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Topics - crazeecow

Pages: [1]
AoT General / I wonder if anyone remembers me..
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:16:56 PM »
Anybody still read this forum?

Some people may remember me as the annoying stuffkid/troll that I was (and quite honestly still am) back when I played this game.

Do people ever still get on? I just logged onto all my old characters and couldn't help feel nostalgic at this terrible game that I somehow managed to play for hundreds of hours. Too bad badspot didn't put more work into AOT and monetize it. I know he had blockland but for monthly updates I would've paid like 20 bucks for this game. Oh well.

I digress. If anyone ever gets on anymore let me know, I wouldn't mind the occasional age of time session for old time's sake.

AoT General / Whatsup everyone
« on: May 18, 2009, 10:46:05 PM »
Hey everyone, i guess i kind of started playing a bit again. I see not much has changed.
i guess there are these two guys named Captnice and Sable meat though? they are a little uptight. While i was playing they just spent about 20 minutes telling me how small my snake is and how little of a life i have because i took there gold . It was only like 400. Anyways just thought I would let people know I am sorta back for now.

AoT General / Hey Sankuro
« on: November 16, 2008, 12:18:45 PM »
Locking the topic so that you can get the last word is really gay, its just a sign of cowardice. Because you know that what you said still doesn't make sense

you said MAYBE 16-18
but that implies its anywhere in the range of 15-19
and that still isn't true.

From Sankuro's last topic:

The reason why you don't think these are funny:

-Your not at the age group where this is funny. (i dunno exactly, maybe 16-18?)

-You don't have a sence of freaking humor.

The way it should have been:

The reason why you don't think these are funny:

-Your not at the age group where this is funny. (i dunno exactly, maybe 3-4?)

-You don't get laughs out of unfunny situations.

- I suck snake

So there you go Sankuro, i fixed it for you. No need to thank me.

AoT General / You know what...
« on: November 10, 2008, 09:34:20 PM »
I hate to be "that guy". Because nothing bothers me more then people telling Badspot what to do with Age of time. But would it be that much trouble to just throw in all of the old stuff that used to be in the game? I say, let us dye our horses different colors. Let us ride canoes! Let us buy DECENT stuff from the store! Let us choose stats for our characters when we make them. People walk up the log challenge? Who cares! This game is old and not being worked on. Dont get me wrong, its a great game. But its starting to get to a point where i just think, Why withhold this stuff from us? You made it at one point, you removed it for one reason or another, now there is almost no point in leaving it out. i would like to see canoes back in this game. I would like to see that maze that used to exist. i would love to be able to DYE MY HORSES PITCH BLACK AGAIN <3. But most of all, i would absolutely love to see that stat system back in the game. If im the only one that thinks this, which i very well may be, then i wont bring this up again. But how great would it be to experience "Ye olden times" of Age of time once again.

I understand that it would be absurd to put anything back in which would jeopardize the game,(I.E glitches) but other then that..
i fail to see a point in not doing this.

That's my little rant. Respond.

AoT General / biggest idiot
« on: November 08, 2008, 08:57:14 PM »
I have been reading the few recent topics in which both shawnpup and Sankuro contributed, and i realized they are both idiots. but which one is the biggest??? its time to find out :D

AoT General / noobs
« on: September 21, 2008, 04:00:08 PM »
this game has become overrun with poor noobs
it pisses me off.

noobs, leave . god hates you all

AoT General / Storeclerk? decopped again.
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:21:47 PM »
its true.
anyways its crazy but hes in a pissy emo mood now
 it was the most hilarious thing ever tho
hitting storeclerk while hes in jail? epic.
anyways it was a good day.

AoT General / Buying Steel shield
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:41:35 AM »
Ok so basically.. i want a steel shield.. bad.
and if anyone has one for sale, respond to this or find me on aot sometime.
kthx bai

also if anyone wants to buy fiber? i have 200
so yaa.

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