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Topics - NiXiLL

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / hi im niksel and i still love port
« on: May 16, 2020, 06:34:20 PM »
i'm years late for this topic

i honestly haven't seen port in ages

oh no :(

but you can all still get free hugs!

also, where did truce go? i *need* to hug them

Off Topic / I still love port. AMA
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:32:13 AM »
It's that time of the year again and I need to express my love towards Port. <3

Off Topic / I love port.
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:50:32 PM »
port-chan, i love you! :3

Off Topic / XMPP/Jabber Thread
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:10:32 AM »

What is XMPP?
XMPP(Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), also referred to as Jabber, is a decentralized messaging and presence protocol based on XML, as the name implies it is extensible, meaning that anyone can write extensions to the protocol in their own namespaces.

Why should I use XMPP over MSN/Skype/AIM/YIM/...?
The problem with most other messaging protocols lies in its centralization, this means that there is a central server which has full control over the service, meaning it is able to log all your communications, ban you from their service for any reason, etc. This also means that when the central server goes down, the whole network will be unavailable, meaning there is one central point of failure. This model is only beneficial for the person who runs the server, since they have full control over their users and may abuse them at any point in time. XMPP is decentralized, so there is never one server with full control, all servers have control over their own users, of course, but in this model you can choose which server to trust or even run your own, if you don't trust anyone.

I'm convinced, when can I start using this?
Right now! But because in XMPP there is no "main" client or "main" server, you have to choose a client and a server (or host your own), I'll list a few clients, servers and server software below. You can get one of the clients (pick one, if you don't like the one you've picked you can always choose another) and register on one of the listed servers (again, or host your own).

What does XMPP support?
Many, many things, and because it's extensible, more things are being added every day,
XMPP supports things like advanced statuses, multi-user chats, service discovery, legacy protocol gateways, etc...

Here's a list of XEPs (XMPP protocol extensions):

List of desktop clients

Type: Multi-protocol
OS: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Source: Open

Type: Multi-protocol
OS: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Source: Open

Type: XMPP-only
OS: Linux, (Windows, sort of)
Source: Open

Type: XMPP-only
OS: Windows
Source: Open

Type: Multi-protocol
OS: Mac OS X
Source: Open

And lots of other clients... bigger list at

List of mobile clients

Type: XMPP-only
OS: Android
Source: Open

List of Servers
Google/Duckduckgo for more XMPP servers, there are MANY more.

List of Server software

I recommend either Prosody or Ejabberd.

Note about lists
None of these lists are complete. If you have anything to add to these lists, just post about it.

I'll maintain a list of multi-user chats here, post to get them added.

And of course a list of JIDs(identities on the XMPP network) of people, post your JID to get added.

NiXiLL -
Port -
Zack0Wack0 -

(PS. no those are not e-mail addresses, silly forum software)

Add-Ons / Output Event - setScore
« on: March 07, 2009, 11:38:31 AM »
I'm posting this for Truce because he is banned.
All credit to him, not to me.
Quote from: Truce
Truce says:
Nix wants to post something on forums for trewse?

Output Event - setScore
An event that sets the client's score to an integer.

setScore is an output event for Client, and contains a box to put an integer in. This integer can be between -2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,647. I noticed there was an IncScore, but no setScore, so here it is.

Download (Last Updated: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:27 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Add-Ons / Output Event - setNameColor
« on: March 07, 2009, 11:36:12 AM »
I'm posting this for Truce because he is banned.
All credit to him, not to me.
Quote from: Truce
Truce says:
Nix wants to post something on forums for trewse?

Output Event - setNameColor
An event that sets the color of the player's name.

setNameColor is an output event for Player, and contains three sliders. They are for red, green, and blue, respectively. If you have no idea how to form colors with RGB, here are some common colors:

Red: 1 0 0
Orange: 1 0.5 0
Yellow: 1 1 0
Green: 0 1 0
Cyan: 0 1 1
Blue: 0 0 1
Purple: 0.5 0 1
Pink: 1 0 1
Black: 0 0 0
Gray: 0.5 0.5 0.5
White: 1 1 1 (Default)

Download (Last Updated: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:25 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Add-Ons / ScaleSpawns
« on: December 16, 2008, 12:54:16 PM »
Version: 2

These 6 bricks spawn scaled vehicles/players just like a spawnpoint and a vehicle spawn would.

  • This does not break the tank turret.
  • Spawns are done in such a way it doesn't have to search the whole mainBrickGroup.
  • Code is fully commented, feel free to look/use/copypaste.
  • You can make your own bricks have this behaviour too! Look at the special settings in datablocks.

RTB Page: Here

Report any bugs/suggestions here.

