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Topics - hammereditor²

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Off Topic / No.
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:20:02 PM »

Off Topic / It's weird how people are using my proxy server.
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:30:28 PM »
So about 1 month ago, I installed the FreeProxy program on my hosting service's VPS. I needed that for one-time use, for just a day. Then I forgot about the proxy server, and let it run for a long time, and never used by proxy anymore.
Looks like lots of people found out about it.

I'm surprised how all these IP addresses found out about Free proxy, although I never advertised it to anybody and kept it to myself.
It's strange why most of the users look like they are servers themselves, instead of your typical Internet user.
Some of the akward users are:
• (Chinese ISP)
• (Ukranian and Russian ISP)
• (Taiwanese mail server)
• (Kalphiter)

I'll come up with more pictures if I ever see more strange activity. I blame all of these on port-scanners.

AoT Clan Discussion / [HFO]: Hammereditor for Overlord clan
« on: October 16, 2013, 08:15:23 PM »
I'm going to make a new Age of Time clan called 'Hammereditor for overlord', of [HFO]!
My goal is to recruit people to eventually form my army to take over the universe, and become the dark overlord of it! Muhahahahahaha! (I need better evil laughter).
I know my force doesn't have many recruits, but with your help, I can become the supreme dark overlord of the universe!

Help / Dedicated server: Memory buffer overflow errors
« on: October 16, 2013, 01:06:29 PM »
On one of the Blockland servers hosted on my hosting service, one of them has buffer overrun errors about 2 times a day.
The program stops running any further, and an error message titled "Visual C++ runtime error" or something pops up, and says that there was a buffer overflow error, and that the program can't continue.
I researched what this kind of error is, but I cannot find any solutions to the problem.
Does anybody know if a bad add-on can cause a RAM buffer overrun error?
I cannot post the console.log without consent of the particular client. I looked through it myself, and I can't find an explanation.

Modification Help / What's the class name for a client-sided player?
« on: October 11, 2013, 09:47:07 PM »
I think it's 'PlayerData' or something.

'By the object the player is looking at', I am talking about the brick/player/item/whatever the client's crosshair is targeted on. You know, that thin white circle at the center of the screen.

I need to do this on the client's side.

Modification Help / GUI / Script transferring
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:21:20 AM »
Let's say you join a Blockland server, and you need to download a GUI or client-sided script in order to play properly.
Isn't it annoying to have to get a new add-on, and restart Blockland?
Server hosts, don't you think you could retain more players if the GUI could just be transferred to them automatically?
I know Blockland Glass does this, but isn't it kind of a dead mod?
And what if you just want code transferring without everything BLG offers?
I was thinking of making an add-on where Blockland servers could transfer scripts and GUI's to the client.
When a player joins, it tells them that a client-sided mod is available. The code is transferred immediately. A GUI pops up, giving the client 4 options:
  • Install and run: The code is saved into a file in the /config/code transfer/ folder, and it is executed. Every time the game s
    tarts up, the script is executed again.
  • Install only: The code is saved to a file, but not executed. It will not auto-execute on startup. To do that, the player must modify their preferences.
  • Run only: The script is saved to a file and executed. But after execution, the file is deleted.
  • Do not use: The code is not installed or ran.

When the client connects to the server, a 'handshake' is initiated by the server. It sends the required names of the scripts.
The client checks if it has each script. If a script is installed but not enabled (the "Install only" option was used on it), a prompt tells the client to either execute it now, make it auto-execute on startup, or don't run it.
If a script is missing, the client adds it to a list of scripts it doesn't have.
The client then sends the list, and the server tells the client to display prompts (with the 4 options above) in order to handle the missing code.

In order for the configurations to work, each script will have some properties:
  • Name: The name of the script. This is also the filename the script has on both the server and the client.
  • Version: The version of the script. I would probably not have versions and updating in the first release of the add-on.
  • Auto-execute: This can either be true or false, and says whether the script should be executed on Blockland startup. This is only controlled by the client when they install it.
These 3 attributes will be defined in a configuration file. Auto-execution can be changed by the client.
The server-side part of the application has a folder with scripts which should be transferred to the client. There are preferences for choosing which scripts to transfer.

Do you think a code-transfer system would be useful?

Off Topic / Find a hilarious photo.
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:21:30 PM »
Find the funniest picture you can, and post it here.

General Discussion / Would it be against the rules to post a chatbot?
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:07:51 PM »
I am wondering if posting a link to a chat bot in the modification discussion section is bannable.
That's all.

I was thinking if increasing the $pref::net::packetRateToClient and $pref::net::packetRateToServer variables (on both the server and the client) from 32 to 1024 would increase the data transfer rate between the Blockland server and client. One useful feature of this is faster .bls save uploading.
Is there any way you can increase these variables without BL changing them back to default?

Modification Help / Locked topic
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:13:11 PM »

Off Topic / How much do you like the forum user above you?
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:13:55 AM »
Rate the user who is above your post with a x/10 rating. 5 is neutral.
That's all I need to say.

Off Topic / I destroyed my computer's hard disk drive today.
« on: September 23, 2013, 05:02:54 PM »
I had two operating systems on my computer: Windows 7 and Linux mint. When I installed Linux, GRUB became the master boot loader. GRUB lets you choose which OS to use when starting up.
I wanted to expand the space of the partition which I installed Linux on, since it was too small to fit some Steam games.
So I went to Windows, and installed some third-party disk partitioning tool. I then shrank the Windows partition, and created a new 30 GB one.

When I rebooted, GRUB went into recovery mode and it could not find the boot configuration file.
I then thought that using a live CD to start up would help to fix GRUB. But it always overrode the DVD/CD drive and went straight to GRUB recovery. And of course, I couldn't use GRUB to recover.
So then I knew that I was doomed, although all my data still existed. There was nothing I could do to recover the data.
So I gave up, and said, "To hell with the data.". At least a copy of Blockland that had my settings was stored on my hosting service's VPS. I still have a lot of the Java programs I made for my hosting service on the VPS.
I was lucky to have a copy of Windows 8 64-bit on hand, so I am installing it right now.

Yes, I messed up big time with the partitioning.

General Discussion / Master server archive project
« on: September 23, 2013, 03:01:52 PM »
I was bored 2 days ago, and I wanted to make a computer program in java which is related to Blockland. All it took was 40-50 lines of code.
What is this?
My application records the master server list every 6 minutes. It stores the Blockland server statuses in files which are accessible at:
The program downloads the list, then records the status of each server in a file.
How are the files formatted?
For each Blockland server's name, there is a .txt file. For example, a name would be "Ravencroft's Basketball Tournament.txt". All forbidden filename characters are replaced by '%' signs.
What information do the recordings include?
Each line in a file has the date, time, IP address and port, server name, players, max. players, GameMode, and bricks.

This is basically just a resource I made for the Blockland community.
I also may consider adding a way to search the database with a .jsp webpage, and it also will organize results.

Modification Help / Brick questions
« on: September 03, 2013, 10:01:13 PM »
I have various questions about how to use bricks from a script.

  • How do you make it so that a vehicle doesn't respawn after the vehicle's death?
  • How do you add an event to a brick?
  • How do you clear the events from a brick?
  • How do you add an event to a brick?
  • How do you set if an event is enabled for a brick?

I did a console dump on the FxDTSbrick class, but it didn't help, as none of the listed functions came with any arguments.

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