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Topics - HedRokkA

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Off Topic / Removed
« on: October 18, 2013, 04:33:51 PM »

Off Topic / removed
« on: October 18, 2013, 12:28:12 AM »

Off Topic / Post amazing Electro/Breaks V.1
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:38:00 PM »
Post amazing Electro/Breaks.

What is electro?
Electro (short for either electro-funk, or electro-boogie)[1][2] is a genre of electronic dance music directly influenced by the use of TR-808 drum machines,[3] and funk sampling.[4][5] Records in the genre typically feature drum machines and heavy electronic sounds, usually without vocals, although if vocals are present they are delivered in a deadpan manner, often through electronic distortion such as vocoding and talkboxing. This is the main distinction between electro and previously prominent genres such as disco, in which the electronic sound was only part of the instrumentation.

What are breaks?
In popular music, a break is an instrumental or percussion section or interlude during a song derived from or related to stop-time – being a "break" from the main parts of the song or piece.
A solo break in jazz occurs when the rhythm section stops playing behind a soloist for a brief period, usually two or four bars leading into the soloist's first chorus. A notable recorded example is Charlie Parker's solo break at the beginning of his solo on "A Night in Tunisia".
In DJ parlance, a break is where all elements of a song (e.g., pads, basslines, vocals), except for percussion, disappear for a time. This is distinguished from a breakdown, a section where the composition is deliberately deconstructed to minimal elements (usually the percussion or rhythm section with the vocal re-introduced over the minimal backing), all other parts having been gradually or suddenly cut out.[1] The distinction between breaks and breakdowns may be described as, "Breaks are for the drummer; breakdowns are for hands in the air".[1]
In hip hop and electronica, a short break is also known as a "cut", and the reintroduction of the full bass line and drums is known as a "drop", which is sometimes accented by cutting off everything, even the percussion.

Have fun researching!
Oh, and before you start, here's an example track: Dexter - Space Booty

Off Topic / I need help choosing a name for my new kitty cat.
« on: October 13, 2013, 04:39:32 PM »
Okay, I can't add any pics (he's under my bed) right now, but I really need help giving him a name. Any suggestions available.

He's kind of white/yellow, just to give you a quick detail.
He's also very, very young and small. 6-7 weeks old.

Off Topic / On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is my brother's music?
« on: October 12, 2013, 06:44:40 PM »
Check out his channel for more.

Also, ignore me in the comments, I was a complete idiot back then.

Off Topic / Describe the above user with a YouTube video/gif
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:25:12 PM »

Off Topic / Crome's Homies NEW SYNCHTUBE
« on: October 05, 2013, 01:47:46 PM »
If you are familiar with my group, Crome's Homies, then good for you. Now it's time that I create a little add-on. A synchtube. Yey!

I know I didn't edit my thread, 'cause that clan discussion place is too slow.
(note I shortened the link) Click here to go to the page.

Rules: No videos longer than 30 minutes
No spamming the chat
No research
No video spam
No stuff mentioning drugs, loveual intercourse, or anything similar.
No excessive gore/surgeries

That covers!

Have fun guise, I don't know if this website has moderator features or whatever.

Clan Discussion / Crome's Homies! |Welcome, Cromies|
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:00:39 AM »
Uh huh, most of the information will be covered on the website, which hopefully will be up in 30 minutes. Just in case you're too lazy to visit a website, I will cover the information now.

What are we?
We are a group dedicated to the sake of laughs. We do prank calls and trolls mainly, but as well play Blockland.

Is Skype required?
No. But for maximum fun, yes. You won't be able to do Skype trolls or Skype prank calls.
How to join?
Message me on the forum.
Who are you calling on Skype?
My old Skype/school friends.
What is your IGN?
Used to be Crome, but now is Sentriax.

Pretty much covers, look on the website for more details.

