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Topics - Scrub

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / BronyZ Apocalypse
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:11:32 PM »
They're loving everywhere in my school I swear to god. I was hoping we could isolate it to internet creepos but now its like seemingly normal people have a weird cartoon special interest.

Off Topic / ask me im famous
« on: August 20, 2012, 08:16:14 PM »
yeah thats right kiddos internet celebrity scrub has finally decided to take questions from the commoners. ask away because im internet famous.

Off Topic / eggma SADNESS
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:27:43 PM »

Off Topic / Prank calls with SCRUB
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:11:38 PM »

im internet famous and am doing prank calls.

Off Topic / loveual positions
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:35:51 PM »
tell me what your favorite loveual position is.

i love doggy style.

Off Topic / The Ship Steam gift - By Garsh 101
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:06:40 AM »

Garsh was generous enough to gift me his extra free copy of The Ship Combo Pack. He's a great guy and I thank him for the gift. The Ship's developers are handing out an extra copy for anyone who buys the complete pack($20) to give to a friend to play with them. This game seems really fun and I recommend everyone to buy it and play with Garsh and I.

Off Topic / Toonami
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:07:41 PM »

I know this is fairly late, but Toonami's back bitches.
Discuss your favorite cartoons on Toonami.

Drama / Clarifying a few things
« on: August 11, 2012, 12:24:32 PM »
I did not post any gay research on the BLF. Especially the time the Legacy account was exploited and several images were posted. I'll also make it clear that Slick555 and Robo Noob were made apparent as the people who accessed the account Legacy to post them.  I will also make clear that Legacy was Armageddon's account and he had lent it to me previously. Slick555 and Robo Noob solved the EVER SO HARD security question: ("gay?" "no")
All of Slick555's keys were deactivated in the process and it would be oh so kind of any moderator to clarify that fact for me.

Off Topic / So I met with DRILL3R today.
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:03:19 AM »
It was pretty fun. We talked about blockland and internet related things and got to know each other while throwing each other a football. Had a fun time hanging out with him!

Off Topic / Happy birthday, Mr. Nobody!
« on: August 05, 2012, 12:55:40 AM »
That's right! Mr. Nobody's 20th birthday! WOOO!!!!! (buy him steam games)

Off Topic / Skype call with RedGaijin and myself!
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:22:41 AM »
add brandon.white69 or red.gaijin

we will be narrating stories

Drama / Rex The Hunter
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:33:09 PM »
Seriously, over-obsessive much? I'm not the only person he bugs for unfinished add-ons either. He also spammed the RTB irc several times before.

04/07/12 11:28:02
[11:28:02] Rex The Hunter: Sup hydra
[11:28:24] Rex The Hunter: How ya doin??
[11:30:20] Hydralisk: good
[11:30:32] Rex The Hunter: Been a while science the Tdm
[11:32:37] Rex The Hunter: Hydra i was wondering if you still have the Alien pack could i haz? or the Jurassic park Beta? if no it ok i could not wait till either are released i mean i can wait...
[11:47:06] Rex The Hunter: Hydra can you transfer the AlienVsPredator pack to me plz or atleast send me the spino and T-rex from the Jurassic park pack if you can send the packs to 

04/08/12 13:05:57
[13:05:57] Rex The Hunter: Hey Hydra
[13:06:38] Rex The Hunter: how r ya?
[13:06:43] Hydralisk: good
[13:07:05] Rex The Hunter: And do you think i could get the dino pack OR the AVP pack jsut wondering
[13:08:44] Rex The Hunter: can i get one of the 2 packs im just wondering if not just say so and if Yes send the pack(s) to and say so in here why or why not
[13:09:27] Rex The Hunter: Ima join where you are
[13:09:37] Rex The Hunter: nvm
[13:58:32] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.
[15:00:32] * Rex The Hunter has signed in.
[15:01:10] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.

04/14/12 19:37:23
[19:37:23] Rex The Hunter: Hey Hydra
[19:38:36] Rex The Hunter: i was wondering if you could come to Eternarl Damnations server
[19:38:36] Rex The Hunter: if u can great!
[19:38:36] * Rex The Hunter has invited you to play with them.
[19:38:36] Rex The Hunter: use the invite
[19:39:28] Rex The Hunter: Hydra Plz come to Ete's server
[19:40:05] Rex The Hunter: or atleast tell me if you would go haywire on ete if he remakes the AVP datablock models?
[19:40:18] Rex The Hunter: alright?
[20:41:34] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.

