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Topics - Pacnet2012³

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After tracing I found out that the client calls functions pitch(); and yaw(); to change the aim, but I could not find a server-sided function which is called when a client adjusts their aim.

There is another function called called "getMouseAdjustAmount()" but it appears to be client sided.

Does anyone know a server-sided function to check if someone changed their aim?

Searchable File, 5 MB
Find Forum Users with BL_ID, Account Name, or User ID
Thanks to Hammereditor for hosting.

This is basically a text file including details (forum name, bl_id registered, and user ID) of all the forum users.

I made a php script to get this information and wrote to a file, starting on July 30th. It finished on July 31st.

REMEMBER : This information gets EASILY outdated. Someone who registered now has not been recorded by my program, and someone who registered and someone my program recorded but who registered his / her BL_ID will not be find-able in this text file.

I will probably work on a webpage to search this for you without having to search yourself.

Note : I am sorry for the weird formatting and white-space included. I tried to omit it. I also am sorry that I restricted the information to name and bl_id, I never thought about other information while making it.

How do I use it? [by BL_ID / by Name / by User ID]
Step One : Click this link : Wait for the page to load.

Step Two : On Windows, press CTRL + F. On Mac, press COMMAND+F. Basically, open the dialog in your web-browser to search, or find content on page. For example, in Browser.apk (android) it can be called "Find on page"

Step Three :
If you are searching by a BL_ID, type in the BL_ID. If you are searching by a user ID, type in the user ID. If it's an account name, type that in.

Search by BL_ID

If you are searching for a BL_ID, you'll probably have TWO results by now. Find which result has the text "Blockland ID:" above it.

Incorrect Result :

Correct Result :

Search by Name

If you're searching by name, you will only have one result if you are exact. For example, searching for "Pacnet2010" by using "Pacnet2010" will give you one result.

But say there are users Pacnet2010, pacman, etc. Then you will get multiple results based on what you search for. You must find the person you want. Be as specific as possible!

Search by User ID
Similar to BL_ID searching. When you have your result, however, the user you want is the User ID you searched after UserID :

for example searching for "43502"

The correct result is
UserID :  43502

Blockland ID:

Other Information
-1 IDs are people who did not register their BL_ID with their forum account.

A UserID without any information does not exist.

Example :

UserID : 163
UserID : 164Name:

                                           Blockland ID:

UserID 163 does not exist.

UserID 164 (his or her name is max021) does exist, but he or she has not registered a key with his or her forum account.


Please don't tell me not to use Linux unless that's the only solution because seriously, no.

When I try to start a custom server, the add-on choosing list is messed up :

However, my ADD_ON_LIST.cs is correctly sorted :

Is there any way to solve this problem but still use Linux?

Add-Ons / Server History - You can submit a revised version
« on: July 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM »
Server History

Server History records the servers you have joined and saves it in a text file. You can then join them later and view your history / clear it by pressing the cyan History button on the join server window.

Features :
-Clearing history
-Joining servers from history list
-Button to open history list
-History list scroll gui
-Saves to a text file
-Records history right when you join a server
-Oldest history is at the top while latest history is at the bottom

Planned :
-Post your edits to improve this add-on

Possible :
-Make limits

Questions :

Q : Why does it display IPs in the list gui?
A :
I'd have to read the hist.txt file and match the host and server name then get the IP from the right line in the file (there could be multiple) and then i'd have to store the ip and port and then finally connect to it - with this, i can just use string manipulation directly on the textlistctrl and connect faster. With multiple records, it could also attempt to join multiple times so i'd have to make a simple solution for that - yet right now it's just more straightforward to get the ip and port directly from the gui.

Q : Is there a limit to my history?
A : Not as of now. I might do this.

Q : Where is my history stored?
A : config/client/hist.txt

Q : How does it work?
A : Stores host+servername then SPACE ipAndPort in hist.txt, adds a row to the history list gui for it. Clearing history clears the history list gui and deletes the hist.txt file. OnConnectionAccepted detects that you joined a server, and that's when it starts to record history.

