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Topics - wound

Pages: [1] 2 3
Clan Discussion / nothing here
« on: December 21, 2012, 01:24:02 AM »
mind changed

Drama / Kalphiter
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:41:56 PM »
kalphiter was banned for trolling and other things on my server.

I banned him for 3 hours for trolling, being a cunt to other players, and complaining after told to stop.

then I banned him permanently for coming to the server on his alt, and bullstuffing in the Siege thread.

Then after kojo unbanned him, I re banned him, me and kojo came to an agreement to keep him permanently banned, then kalphiter starts bullstuffting and pulling desperate attempts to play on siege.

Apparently he is offering Kojo a free server, fine and dandy to me, nothing wrong here, Kojo denies it, alright then.
then he starts pming me on his alt on RTB.

in this picture it shows kalphiter being a starfish toward me.
Also shows him being a dummy, so it's not my server but I'm hosting it? ok.

I would like to say a few things, I paid money for the server, and I offered it to Kojo as a close friend, and I did help on building some things in Siege, I constructed the admin system, even Kojo will agree with all this.  Nothing has gone wrong until this, Kalphiter is just a problem starting cunt, ban him from your servers.

Off Topic / Boltster's viking funeral
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:07:16 AM »

Our dear boltster is now dead!


General Discussion / Wound's One In The Chamber
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:40:20 AM »

I bought a month of lub's and I wondered what I would host, so I decided this when I was browsing Gamemodes.
One in the chamber is a minigame where you only have one bullet to start off with, and a tac knife.
the more kills you rack up you get more bullets, if you miss or lose your bullet and you have to knife until you die and the round resets.

Greek2me - Slayer
Lub - Hosting
Brian Smith - OITC
NARG (Rykuta) - Making the Tactical Knife
Pablo, Khain, jitank, Kojolika/Nethog and Barnabas - NukeTown map.

Wound - Host
Nobot - Super admin
Kazami - Admin
Mute - Admin

There aren't much rules other than don't be a douchebag to other players.
If you find any glitches, report them and you get rewards lol.

This section is there you can report admins, appeal for a ban, and Request bans against others, all with the exception of proof.

Ban Report:
-Users' in-game name & BL_ID.
-Offender's in-game name & BL_ID.
-Short description as to why they should be banned.
-Any proof (Pictures, Videos, Etc).

Abuse Report:
-User's in-game name & BL_ID.
-Admin's/Mod's in-game name & BL_ID.
-Short description as to how they abused.
-Any proof (Pictures, Videos, Etc).

Ban Appeal:
-User's in-game name & BL_ID.
-Short description as to why you should be unbanned or your ban time should be shortened.
-Any proof (Pictures, Videos, Etc).

Off Topic / Christmas Wishlist.
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:44:09 PM »

What do you want for Christmas this year?

here is my list.
  • Radeon HD 7950
- Already got
  • Logitech G510
- Already got
  • GIGABYTE GM-M6800 keyboard
  • Assassin's creed 3 for PC
Still thinking on mine, post yours!

How would I loop something like when a player spawns I want to make a bottomprint never end, until that client left the server.

i'm attempting to make a add-on where when you join a server it displays a message box and says what you are to the server, and when you join and it won't work.

function GameConnection::autoadmincheck(%client)
      commandtoclient(%client,'messageboxOK',"What are you?","You are a super admin!");
else if(%client.isadmin)
      commandtoclient(%client,'messageboxOK',"What are you?","You are an admin!");
      commandtoclient(%client,'messageboxOK',"What are you?","you ain't nothing.");


Add-Ons / whoops
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:57:56 AM »
nevermind that

Modification Help / How would I make a messagebox only for that client.
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:08:14 PM »
bassically the title, this is just a example of what i have.

function servercmdblah(%client)
   messageBoxOK("MessageBOX", "This is a message from the box" );


Modification Help / Can't figure out how to make a new line
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:22:39 PM »
Bassically i'm an uber noob to making messages and I can't figure out how to make a new line.

i've tried NL or \n, but I don't think i'm doing it correctly.

%client.chatmessage("This is a text NL this is a new line");

thanks in advance.

Add-Ons / Wound's colorset
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:54:52 PM »
Colorset I made, may be improved in the future, give suggestions on how to improve.


Add-Ons / Ragequit - now you can leave a server in style.
« on: August 15, 2012, 01:44:34 PM »
I have been looking and learning to code in the past week or so and decided to make a simple servercmdragequit.
This is litterally one of my first scripts that have actually worked, and i'm somewhat proud of myself lol.

Wound - creator


Just do /ragequit and it removes you from the server, have fun and rage.

Suggestions & Requests / can and will you be removing the maps section?
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:35:26 AM »
now that we can no longer use maps and can't post there, what exactly is the point of it being there

Off Topic / my reaction to the shader release
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:39:52 AM »
basically i was watching a movie while nobot and mr. nobody where working on something and i came on and found out shaders got released while nobot recorded my reaction.


warning: voice crackalacking

General Discussion / why do you all call it v21
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:05:09 AM »
okay seriously why do people call it v21? there was no announced version of badspot or kompressor calling it 'v21', if so, link.

it's just called shadows and shaders.

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