Modification Help / Easily getting vehicles to shoot on click.
« on: November 22, 2008, 04:31:28 PM »
I released this script here because it isn't directed at a player, this is rather directed at
modelers that want to implement a system that makes the vehicle shoot on click. Still, if this is the wrong forum, inform me about it.

This script enables you to easily make vehicles shoot projectiles on click.
It's all defined in the datablock if you choose to use this.

Screenshots of tests
Stuntplane with machine guns.

Jeep with multiple rocket launching.

  • Uses a different coordinate system relative to the object, takes the direction it's facing into account.
    X: Forward vector
    Y: Left Vector
    Z: Up vector
  • Velocity uses this, too.
  • Supports holding the left mouse button to keep firing. (has a set delay between shooting)
  • Has a simple protection for clickspamming.
  • Supports scaled projectiles.
  • Supports required slots for using the system in the vehicle.
  • Very simple implementation in the vehicle. (datablocks)
  • This thing won't reexecute itself if in another add-on, so it only gets executed once.
  • Supports sounds on fire.

Include this in your zip if you are going to use it.
(don't forget to execute it in your server.cs!)

If you don't know how you would execute it, go to the server.cs, on top you write:
Code: [Select]
After doing that, go to the script file containing your datablocks.
Go to the vehicleData datablock.
In it, you can set a multitude of stuff, to activate the system simply put in this value:
Code: [Select]
Now we have to set the settings, example:
Code: [Select]

ShootOnClick_Position[0]="0 3 0";
ShootOnClick_Velocity[0]="120 0 0";
ShootOnClick_Scale[0]="1 1 1";
ShootOnClick_Position[1]="0 -3 0";
ShootOnClick_Velocity[1]="120 0 0";
ShootOnClick_Scale[1]="1 1 1";

If hold is 1, the player can hold the left mouse button to make it shoot again.
It shoots again every reshootdelay milliseconds.
Shootdelay is the minimum time between clicks, this is to prevent clickspamming.
ProjectileCount tells it how many projectiles to fire.
RequiredSlot tells it in what slot the player must be to shoot.

After that, we have the individual projectile definitions.
Projectile is the projectile's datablock.
Position is the position where it should be spawned, here it tells us:
0 forward
3 to the left
0 upwards
Velocity tells us how fast it should move, here it tells us:
120 forward
0 to the left
0 upwards
Last one is pretty easy, it's the scale the projectile should be.
Added sound: This is just an audio datablock.
(Fun fact: the example is what I tested on the stuntplane, it gave it machine guns on it's wings. ;D)

You can download it here.

  • Added sounds, shootOnClick_Sound.

Any questions and/or suggestions? Post them here.

Clan Discussion / Clan [Mi]
« on: October 20, 2008, 01:50:46 PM »
Modding inc.

"It's not as bad as you think!"

I have seen some modding clans come, they tend to die due to inactivity, because of this I wanted to make a modding clan that won't fail, this is how [Mi] was born.

This clan has 3 ranks: leader,voter and member.

Ofcourse, because this is a modding clan, people
will have titles like scripter, modeler and mapper.

Blue player is the leader.
Red players are voters.

Members: 18
  • NiXiLL ID:3606 - Scripter
  • Anybody ID:4519 - Modeler
  • Mr.Cookie ID:5815 - Modeler/ Graphical Artist
  • Clockturn ID:4332 - Scripter
  • Peaceful War ID:3037 - Modeler/ Mapper
  • Monty ID:159 - Modeler
  • Spation ID:140 - Graphical Artist
  • Cheeseburger ID:4679 - Modeler
  • Tape ID:121 - Scripter
  • Qwertyuiopas ID:3847 - Scripter
  • Kunit ID:572 - Scripter
  • Rky ID:739 - Scripter
  • E_net4 ID:269 - Modeler
  • Maxwell ID:1588 - Mapper
  • I'm The Hunter ID:3304 - Modeler
  • DrBling ID:3522 - Scripter
  • Digmaster ID:242 - Modeler
  • Zoneark ID:1746 - Interior designer

Project System
If a few clan members get ideas for a project and want to start one, a project leader will be assigned. Also, clan members who already have a project and want to publish it here, can ask me. The project list is at the bottom.

Applications are not builds, so don't try to app with one.
Your application also can determine your rank in the clan.

This clan is: open for applications

Some guidelines:

-An application can be:
  • A script
  • A model
  • A map
  • Other modding related stuff

-You won't get in here with a simple serverCmdSayHi script or a non-flatshaded crappy model, so don't even try.
This clan also isn't elite, we will accept medium-elite modders.

-If a newb wants to join, they can if they get someone in the clan as a mentor. But they will still need to app with a basic app, this one will have lower demands.

-You can also app with an existing script you made.