Modification Help / Detect when you spawn in a server (client-side)
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:46:04 AM »
I swear there was a topic on how to detect when you spawn in a server from the client-side but I can't find it. How would you do this? A console trace only leads me to the three phases of loading datablocks.

Modification Help / Getting the last word of a string (resolved)
« on: July 05, 2013, 02:07:44 PM »
I thought if I had this string

$joe = "why am I here";

and I did :

$a = getWord($joe, getWordCount($joe));

$a would equal "here".

But for some reason when I echo it, it's blank.

however echo(getWordCount($joe)); results in  "4"

So why can't I do this, and if not, how do I get the last word of a string? there's firstWord() and restWords() but how would i get the last word?

Off Topic / Four hours of work everyday during summer vacation?
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:31:50 PM »
It's just getting so ridiculous that I wonder what you think -

On top of the simple assignments the school gives us for summer vacation (it's not even a vacation anymore), my dad gives us four hours of work every single day, either useless or very hard work such as math, handwriting, reading assignments, and other things like that. I have to say that I don't see any problems in my handwriting but he still claims it's bad for some reason because he is never satisfied...

I've had this trash schedule for five years and I hope I can stop it somehow - what do you think I should do? Confronting him will never work.

I'm wondering if anyone has a copy of RTB 3.x because I lost mine. I'm thinking of using some script references from it that were removed in RTB 4. If you have a copy of it, can you please post a download link? Thank you! Any version of RTB 3.x will help.

Off Topic / Steam Game under $15 that is rated T or under
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:42:24 PM »
Does anyone know of a good game on Steam that costs under fifteen dollars and carries a ESRB rating of T or under? I won this : and i'm having trouble deciding on a game.

Off Topic / I feel like I won the lottery
« on: February 24, 2013, 08:57:17 PM »
I just felt like posting this, and
I didn't really win the lottery, but...

Our server got sold on eBay for $630! Me and my brother can finally get the money to build our computers.
Forget an FX 6300 - I might just get a i5 3570K or better.

All I need to buy is a motherboard / cpu combo and a hard drive

Kalphiter is probably going to get business from us soon.

Does anyone recommend any good SATA 6.0 GB/s internal hard drives I could buy? Perhaps an SSD with that?

I'll have to say goodbye to this guy though :

Here's my problem. A few years ago before my brother whose blockland name is hammereditor got his own blockland key, he was using my 22696 Id on an old computer. Then he got a new computer and got his own activation key, no trace of my 22696 key on his new one. But now his computer broke so he has to use his old one, and I panicked when he loaded Blockland v16 and it said Welcome, Pacnet2013. (this is my 22696 key). He isn't an administrator so he cannot get v21 but if my dad installs the patch it could give him v21 with my 22696 key. So I deleted every trace of blockland on that computer. Will this mean if he reinstalls blockland on this old computer, will it save my key? I'm afraid he may abuse my key and get my beloved 22696 key deactivated. Am I safe our could I be dead? He isn't very trustworthy.

Add-Ons / Rocket's SpeedKart Tracks
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:32:15 PM »
Rocket's SpeedKart Tracks (I did not make these)

I found some SpeedKart tracks made by Rocket and he has given me permission to share them with you all and has kindly asked me.
Enjoy! All of the credit for these tracks goes to mostly Rocket but also Meeses.

Place the file(s) downloaded into Blockland/Add-Ons, quit Blockland if already running and start a new server with the SpeedKart gamemode.

Sierra Island (by Rocket)
Download SpeedKart_Sierra_Island

Glacial Run (by Rocket and Meeses)
Download SpeedKart_Glacial_Run

A Guide to Improve your Add-Ons

This guide contains some useful information on how to make add-ons you create become better and how to successfully develop quality add-ons.