Off Topic / Need ideas for Christmas gifts.
« on: October 02, 2013, 08:11:03 PM »
Yes, I know it's a while away, I just need a starter list.

Please don't suggest things worn in loveual intercourse.

What I like: Records, old PC games, anything electronic, antique items, computers.

Off Topic / On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid is the person above?
« on: October 02, 2013, 12:37:29 AM »
I'll do selfmy 10 post now yours please goby i want pooncakes.

EDIT: If you don't know the person, give them a 0/10 please.
EDIT: If you have already rated the person, wait 'till someone else posts. Which probably won't be a long time.

Off Topic / Funny Story 2 (or otherwise not so funny)
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:26:52 PM »

^^^ Myself
Welcome to the Keith Show (note, this is Keith, just on a different account)! Where I try my hardest to write down the most dumbforgeted stories you will ever hear in your entire life. I'm just an attempt at being funny, as Muslim said. This time, I got into a mess on Skype and I'm going to share the details as explicit as possible.

Let's get started!
So, I was on Skype one day and I was just simply bored of playing video games. So I decided to call one of my old Skype friends, and we started playing CityRPG. Later when I was eating dinner, I asked my friend if he would like to prank call one of my school-friends that has Skype. He agreed, and we called Alyssa. She answered and as soon as she did, we yelled out at the top of our lungs "Ain't no party like a creep bear party! Get raped bitch!" And as soon as we said that, we hung up. So a little while after a good laugh, we called again and this time I heard Samantha answer (one of Alyssa's friends), and she said "I'm going to call Alyssa's dad on you." Alyssa added "He's a security guard." So with a spark of fright, we shut up for a second and Samantha soon said "So, like, why did you call us in the first place?", we replied saying "We have nothing else to do.", and here's the part that got really out of hand. Me and my friend hung up from the group chat and got into a call again, and started talking while typing in the group chat. Here's the group chat conversation, please ignore the overall stupidity: [9/28/2013 6:44:52 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: WHO IS THIS
[9/28/2013 6:45:02 PM] Keith: Uhh
[9/28/2013 6:45:04 PM] Keith: Keith
[9/28/2013 6:45:09 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Who else
[9/28/2013 6:45:21 PM] arthur gloster: Philip
[9/28/2013 6:45:24 PM] Keith: A friend on skype e_e
[9/28/2013 6:45:57 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Who is plilip
[9/28/2013 6:46:07 PM] Keith: A friend on skype e_e
[9/28/2013 6:46:13 PM] arthur gloster: A friend
[9/28/2013 6:46:18 PM] Keith: on skype e_e
[9/28/2013 6:46:32 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Did u hear me and my sis
[9/28/2013 6:46:36 PM] arthur gloster: Yes
[9/28/2013 6:46:37 PM] Keith: Uh
[9/28/2013 6:46:38 PM] Keith: Ye
[9/28/2013 6:46:52 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: We were being handicapped
[9/28/2013 6:47:02 PM] Keith: Uh...
[9/28/2013 6:47:03 PM] Keith: Ok
[9/28/2013 6:47:06 PM] arthur gloster: I know
[9/28/2013 6:47:08 PM] Keith: Why handicapped?
[9/28/2013 6:47:13 PM] arthur gloster: Everything
[9/28/2013 6:47:21 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Cuz we can peoples
[9/28/2013 6:47:45 PM] arthur gloster: Lol
[9/28/2013 6:47:53 PM] Keith: Are you this handicapped?
[9/28/2013 6:47:54 PM] Keith: Because
[9/28/2013 6:47:56 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: WHO ARE YOU ARTHUR GLOSER
[9/28/2013 6:48:08 PM] arthur gloster: A friend
[9/28/2013 6:48:11 PM] Keith: of mine.
