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Topics - MasterLemons

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Help / Gif still won't work D:
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:36:38 PM »
I've tried to upload it but it doesn't work. And yes, I am making it 75x75.

Is there anything else I have to do?

Help / Is it possible to...
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:19:00 PM »
change your bl forum name?

If so, please help.

Off Topic / What languages do you know?
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:27:52 PM »

I know Some Swedish, English, Some Spanish, Some French, Tiny bit of German.

Off Topic / Tron Legacy Discussion
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:45:47 PM »
The movie was actually pretty good! I suggest you see it.


Creativity / The Old Woman
« on: January 01, 2011, 10:55:43 PM »
So, I created a story on another thread.

Here it is:

The Old Woman

Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived in our house with us. The woman was 87 years old. We had good times with her. She wasn't really in good health, so she got sick alot. She used to not smoke, but now she does. Her back was hurting alot. So, one day, we found her in her bed at 2:00 PM still sleeping. We wondered why she hasn't woken up yet. So, when it was 5:00 PM, she was STILL in her bed, not awake. We tryed to wake her, but it didnt do good. We were really worried. So, we called help and the hospital came, like the people. They tryed to hear if she was breathing, but...............SHE WASNT! We were just, like "oh my god, is she dead?" So, the hospital people told us that she was flatlined (basically, dead. Or not breathing). We were extremely sad. So, they took her to the hospital. We didnt ride there with them, though. We were crying alot. When it was supper (dinner) time, we set the table with tables, forks, spoons, and knives. Once we were about to eat, we heard 4 foot steps. I sounded like it was near or in the kitchen with us. We wondered what it was. The people with us sweared they didnt step at that time. So, we began to eat. The food was delicious! When I took my fourth bite out of an apple, I heard a voice. It sounded really faint, but I could still hear it. I think it said "I love this..." I was kind of, like deciding it was the old woman. After dinner we watched television. We heard no signs of ghosts then. We went to bed after that. Atleast, when I fell asleep, I had a dream of that old woman, in spirit form. She was hanging out with me. When I woke up at 6:30 AM, we ate breakfast. I saw an invisible presence sit down on one of the chairs. I was freaked out. After breakfast, I called the person who was married to that old woman. I told him she was dead. He was crying. I could tell. So, I asked him about the house. He told about how the old woman liked the house alot. I was kind of interested. So, he told me that the old woman said to him that she would finish her goals before she would go to heaven. I was certain that it was the old woman. I said thanks. So, now that I knew that the ghost was that old woman, I wasnt as scared. Soon, I went into the living room and sat down. I felt like someone was watching me. I looked back. I saw the outline of her. I was excited. I carefully said, "Can you tell me your name?" She said, "Amanda" I responded, "Well, I thought so." Then she disappeared. I was excited. It was my first time talking to a ghost. I went to sleep. I felt like I was used to her soul visiting us then and there. I was proud. So, after a few weeks, I was completely used to her spirit. So, it was a happy ending. I felt like she was an actual person. I felt no worry at all. I was really happy.

                                             THE END

Please note that I dont think I copied this story from anywhere, and its not true. Please tell me if you like it!

Off Topic / Favorite drinks?
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:37:03 PM »
I wanna know what drinks people like.

I'll start. My favorite is either pepsi/coke or hazelnut milk.

Off Topic / I just figured out the smith family
« on: December 27, 2010, 07:19:29 PM »
Lol, I just figured out the smith family. Here it is:

Marriage - Will Smith (artist), Jada Smith (artist/actor)

Children - Willow Smith (artist), Jaden Smith (artist/actor), Trey Smith (Basketball Player)

discuss about this family or stuff related to it.

Help / How to add a link in a text.
« on: December 25, 2010, 10:31:45 PM »
Hey, I need to know how to like, when ever someone has a text like "Heres the meaning", and "meaning" is light blue, and it goes to a link, I want to know how to do that.

Please help asap

Off Topic / lol, I saw an opossum
« on: December 25, 2010, 07:30:29 PM »
Before I ate dinner I saw a possum in the snow out of the door. Lol, wish my parents would've seen it.

I just had to share it, idk why.

Off Topic / Going to church on xmas eve
« on: December 24, 2010, 10:00:14 PM »
Title says it all

Now bye guys! Merry Christmas!!

Title says it all.

I think they would colonize it around 2025-2030?

Off Topic / Something about a christmas present
« on: December 24, 2010, 09:15:37 AM »
Ok, so, when I asked my mom if I could have the microkorg that costs around 300$, she asked what it was. After I showed her what it was, she said "'s really expensive...". So, after she said that, about for 2 weeks I thought that she was getting it. Until yesterday, I asked her again, she said "Nooo....I never said I would". I was kind of confused. so I said "Why???" she said "Because its expensive." I was kind of sad. But, this morning, when I heard her do something in the wrapping room (guest room), I asked her what she was doing. She said "Nothing...maybe wrapping a present.." After that, I was interested.

Think I'll get it for christmas?

Off Topic / This song epic or what?
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:16:20 PM »
Is this song/mix epic or what!!!??:

Music / Perfect Nature!
« on: December 22, 2010, 03:58:24 PM »
Here's a loop from one of my songs:

Installation: Put the perfect nature 23.OGG file in your addons/music folder.

I hope you like it!

If this doesnt work, please tell me.

Off Topic / Lol, look at this!
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:09:47 PM »
Just had to post this from Omegle:

Stranger: Hiiii... :) male or female?
You: Makle
You: male*
Stranger: I am female. 20 years old
You: Kewl
You: Male 15
Stranger: Where are you from
You: US/Sweden
Stranger: I am from California... very lovey and honey... :)
You: Nice
Stranger: Do you have naked photos?? to be honest I am hornyyyy :(
You: Nah, wish I had some
Stranger: I have some of them ... If you promise to send yours I can send you mine
You: Well bye, noob

Lol, discuss

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