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Topics - Bluecat43

Pages: [1]
I decided to host this slightly modified gamemode. Why? Because I got bored so if you want to join please join.
So now all we did was just add more stuff besides forklifts like for say way outside because why not
Though there is yet to be a way back in.

Clan Discussion / Citrus Fruit Clan
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:13:46 PM »
 Lately we haven't had anybody join or even talk to us so I felt like remaking the thread again the banner will come just its not here for the time being

Welcome to the Citrus Fruit Clan we mostly build stuff and also event stuff. Sometimes we might make the server a different game modes. Anyways  we need information about you first of course so than we can trust you.
                                                                                                                                                                                            What you need to tell us:
       * Your in game name
       * Steam name (optional)
       * Skype name (optional as well we do call each other on Skype mainly for group meetings)
       * BL_ID
       * A video of a building you made
       * The save of it so we can see it ourselves
       * Or a video Demo of events you put on a block also you need to send us a save of that as well
       * Finally we want you to have fun and be respectful
 If you are having trouble with another member please PM me on Steam, Skype, my email
          * When in group meetings please don't talk over each other this go for Skype, Steam, and in game
          * Please respect others
          * This clan in both Freebuild (though not all the time) and in RP runs on a Communist  form government
          * Do not ever suggest anything that has to deal with having a rival clan or if we did don't suggest "war"
          * Give us suggestion on any projects you would like to do.
          * Be honest
          * Don't tell any personal info everyone should keep quiet about this
          * Build or test with events (don't just sit there)
          * Always ask for help if you are struggling with anything
          * Don't be tribal
          * Don't ever treat me like a god or king only as a leader
          * Don't build anything inappropriate 
          *Have fun
     If you ever decide to not follow these rules you will get a warning and if you do it again you will be Burned alive in public on the RP server which follows by ban.
       You will have certain ranks the finale rank is the rank of  Daku Samurai Kyaputen (yes we are going by the Bushido Code) this means you will have super admin and ban people who are not following the rules please don't abuse this or I will have to remove it and lower your rank to Daku Samurai Junsa buchō which is where you are moderator, as an admin, Super admin, or mod you will have to record or have someone record anyone who is acting up

Clan Discussion / Citrus Fruit Clan
« on: July 13, 2014, 05:57:24 PM »

We are the citrus Fruit Clan we just event and build granted yes we do use default builds right now but we will make original builds.
Yes, at one point Toad was actually sick and didn't noticed what was going on the server at the time, though we did ban the badmins we still had some spam so we took care of that. You have to be either good at building or eventing. If you are good at building please submit a Screenshot of a build you made.

So if any of you guys want to join feel free to ask me on skype, steam, or my email
Sorry if this thread is poorly made.

Please give us your:
Time zone
(if you have steam) Steam name
(if you have skype) Skype name

Rules of the clan:
Don't curse
Don't be tribal
respect other
Don't ask for admin you have to earn it.

Games / Counter Strike Condition Zero
« on: November 05, 2012, 04:53:50 PM »
Hey guys. I'm new to forum posting but tell me if you have Counter Strike Condition Zero or 1.6 on steam and if Someone could make a group that would be nice


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