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Topics - ResonKinetic

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Off Topic / Think of a thought before you enter this thread
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
that thought will be the subject of the next thread someone makes


Off Topic / What do you identify as?
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:39:40 PM »
please let me know if I missed anything

Forum Games / One Word Response
« on: November 13, 2014, 11:10:17 AM »
The goal is to respond to the above poster with only one word. Please note that runtogetherwords <-- do not count.

Let's start with...


Off Topic / i am of make song(s?)
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:38:26 AM »

give me something to sing and i'll sing it


"a beautiful story with amazing hand-drawn visuals" -Kotaku

i will guide you through the life of a citizen in a city known as "cannabis city"

to start off, we must determine the features of our character

so tell me what the citizen should look like

don't worry about images, i'll take care of those. just give me descriptions

i would suggest starting off by determining the love/gender of this character, relating to physical traits and what they identify as (we'll have fun with these concepts later on)

Event Timeline:
Citizen was determined to have feminine physique, mammary glands, and red eyes with green irises

Citizen's mammary glands were enhanced to excess

Citizen was given a "cool" hat and bunny ears for nipples

Citizen reverted back to previous feminine physique, was given "cool" clothes as well as ears and a nose

Citizen was given weed to smoke, determined to have fought in a war and lost a leg; prosthetic peg-leg made of condensed hemp-wood

Citizen got super high and began to make their way to Taco Bell

Citizen encountered a hostile, armless Jew along the way

Citizen attempts to pummel Jew but fails to follow through

Citizen then preached scientology to the Jew as he was given a lawsuit, thus killing him

Citizen proceeded to steal the Jew's legs

Citizen arrived at destination, Taco Bell; Chapter 2 starts

Citizen kills entire Taco Bell staff, gets pink-eye, and jacks into a box

Citizen steals a truck to load up all of Taco Bell's tacos

Citizen attains psychic powers and turns the establishment into a pile of weed, then proceeds to blaze it

Citizen (now known as Wendy) returns home and meets Snoop Dogg

Wendy and Snoop blaze some weed and fall asleep

Wendy wakes up to find Snoop Dogg dead and converted to Cannabis City standard

Off Topic / a gem in the rough
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:15:21 AM »
there are some amazing things and people you'll find through youtube comments

out of boredom, I decided to dig a bit and wowe, her "google+" page goes a little bit like this

it's like the account exists sheerly for stuffstirring

Off Topic / i have to get a part-time jorb
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:25:20 PM »
got any tips? i'm probably just going for a stocker/bagger but knowing some tips on interfacing with people in the workforce would be nice.

I'm serious.

Off Topic / The Change One Word Game! V3 (baby got back)
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:28:52 PM »
I'm sure you're familiar with this forum game.

You change, add, or remove one word in a sentence and the next person changes, adds, or removes one word to your modified sentence.

punctuation can be changed to whatever makes sense

but forget rules here's an example

player1: setro is cool
player2: setro is a cool
player3: setro is a jew
player2: setro is jew
player4: setro is jewish

lets start with

"maxx is a decent person"

Off Topic / merging with YCYL
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:56:53 PM »
I know there's a YCYL thread but I was attacked by memes while I was looking for some cereal to eat in the pantry.

save me

Off Topic / Hypothesis: Maxx is not alive
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:51:44 PM »
For anything to be considered living/alive, it must fulfill four characteristics:

It must have an organized structure.

It must be capable of reproduction.

It must be able to grow and develop.

It must be able to adapt to changes in its environment.

Maxx does not fulfill these qualities, therefore he is not a living organism. thoughts?  :cookieMonster:

Drama / Space1255 - Recent Fascination with Chains
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:36:34 PM »
I swear; this kid acts handicapped in general, but this is getting old. It's like as soon as he learned about chainbans, he starts sperging around about it.

Chainban inbound(?)

I'd say your right if I didn't want to be potentially banned.

im not attempting to start a chain here.

Quit assuming I'm assuming every little thing is going to be a chain. I'm playing it safe so I don't get banned again.

Chainban inbound.
Stop with the drama stuff.

He's ri-

Note that this isn't exclusive to that thread specifically about chainbans; he learned what it meant and he's been being especially handicapped ever since.

If it doesn't stop now, it's definitely just going to continue every time he sees two or more people quoting a source in agreement.

Off Topic / oh lol i did nvm ggg
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:20:53 AM »

I'm wondering because when I checked the answer key, there was this thing that said "P = 2(circumference of circle with radius 1 foot)" before the rest of the answer.

I couldn't make heads or tails of it so I panicked.

help me

Off Topic / My ass has been detonated
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:35:43 PM »
Haha I'm saying blogland forums am I cool

Anyway, my stomach wasn't feeling well so I went to the bathroom to take a massive dump. After finishing the stuffstorm, I began the process of wiping my buttocks. When I brought my hand out from under the abyss, it was to my surprise that I saw a sopping mess of blood and feces on the toilet paper I used.

The magnitude of that defecation event was then made clear to me as the waves of pain rocked the newly formed fissures in my rectal opening.

I promptly finished wiping the cleftal horizon and went about my business.

Off Topic / Ever Been Caught in a Lie?
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:37:03 PM »
I'm just wondering because I just was. It's only happened to me about once or twice.

So I'm asking have you ever blown your cover or made up a cover that could easily be blown by a sneeze?

What happened, and how did you cope? Were you able to repair the ruse cruise, or did it sink like the Titanic?

Help / Can't Host Dedicated Servers
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:47:18 PM »
I can host regular servers (ports are forwarded (UPnP hasn't changed anything), pings on master server, people can connect, etc.), but when I try to host a dedicated server, it acts like a LAN server and only my LAN can connect to the server.

It'll post to the master server, but it won't return a ping and no one can connect (as if my ports weren't forwarded, but that's not the problem.)

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