to me.It's my clan,not his,after all.
Why in forgets name couldn't you post it yourself then.
Don't get an attitude with me.I forgot my forum password,but he said he would make the thread,he did,and I got my password.Guys,just quit being back doors to Len.
>Says to apply.
I don't take request and desires from Men.

-_- if you guys are going to post stuff at my clan post go masturbate in the corner.Some people are nice and actually say stuff like ok ill join or say cool or neat but i wont join. Say stuff like that. Don't be mean im new.

@Fracture. Ok listen back off.Just back off.

Once again, If you want to find other crap they posted go ahead and look at Len'sProfile and zadantra's Profile.

Anyone else think they went a bit overboard on clan topics and being idiots?

Off Topic / Is this normal heat?
« on: September 02, 2012, 12:06:40 AM »
My computer is getting some serious heat lately.

Here is the Temp..

Drama / Soggy242 - Idiot
« on: August 31, 2012, 08:11:55 PM »
Alright so I was looking in help section and I find this idiot named soggy posting stupid non useful and hostile comments.



1. Check your internet connection 2. If you have too many addons or music delete some if you dont use them 3. Re-Install Blockland. NOTE: (If this doesnt help too bad.)

1. Fix the graphics in the options 2. Reinstall it 3. forget the computer and stop playing this game.

Shut up...

I dont know what the forget is wrong with him but he's been incredibly stupid and mean.

Off Topic / Bad Parenting?
« on: August 31, 2012, 07:20:40 PM »
So I went to Publix (Grocery Store for those of you that don't know) and were by the register checking out. And I look behind us and I see this really fat baby, And then the dad looks like a loving alcoholic and the mother just sitting there doing nothing. No big deal? Wrong.

The dad hands the baby a MOTHERloving BOTTLE OF PEPSI and says "Here have something to drink" and the kid is loving a year old. I almost went up the the guy and asked him if he's loving stupid.

Your opinions?

Drama / T3HZ3N0N - Kindda Being a douche
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:24:35 PM »
I have seen this guy be a douche to others as well, Just look thru his past posts. Anyway, I start a topic and he posts on it like 1min later.

Just randomly bashing my thread telling me to leave.

Then I start getting PM's from him. :/

Anyone else think this is a bit unnecessary?

Off Topic / Funniest thing happened today
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:09:16 PM »
Me and my dad decided to get Pizza after school today, Seems legit? So we sit down, have a pepsi, And this lady walks in (maybe about 400-500Pounds) and has a huge purse, And she ends up droping it looking for change, And 3Twinkies, 2Cookies, a soda, and a bag of chips fall out. I was like "wtf? LOL"

Something like this ever happen to you?

General Discussion / LOCKED
« on: August 28, 2012, 03:00:48 PM »

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