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Topics - Cuda007

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Help / Bricks don't show up.
« on: November 10, 2008, 09:23:54 AM »
Ok I don't get, they where working last night, but when I went in today they didn't show up, the one I DL'ed, but when I when to the add-ons checker thing they where there and checked.
Heres the add-ons checker things.

Here a ingame pic.

Anyone know whats going on?

Gallery / W.I.P RX4 Storm Baretta.
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:35:04 PM »
This is somthing I'm the Hunter wanted me to post.
Send all C/C to him, not me.
Its a W.I.P. but here its is.

Help / Server rules.
« on: November 09, 2008, 12:10:24 PM »
Ok so I made the rule for my server { if I ever an able to get it back up} this is what they look like.
Code: [Select]
function ServerCmdRules(%client)
messageClient(%client,"","\c21. Do not create random usless events like kill bricks. This is an Perma-banable");
messageClient(%client,"","\c22. No asking for admin.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c23. No spamming, or my admins will assforget you.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c24. No making minigame or spawns (player, vehicle, or weapon/tool).");
messageClient(%client,"","\c25. No disobeying/ annoying any admin's.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c26. Disobeying these rules will result in a kick, ban, or being killed.");
        messageClient(%Client,"","\c27. I the host, has the right to do what I want, with when I want, and with who I want, clothes or no clothes.");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c28. Any admin will kick, ban, or kill you for any or no reason, don't piss them off.");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c29. One more thing, don't go near Cuda that would be a bad thing.");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c30. The following is for admins, non-admin you don't need to read this but you can if you");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c31. Don't not perma ban anyone!");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c32. Don't clear nice builds, only spam.");
                messageClinet(%client,"","\c33. Use of PTTA or other programs like it is aloud on this server.");         
                messageClinet(%client,"","\c34. Do not change the map, I repeat DO NOT CHANGE THE MAP!");
                messageClinet(%client,"","\c35. Do not abuse your power, being admin is a privilege , not a right, I will/can take it away.");
                messageClient(%client,"","\c40. Page up to see the rest of the rule, I don't think you want to be banned for not knowing a rule.");

function ServerCmdRulesAll(%client)
messageAll("","\c21. No asking for build trust if said mod is enabled.");
messageAll("","\c22. No asking for admin.");
messageAll("","\c23. No spamminp, or my admins will assforget you.");
messageAll("","\c24. No making minigame or spawns (player, vehicle, or weapon/tool).");
messageAll("","\c25. No disobeying/ annoying any admin's.");
messageAll("","\c26. Disobeying these rules will result in a kick, ban, or being killed.");
        messageAll("","\c27. I the host, has the right to do what I want, with when I want, and with who I want, clothes or no clothes.");
                messageAll("","\c28. Any admin will kick, ban, or kill you for any or no reason, don't piss them off.");
                messageAll("","\c29. One more thing, don't go near Cuda that would be a bad thing.");
                messageAll("","\c30. The following is for admins, non-admin you don't need to read this but you can if you");
                messageAll("","\c31. Don't not perma ban anyone!");
                messageAll("","\c32. Don't clear nice builds, only spam.");
                messageAll("","\c33. Use of PTTA or other programs like it is aloud on this server.");         
                messageAll("","\c34. Do not change the map, I repeat DO NOT CHANGE THE MAP!");
                messageAll("","\c35. Do not abuse your power, being admin is a privilege , not a right, I will/can take it away.");
                messageAll("","\c40. Page up to see the rest of the rule, I don't think you want to be banned for not knowing a rule.");

messageclient(%client,"","\c0You are not Super admin. Please type \c3/rules \c0for the server rules.");
But when I tried them out ingame, half of the admin rules didn't show, they are the 30-35, can anyone of you tell me what I did wrong? ???

Suggestions & Requests / City lights.
« on: October 27, 2008, 05:45:59 PM »
Could some one please port the city lights {I beleave that is what the were called}.
They were the.
  • Cop lights
  • street lights.
  • Stadium lights.
  • And more, but I don't remember what they where.
Also I don't remember who made them.

Help / Changing textures
« on: October 27, 2008, 03:38:40 PM »
Ok, I want to change the carpet in the bedroom but when I go to the file, that the textures for that should be in their not there, this is what it looks like.

This is what it should/did. This is my v8 file.

Any help would be nice.
Sorry if its fuzy I had to resize it.

Help / Labels.
« on: October 27, 2008, 03:22:33 PM »
What are the labels in the PM for?

Help / WTF, I lost default bricks?
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:20:38 PM »
Ok, my 6x brick are gone. How do I fix it?

Suggestions & Requests / Skates
« on: October 23, 2008, 11:21:33 PM »
Would someone remake, or port the skates mod?

Help / Event help.
« on: October 21, 2008, 12:42:50 AM »
Ok, how do I set a brick to turn from a color to a trans?
I have no other way of putting it than that.

Help / Slash Commands
« on: October 16, 2008, 02:19:13 PM »
Can some one give my a updated slash commands list please.

There should be a list that is stickyed.

Help / How would I put a Admin Zone in with the editor?
« on: October 10, 2008, 12:49:35 PM »
What the title said. How would I put a Admin Zone using the editor?

Suggestions & Requests / Client side timescale.
« on: September 29, 2008, 05:53:19 PM »
First off is it possible?
Second If so I would really like this, so I can have, me in slowmo and everyone else in normal speed.

Gallery / Cuda's weapons warehouse.
« on: September 27, 2008, 11:31:12 PM »
Its like a gang or terrorist warehouse full of weapons. I built this on Spiderobots server.
Also I would like the thank SlickSliver for the roof. Also when I first started building, I was going to make it a hotel, but it turned into this.
First the out side view./!\ I just saw it, in the chat you see "Computer:.... that is for the zombies you'll see later though the pics."

Next the broken windows. /!\ I just love how these came out.

Next the inside, once you walk in.

Some nuke heads. /!\ You may find one missing, I don't know who took it.

Next a tank, I mean why not. :D

The sleeping area. /!\ Sorry no TV.

The view from the area.

Next the other floor, and yes those are zombies.

The view from that area.

And lastly the walkway that Slick made. /!\ I made the broken glass though.

Well I hope you like it.

Gallery / Cuda's BLC app. IMG heavy.
« on: September 26, 2008, 04:06:33 AM »
As most of you have seen already. Its the same house just a different color. First the Sky view.

Street view.

Once you walk in. /!\ This rug I put in all my house build, as like my signature.

The bedroom. /!\ From the old one, but the samething I never changed it.

The kichen.

The stairs.

The second floor.

The bathroom.

The room thats being remodeled.

The study, 2 pics.

And last but not least, the garage.

Hope you like it. Hope I get judge.

Suggestions & Requests / Covered Jeep.
« on: September 24, 2008, 02:02:49 PM »
I've asked for this before, but I was wondering if someone could make a covered jeep, like the ones in WWII, also it would be cool if there was a slash comd. to take the cover off.

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