Note that while you may have your own way to make successful add-ons, I am just sharing my way of making successful add-ons. There isn't just one way to do this, but if you want somewhere to start, look here.

Self-Assess Yourself : Do I have good qualities for making add-ons?

The Add-On creation process

Reference A : TorqueScripting Resources

Self Assessment
Follow the quiz below to determine if you are a good mod maker or future add-on creator.
You may disagree with these answers, but to get the best add-ons in my view, this can help you determine where you need to improve :

Question 1 : Do I make add-ons just so I can become popular and famous?
Yes                                   No✓

Question 2 : Do I frequently give up on add-ons I make?
Yes                                   No✓

Question 3 : If you are a beginner, would / are you trying to make really complex things that people would want first or starting off simple to learn gradually?
Starting off simple✓             Making things complex immediately

Question 4 : Which of the answers below is the best amount of times you think you should revise add-ons before you think you are finished?
Never revise                       1-2 revisions sounds good                         3-4 revisions is good                  6 or more revisions✓

Question 5 : Do you / would you post pictures of something about your add-on into a topic if you release it on the Blockland Forums?
Who needs pictures?            Pictures aren't really important all the time.        nopixnoclix (pretty rude)

Pictures are important since they give people a graphic visual of what an add-on does ✓

Question 6 : What would you do if you had trouble doing a part of an add-on's script? (3 Answers are right)
Who cares, this is too hard, I give up.  Hm... maybe I could ask one of my friends for help!✓   I'll ask for help on the Coding Help forum.✓

I'll look online at references and other help topics to find my solution.✓

Look over your answers, and if you got some wrong, try to get into a mindset of the correct answers.

The Add-On Creation Process
I created the following flowchart below which describes the process, decisions and steps you must take in order to make your add-on the best it can be before uploading it or sharing it to other people, or calling it "finished." Just follow through the flowchart's Yes and No lines to what you decide in your head!

I apologize for the size of the text, and if you have trouble reading the chart, feel free to zoom into the page, probably by pressing Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Scroll, or check your browser.

Reference A : TorqueScript Resources
TGEA Scripting Reference -

Categorized TorqueScript console functions -

Official Coding Resources Thread -

The Coding Help Forum -

The GarageGames Online Documentation -

TGE Console Commands -;topic=21753.0;attach=10846

Appendix A Quick References -

I hope you found this useful!

Suggestions & Requests / Scripting Ideas
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:07:21 PM »
I can't find any worthwhile scripts to make, so if someone has an idea for a mostly script-based add-on (not a weapon or vehicle, etc.) but maybe a game-mode, a Server_ Client_ or Script_ mod, or something else, can you give me ideas?

Gallery / PacTrax Custom SpeedKart Tracks
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:45:48 PM »
PacTrax : Not So Great SpeedKart Tracks
Sometimes I will host a server with these maps on it called Custom SpeedKART
Place the file in your add-ons folder and start a SpeedKart server

If you have any problems or suggestions, please tell me!
All the requirements for any PacTrax maps is just the simple default SpeedKart gamemode with the SpeedKart Vehicles, GSF ModTerrain, and onMinigameReset which are all default

I have been making my first SpeedKart track since I first played Badspot's Dev Server with the speedkart gamemode on it.

 ---PacTrax 1 : Curvature
 ---[Coming Soon] PacTrax 2 : I'm Going in Circles

PacTrax 1 : Curvature
Difficulty : HARD
My record for this map is 2:47. Can you beat it? Show me and I'll post your record here.
I don't know why I called this Curvature, but I didn't have any better names.
Includes :
  • Treasure chests
  • Hidden areas
  • Custom timer from the start (15 seconds)
  • Kills players who don't move from the spawn.
  • Bumps
  • Tress
  • Shortcuts for the pros
  • Challenging paths for the pros
Download (~55 KB)

PacTrax 2 : I'm Going in Circles [Coming Soon]
The idea of this map is straightforward. All that you do is drive in a circular racing map with added challenges and narrowing pathways.

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