-If any player apps with a script by someone else and we find out, instant blacklist.

You are accepted in the clan if most vote yes, if it's a draw, it depends on the leader's vote.

Edit in the system: You won't need to send anything, you just need to show what you have made. So you just have to prove you are worthy.
Still, you may send in what you have made.

Why join?
  • You will have the right to have the [Mi] tag, which looks cool in my opinion.
  • You will be able to join the [Mi] projects.
  • You will get information on private add-ons by [Mi].

Public Projects


For the clan's convenience I have created a forum, it has private sections for releasing clan mods. Link

Add-Ons / ToolWand(TW)
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:25:40 PM »
Version 2.0b

This is the toolwand some of you knew for V8, I ported it, added some features and fixed some bugs. Also, now it uses it's own type of add-ons so everyone can use ToolWand tools in their add-ons, they just need to add a twlist.txt. Look at the add-ons for the toolwand for more info. This has an optional GUI that is mostly for the host, so he can edit who has access to what tools. Defaults are set in the tools themselves. These edited access levels are saved too.

-Switch tools with Light, defaulted to L.
-You don't NEED the client add-on due to switching using light.

GUI: (Note that this list is determined by the installed tools.)

  • Saves a considerable ammount of datablocks. (Imagine all these tools with seprate datablocks.)
  • You can add your own tools using it's extensible system.(They won't have a datablock count too.)
  • You can add these tools to your own add-ons, just include a twlist.txt.

(Install like a normal add-on.)

{Default tools}
The default tools from the V8 ToolWand.
  • Mass Destructo Clears loads of bricks in an area.
  • Fill Printer This is like the fillcan but with prints.
  • Get owner Gets the owner of the specific brick.
  • Impulse An impulse wand. (This is just for fun)

Download: Default ToolPack

These are the paintmonsters from V8, they paint the bricks they are on.
This is great for anthills and stuff.
They even battle PaintMonsters of other colors. (50% Success Rate)
  • PaintMonster wand Creates the paintmonsters.

Download: PaintMonsters Tool


RTB Page: ToolWand

If you have any bug reports and/or suggestions, feel free to post.

Add-Ons / Event- ShiftEventEnabled
« on: August 31, 2008, 08:26:38 AM »

This is a new event, shiftEventEnabled, what it does is it "shifts" the enabled states of events, for example,

We have 4 events enabled/disabled in this pattern: 0 1 0 0.
Now after you shift them: 0 0 1 0.

This also comes with a checkbox indicating to not loop.
Example of it: 0 0 0 1 goes to 0 0 0 0 instead of 1 0 0 0.


  • One output event: shiftEventEnabled.
    • Textbox for list of events.
    • Checkbox to indicate not to loop.

Link: shiftEventEnabled

  • E_net4- The idea of shiftEventEnabled.
  • Clockturn- The checkbox idea.

Add-Ons / Checkevents- Checkpoint events
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:41:29 PM »
Checkpoint events.

This is a set of events to set checkpoints.

Self/Named Brick -> SetAsCheckPoint
Sets checkpoint to the selected brick.
Self/Named Brick -> ClearCheckPoint
Clears the checkpoint.

Download (Last Updated: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:18 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Gallery / 4 Player Air Hockey
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:33:51 AM »
4 Player Hockey Arena

This is a kind-of air hockey arena, goals can be blocked off for less players.

Default Rules:
Everyone chooses a goal, then 2 projectiles are spawned, if they dissappear
the controller must spawn 2 others, this goes on untill the game ends.

Players lose if they get 5 points, the controller should block off their spawn.

It's last man standing.

  • NiXiLL - Events
  • Xerces - Some building
  • Cheezmeister - The lights

Play Area:

Control Room:

Observation Area:

Save File:

Oh and you can rate :P

Edit: I deleted some spam and fixed a stupid bug with the doors that Chrono found.

Modification Help / How would I...
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:41:12 AM »
Well , how would I create a gui control at runtime , like in the add-on selecting window , it creates a checkbox for every add-on.

Can someone post an example of how to do this?

Modification Help / Can someone tell me whats wrong with this code?
« on: April 03, 2008, 04:27:35 PM »
Well, it worked ... but the deathmessage wouldnt show, and i guess other stuff will happen that im not aware of yet.

Heres the code i used :
Code: [Select]
package Keepitemsondeath
function gameconnection::spawnplayer(%this)

function gameconnection::ondeath(%this)

function loaditems(%c)
messageClient(%c, 'MsgItemPickup', '', %a, %c.Items[%a]);

function saveitems(%c)

It DID make the player get the items on respawn.

Could there be something wrong with the package >.< or other addons colliding with it?

EDIT : Well it wont work in minigames but it does work outside of a minigame ... strange =/

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