04/18/12 19:29:02
[19:29:02] Rex The Hunter: Sup
[19:30:09] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.
[19:34:13] * Rex The Hunter has signed in.

04/28/12 08:28:00
[08:28:00] * Rex The Hunter has invited you to play with them.

05/12/12 13:09:17
[13:09:17] Rex The Hunter: Hey Hydra im just wondering...Will the Thor jump?
[13:10:27] Hydralisk: no
[13:10:32] Rex The Hunter: Oh ok
[13:10:44] Rex The Hunter: Well I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO BE OUTZ!

06/04/12 14:09:45
[14:09:45] Rex The Hunter: Hey hydra I was wondering if you could unban me from your server
[14:11:49] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.

06/16/12 16:38:01
[16:38:01] Rex The Hunter: Sup hydra
[16:42:38] * Rex The Hunter has signed out.

08/01/12 08:45:37
[08:45:37] Rex the Hunter: Hydra I need to ask you if i could have the Terran Vehicle Pack because it's not done and i cant ask on the fourms because im banned and i cant create another account!
[08:45:48] Hydralisk: hydralisk is dead :(
[08:46:00] Rex the Hunter: yes yes but is the file still there?
[08:46:08] Hydralisk: no he wiped it all
[08:46:20] Rex the Hunter: WHAT THE.,........
[08:46:45] Rex the Hunter: I was wishing i could have the Terran Vehicle Pack  :(
[08:46:53] Rex the Hunter: because it looks so cool
[08:47:05] Rex the Hunter: and mainly because of the THOR
[08:48:00] Rex the Hunter: well if possible recreate the vehlicles and send them to
[08:48:51] Rex the Hunter: wait did anyone get the Terran Vehicle Pack?
[08:49:12] Rex the Hunter: well did anyone get it?
[11:12:30] * Rex the Hunter has signed out.
[14:40:40] * Rex the Hunter has signed in.
[15:41:57] * Rex the Hunter has signed out.
[15:48:04] * Rex the Hunter has signed in.
[15:48:33] Rex the Hunter: Hydra Nixton told be you were "Trolling" me
[15:55:15] Rex the Hunter: Hydralisk..........Say somehting RIGHT DAMN NOW!
[15:58:54] Rex the Hunter: HYDRA AWNSER RIGHT NOW
[15:58:56] * Rex the Hunter has signed out.
[16:13:22] * Rex the Hunter has signed in.
[16:13:28] Rex the Hunter: Hydralisk.....
[16:13:50] Rex the Hunter: you disapoint thousands.....
[16:14:02] Rex the Hunter: withall of those unrelased mods....
[16:14:17] Rex the Hunter: I dont even feel like my self
[16:14:31] Rex the Hunter: so realease the Terran Vehicle Pack right god damn now...
[16:16:03] Rex the Hunter: are you even there you betrayer?
[16:33:14] * Rex the Hunter has signed out.

I aquired this log from my RTB folder.

Off Topic / Handlebar Mustache fad
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:42:13 PM »
I'm loving sick of it. Mustache rings, mood rings, hats, earphones, etc. Who could possibly think facial hair on any apparel is cool/rebellious? It makes you look like a moron.


Off Topic / Blocklanders in [X] - Locational Megathread
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:40:58 PM »
This is a topic to stop all of the spam threads. Tell us where you live, DO IT NAO!!!

I live in Moore, Oklahoma.

Off Topic / Rugby vs. Football
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:06:05 AM »
I want to start off by saying they're both dumb sports and I don't side with either.  There seems to be a constant battle between rugby players/fans and football players/fans; when in reality, neither are better. It's just a bunch of monkeys running across a field beating each other up. People say rugby's more physical, while others say football is more physical. Well I say both are physical, but not nearly as physical as boxing/mma/martial arts. If people are going to act high and mighty over each other, they might as well bury two of the worst sports in history and go with Boxing.  Not only do you learn how to defend yourself, but you learn how to beat people up. I'd say that's pretty brutal. B)

tl;dr i'm doing competitive boxing next spring

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