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Topics - Sarataz

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Off Topic / Just a Old Beta Tester Checking In...
« on: October 09, 2013, 01:52:00 AM »
Man, its been ages since i've even touched Blockland (or started some forum drama for that matter...) So I had to say "Bonjour" to everyone. I do find myself talking about it to my co-workers from time to time  :cookieMonster:; talking about all the crazy weapons and mods I used to play around with in my servers (someone please tell me they remember the mining mod.... or does that still exist?) Nevertheless, I do plan on one day helping the success of this game with some coding skills I hope to pick up in the long run. And last, I have to give a big shout-out to every person who's BL_ID ranges between 0 and 1000. My ID is in the 500's, but i'm pretty sure I can retire that number...for now.

~Till next time, Peace.

Help / What ever happend to that Firefighter add-on?
« on: September 12, 2010, 08:37:35 PM »
Now, a while back (talking a few years ago) there was this add-on where you could set bricks on fire and such and you could put it out with water (like a firefighter)
but I'm hearing mixed stories about it like "it was banned" "taken off" and bla bla bla. So, does anyone really know what happened to this add-on?

Help / Is there anyway to force the birck limit up?
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:50:12 PM »
I tried increasing the brick limit under the server options list before you start a server, but it just stays the same. Is there any way to for it up or is it forbidden?

Help / What happend to all my preferences?
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:55:42 PM »
Well, always did have the Admin Controls Manager installed, but under my preferences tab i had a lot more tabs of other add ons i have like the Trench mod, Unlimited mining, Server Brick Clean-up timer, and ect. But they just stopped showing up. What could cause this?

Maps / [New] Map_WintersDay2
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:17:45 AM »

Well, here's my 2nd map i promised like almost a year ago. I finally got some time to do it so here it is -WintersDay2.

It's based off my first map Winter's Day, but mediafire took it off and well its gone.

New Features
-Easter Egg
-A new icy lake with a nice texture (you cannot float in it)
-Better terrain Texture than the first one
-And last, a whole new Sky that everyone can enjoy (because a lot of people didn't like a clear sky on a snowy day from the last map i made for some reason >.<.)

Know Bugs
Probably some with the water because i had a hard time sizeing it, but if there is any just post about it.


Help / What is the command to use the (System_load addon)- Addon?
« on: August 30, 2010, 11:00:48 PM »
I downloaded this add-on that allows you to load add-ons into your server with out restarting it, but i forgot the command to use it.

Off Topic / Who has the longest running .GIF avatar?
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:39:09 PM »
For my record, i think Peejster has the longest running .GIF image i've seen so far on this forum. So.. who thinks that something longer than his?

I'm trying to use the Minifig model of a Blackhead to size my model so it can fit in it's hand but i don't know how to load 2 models on the same canvas (workspace)

Mapping Help / How do you import and use a custom Grayscale Bitmap?
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:16:08 PM »
Ok, i created a bitmap but, i have no idea where to put it so the bitmp loader inside mission editor can see it.

Mapping Help / New problem with skybox rendering
« on: July 27, 2010, 06:57:43 PM »
Now, i picked up this terragen 2d skybox script from to render 6 images so i can make a skybox. But when the script is done rendering all the images, there eather not being saved or somewhere on my computer that i don't know of. But I'm going to go witht hem not being saved.

So here is the Terragen script. Could someone tell me where are the images going?

Code: [Select]
initanim "C:\skyrender", 1

Zoom 1.0
CamH 0
CamP 0
CamB 0

Zoom 1.0
CamH 90
CamP 0
CamB 0

Zoom 1.0
CamH 270
CamP 90
CamB 0

Zoom 1.0
CamH 180
CamP 0
CamB 0

Zoom 1.0
CamH 270
CamP 0
CamB 0

Zoom 1.0
CamH 270
CamP -90
CamB 0

To see the most updated verison fo this model, go to Page 3!

My original post of me showing this model can be found here->

But I'm going to post the picture of the model on this thread anyway.

Alright, i had a couple of people that asked could they help script in this model of mine, but my main scripter dropped out on me for some reason (that do not apply to me) So, before i put this idea to rest, I'm wondering if anyone wants to bring this idea to life. So here are the pictures, and if anyone wants to help or whatever just send me a PM. Thanks.

By the way, this is just the rough draft of the model I'm working on, it is still in progress.

Also, one question since I'm still new to this Would you have to animate this type of object if it did become an add-on or are all add-on's (besides the ones that are obvious) by default when you make a model of them should be animated?

Off Topic / Long Story!- I got hit by a Sasser Worm today...
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:39:08 AM »
Warning Long Story

The small, but deadly Sasser Worm Virus...

Most deadly to noobs because they can't do stuff about it...

Now earlyer today when i was looking around for a diffrent internet security/anti virus suite for my secondary computer (because Microsoft Security Essentials just let's the viruses right on in...) i stumbled across Comodo Internet Security (witch is pretty good actually) But before i used it i got my favorite anti-virus reviewer guy from youtube mizros (his youtube page is

But back to the story- So, i watched his review on Comodo Internet Security and i thought it was pretty good so i went to go download it and switch from Microsoft Security Essentials to Comodo. But while i was doing the exchange my computer was acting weird while i was installing the installer for Comodo from So i thought that probably there was a virus in the computer (witch i was right) But just alittle before i was going to install Comodo, i had did a full scan of my computer with Microsoft Security Essentials (really didn't do it's job) So, after the Comodo installer was done downloading, i went and installed it. Just soon after that my computer got more "sluggish" so I'm like dam, i probably got hit by some small Trojan virus or something (i really didn't know at the time)

So after the reboot, i was going to just clean my computer out with comodo real quick and continue with my day... that didn't happen. When i got to my desktop screen i got the same little window of the "Windows System Shutdown" message. When that happend i was pretty clueless on what to do (because i never got hit by a Sasser Worm, but i did script some in my IT class, pretty simple.) So i made the computer go into safe mode, got some of the files that i wanted to save just in case i had to fully restore my computer. When i did come to the idea of doing a full system restore my computer wouldn't boot off of my Windows Xp Installation CD. So my last idea was to use my pops vary crappy laptop by Toshiba (it has about 480MB of ram, has vista on it (have no idea with such low ram) but yet has a Dual Core 2 processor. So after about 2 houres of snooping on the internet on how to handle this virus and another 3 since i got fed up with this. i finnily got some software onto my computer to fight this dam thing. So long story short he he got rid of the worm and learned a nice lesson...

Don't trust Microsoft.

Gallery / My first 3d model- A Walkie Talkie
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:38:01 PM »
Well, i been working on this for a couple of days and put some of my amateur effort into making this model using blender. (because milkshape3d confuses me sometimes...) And as weird as this sounds, this is my most successful model i made ever! So, I'm sharing it with you people to see what you think of my blocky military walkie talkie.

Try not to be so crude.

Help / How do you change your welcome message font and size?
« on: July 10, 2010, 03:53:39 PM »
I been wondering about this for ages, but never came to ask how... intill today :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / And the OG's have spoken...
« on: July 10, 2010, 01:39:27 AM »
Now, stuff got a little out of hand with my last topic "The legends of Blockland" but this time this should be a bit more reasonable. So here's the deal.

I want to try to get some of the older blocklander's that came here around the time blockland was started. (aka-Original Gansterssuch as i). And i would like some of you to post your opinions about blockland or what should be changed in the game. this may get a little interesting...

Last note, anyone can post their opinions, it's not restricted to anyone. I'm just trying to get a good number of our old blockland veterans to post their opinions about blockland.

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