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Topics - modman

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General Discussion / Have you been playing scense blocklandv0002?
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:26:38 PM »
Just want to see if there is any people I remember from the old blockland.

Off Topic / Pretty cool rubber band thing.
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:22:33 PM »

Drama / Was SpacePirate made for blockland?
« on: June 03, 2008, 01:23:19 AM »
I mean he comes in and starts out good,  but he kinda went down hill when Kiki_bones made that clan. Then he left for about 2 days. Came back, then went down hill even more for whining about City 'O rian. What do you think about him?

Drama / The crap?
« on: May 23, 2008, 07:53:21 PM »
I'm leaving spread the word.
SpacePirate sent me the message. I haven't even seen this guy. And is he leaving just because of one insult?

Drama / Alt Zilla.
« on: April 08, 2008, 04:00:06 PM »
Has anyone stumbled upon this gay idiot? I was on Jookias server and I saw him, and I asked him if he was a good builder, and guess what? He spams the server with 1x1 bricks. Then he says "se, i da best bilder you gys wil evr be!!" So after that this guy was there and he was asking how old everyone was. Alt said he was nine. I said, "Wow a nine year old on an online game thats only for 13-18 year olds." And this noob says "SHUT YUP!" And he leaves. I went to his server and I saw this big stick figure. I ask him it was his and he said yea. But when I looked at the baseplate it was sitting on, it said Junior. So Junior if you built a big stick figure with a sword he has stolen it. Then I said "This isn't yours." and then I find myself banned for the reason: suck my bottom.

I just want to know how many blockland players will play this new game. If so, what will your username be? I'm gonna get it and my username will be... well ModMan.

Help / How do I delete saves?
« on: March 08, 2008, 02:22:03 PM »
Is it even possible but if it is, can someone tell me how to?

Drama / Trust me or be banned.
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:05:54 AM »
K I go to a server and this guy named Jazz3921, BL_ID 3920, just randomly sends me a full trust invite, I dont take it so he says trust me or ban. So I ask him why he needs it and he says "because I want it!" Then I ask him why he wants it again so he says "Just because noob!" So I play around thinking this noobish fight has settled. Then he says "BUILD ME A HOUSE!!" Then I say "no". Then he says "finbye ModMan." But I left before he could ban me. So be smart and ban this idiot.

Gallery / My first car.
« on: March 07, 2008, 10:53:12 PM »
This is my first car Ive made from scratch, on blockland so it might not be good.

Drama / Captin blue stole my animation!!!!
« on: March 02, 2008, 02:47:18 AM »
He stole it, it was made by me so CAPTIN IS A STEALER! It's my dounut eating stick figure >:O! Captin gtfo you animation stealing idiot.

Forum Games / New topic in miscellaneous?
« on: March 01, 2008, 08:25:18 PM »
People are making up games and such and putting it in off-topic. I'm not sure none of you think we should add one in but do you think we should add a new topic saying:
Games in the miscellaneous section?

Drama / Arc - the moron.
« on: February 18, 2008, 07:59:42 PM »
He is the most idiotic person ( other than blocker), he make's the most idiotic insults, and insults some good clans.  Plus, he needs to use good grammar, and he says he is not 9 or 10, but he acts like a 2 year old. If anybody agree's with me, just say so.

Suggestions & Requests / De-jeting bricks.
« on: February 15, 2008, 09:06:31 PM »
There is a brick I am requesting  that will take away jets. Like you make a mini and you need jets at the begginig, but you dont need them through the rest of it. Is it possible?

Help / Writing diffrent way's.
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:28:51 PM »
THis is a list on how to write diffrent ways so the help sction doesn't get spammed by newbs who are asking on how to color their words or make letters bigger or how to underline there words.

Coloring your words: Go to the "change color" bar and pick the color you want, then you type what you want to say in color in between the ]['s. For example: Omg this build is great!!!

How to underline your words: Go to the icon that says U and type in between the ]['s (this is used for all of them)and type what you want. For example:The UUU clan has arived! (just made up).

How to make your words bigger: go to the A with the arrows pointing up and down, then where is says [size=10pt, just type what point you want, like say you want your writing to be a little big. Type after the "=" 20 or what ever you want, and you have big font. For example: Now.

How to make slanted words: go to the I icon and in between the ]['s and type whatever you want. For example: this is why noobs should go away.

Thick letter's: Go to the B icon and type between the ]['s whatever you want. For example: Well THIS HOLE TOPIC :D!!

How to make little letters: Go to the A with the arrows pointing up and down like before, and type, like before,after the "=" sign type your number. For example:couph* the cake is a lie couph*

How to read tiny letters: Hold down Ctrl and role on the wheel and it will make the screen bigger to see the words. For example: try it on the tutroial above this one.

That's about it on changing the apperence of your words, hopefully we wont have newbs making topics asking how to do this again.

Help / How to read little writing.
« on: February 14, 2008, 05:37:47 PM »
This is simple, just press ctrl and role on the wheel on your mouse.
Try it!

example:Yay now you know how to read little messages without having to quote!

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