[9/28/2013 6:48:25 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Who handicap
[9/28/2013 6:48:35 PM] Keith: He's
[9/28/2013 6:48:36 PM] Keith: My
[9/28/2013 6:48:37 PM] Keith: Friend
[9/28/2013 6:48:37 PM] arthur gloster: U
[9/28/2013 6:48:39 PM] Keith: Over
[9/28/2013 6:48:40 PM] Keith: Skype
[9/28/2013 6:48:41 PM] Keith: And
[9/28/2013 6:48:49 PM] Keith: I
[9/28/2013 6:48:51 PM] Keith: Should
[9/28/2013 6:48:52 PM] Keith: Stop
[9/28/2013 6:48:53 PM] Keith: Talking
[9/28/2013 6:48:55 PM] Keith: Like
[9/28/2013 6:48:55 PM] Keith: This
[9/28/2013 6:49:20 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: No der handicap #2
[9/28/2013 6:49:27 PM] Keith: DerDerDerDerDer
[9/28/2013 6:49:47 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Why did u skype me
[9/28/2013 6:49:53 PM] Keith: I don't know
[9/28/2013 6:49:57 PM] arthur gloster: What if I told you the bartender wasn't flirting with you because she wants to forget you
[9/28/2013 6:49:57 PM] Keith: Because you called me
[9/28/2013 6:50:07 PM] Keith: Arthur!
[9/28/2013 6:50:09 PM] Keith: Shut up.
[9/28/2013 6:51:06 PM] Keith: Chillz you mean shillz?
[9/28/2013 6:51:55 PM] arthur gloster: What if I told you with the bartender wasn't thinking of you because she wants to forget you
[9/28/2013 6:52:12 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Skype me authur
[9/28/2013 6:52:16 PM] Keith: What if I told you to shut up because you're a loving slutcigarette.
[9/28/2013 6:52:46 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Who. Me?
[9/28/2013 6:52:49 PM] Keith: No
[9/28/2013 6:52:53 PM] Keith: Arthur
[9/28/2013 6:53:11 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Skype me authur
[9/28/2013 6:53:18 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Or keith
[9/28/2013 6:53:29 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Both of u skype me
[9/28/2013 6:53:33 PM] arthur gloster: Skype me now
[9/28/2013 6:53:46 PM] arthur gloster: Kimberly
[9/28/2013 6:54:47 PM] arthur gloster: Well
[9/28/2013 6:55:07 PM] arthur gloster: I like to lick little girls they make me feel so good
[9/28/2013 6:55:47 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Skype me
[9/28/2013 6:55:51 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: I cant skype u
[9/28/2013 6:56:21 PM] Keith: guise
[9/28/2013 6:56:25 PM] Keith: i'm gonna call you guise
[9/28/2013 6:56:29 PM] *** Group call, duration 05:28 ***
[9/28/2013 7:03:53 PM] arthur gloster: Lololololo
[9/28/2013 7:04:17 PM] Kimberly and Alyssa McLarney: Skype us again
Then here's where it went wrong, after a minute I realized Alyssa was dialing and she called her dad, he didn't speak to me, but I heard him talking, and soon hung up. I got pwned didn't I?

Off Topic / Crea've Megathread |wut can u maak|
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:05:05 PM »
You know how we all enjoy creating something new? No, I'm not talking about things made on the computer, or made on a drum machine. You know how we just love to build a rubber-band airplane, or a new tree house? You know how new inventions become very important in our survival and our entertainment? Well no more "you-knows", this is the place where you discuss it all.

⊗Hardware Stores⊗
Gimme s'more!

/discuss and go support your local hardware store!

Off Topic / Where can I get a blank 3" dubplate?
« on: September 15, 2013, 06:29:09 PM »
I be lookin' for yrs, found nottin,

Off Topic / Speech Synthesizers
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:19:01 PM »

Off Topic / What's high-school like?
« on: September 12, 2013, 10:43:22 PM »
Seriously, what's it like. There's only one thing I know:
Bein' a freshman is totally fresh man, ditch class, punch bullies, throw 'em in a trash can!

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