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Topics - Siren

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Games / Yet another Humble Bundle giveaway [Warning: stuffty games]
« on: September 28, 2016, 01:09:40 PM »
Rules are simple; I'll give you it if I don't not like you, and 1 other secret rule that most people should pass.

1 claim per day (day ends at 00:00 gmt)


Gallery / Bedroom Trials Track
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:02:39 AM »
Made to fit around the old bedroom map (rip), this vehicle challenge was started on barnabas' server whilst loving around with his awesome cars. Now refined into a pseudo-minigame the Bedrooms Trials Track can be used to test your vehicular abilities.

The save starts minigame ready (just click the vehicle spawns to cycle cars), with checkpoints. It is also 100% possible with the jeep and most of barnabas' cars (they have the best collision and dont tend to get stuck).

Required addons:
Extra Ramps Pack

Recommended addons:
Barnabas' Vehicles

Kaje's Scooter

Off Topic / Do you use f.lux?
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:38:54 PM »

F.lux changes your monitor tone to filter out some of the light than can screw up your biological day/night cycle (circadian rhythm), especially later at night.

Its currently 5:30pm as I type this in scotland, somehow its sunny here but disabling flux after using it for well over 6 months makes my screen physically painful to look at.

Do you use it? If you don't I would highly recommend testing it out for a week and seeing if you can still stand the normal screen afterwards. (Its free)

Help / Webm embedding
« on: July 06, 2016, 11:48:24 AM »
Is there any way to do it? Webms are so much more space efficient than gifs. I recently attempted to post a gif on the forums and the 600x800mb version was 1.5x larger than the 1920x1080 webm (that had sound).

Another benefit is that webms don't have to auto-play, meaning you wouldn't even be loading them if you had seen it before

Suggestions & Requests / Playable Piano
« on: February 09, 2016, 12:40:00 PM »

Something akin to the one on gmod, I found it pretty fun to try and play the sheet music, good for when you are in that idle jet phase on a server

Games / Civilization V multiplayer planning
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:49:42 AM »
Due to the nature of the length of Civ games, its not easy to just up and start one. This thread is hopefully to gather a group of people wanting to play and get together.
There is a couple of problems, the first being timezones and the second being unstability of multiplayer games on high playercounts.

We tried this before, It was fun but no matches were ever finished so I propose that when we do play, we have a competition of say, 3 player free for alls, in a tournament style contest. I would also be willing to add a small prize for the winner.

The No Quitters group on steam who have been doing this a long time have a really nice setup so I'll post some of their links to show what the games will probably be like


Civ Drafting (If we are disabling personal picks)

And the basic game layout:
Map Type: Pangea Map
Game Pace: Quick
Game Era: Ancient Era
Turn Mode: Simultaneous
World age: 3 billion
Sea level: Low
Resources: Strat Balance

Turn timer
Quick Movement
Quick Combat


Suggestions & Requests / A profile picture tutorial sticky
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:03:35 PM »
Probably the most frequently asked help topic, theres no guide anywhere when you upload a picture of what specifications it needs to be, I dont know if we should bombard badspot with emails or petition but there needs to be a sticky

Gallery / Pick a card
« on: January 14, 2016, 06:10:42 PM »
Phanto recently inspired me to try making a card drawing mechanism, this is the first version. It seems overly complicated to me but it does work, I wanted to use as default as possible but you cant set a print brick to a letter (A J Q or K here) and I cant make good suit models using default bricks.

Forgive the music, fraps ended up recording the spotify song I was playing.

EDIT: Now entirely default thanks to ANT for making a good club model. It now uses a new system shown below that only looks slightly weird when shaders are on. Also removed unnecessary space between the mechanism and fixed a problem where projectile limit hit before it could find a new card (by using radio waves instead of arrows).

Suggestions & Requests / Modified flood mod/Script to use with flood mod
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:42:51 AM »
I got the idea from the Build to survive gamemode, and still think it should be added there.

The idea is your brick inventory is randomised each time you place a brick or after each brick is placed a new random one enters the queue, using the random bricks you are given you build your way up to avoid the flood, would it be possible? I remember salvage mod editing your brick queue but I really have no idea how hard it is, I just love the idea

Suggestions & Requests / Terrain generation
« on: December 30, 2015, 09:21:46 AM »
I've saw some in use before and I would like to know if there is any public releases of them?

Suggestions & Requests / Youse Day/Night Cycle
« on: December 11, 2015, 05:52:10 AM »
The link on the thread is dead, does anyone have it or something similar they can upload.
Thanks in advance

Help / Unable to add colorsets
« on: November 05, 2015, 11:20:39 AM »
Putting a .zip into the addons folder doesnt give me any options to change it

Help / No dedicated.bat
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:40:36 AM »

I ran a search through for 'dedicated' which also turned up nothing. Any help is appreciated.

Off Topic / Amateur Psychology Hour
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:30:19 PM »
In this thread any willing to share shall post what they are feeling down about, and everyone is able to have a go at trying to distinguish what is wrong and perhaps some treatments to help.

So please, take a seat and unload your problems

Help / Bot events being removed when saving/loading
« on: June 04, 2015, 08:03:41 AM »
The event "Onrelay - Self - Setbottype" seems to just dissapear when I either load or save (I cant really tell which one). This causes major problems when I have about 200 bricks using this event uniquely

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