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Topics - Nepthan

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Off Topic / Scientists have come up with a single atom transistor
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:18:24 PM »
Scientists from the University of New South Wales have created a single-atom transistor using a repeatable technique — a world first...
Single-atom transistors have been created before by chance, but using this method, the team from UNSW can produce them reliably.

Full story here.


A work group of the World Health Organization has declared the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones to be "possibly carcinogenic to humans."
Here's the story

Games / Monday Night Combat
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:19:47 AM »
Monday Night Combat is a game-show themed, class-based third person shooter.  It is very similar to tf2 and is good fun.
Here is a nice gameplay montage for you
The Assassin:

This is your cloaking, 1 hit kill from behind class that every game needs.

The Assault:

Generic combat class with an automatic rifle and a grenade launcher.

The Gunner:

...And THIS is my weapon.

The Sniper:

Long range aimbotting pro class that also makes use of traps.

The Support:

Healing/engineering class that builds turrets and doesn't afraid of anything. Except assassins

The Tank:

Basically, the gunner but with SHINY LASERS!!!11eleven!1one!

So you can either play in single player against hoards of robots, or play against another team in a game where you must defend your gigantic ball of dosh.

For all the stuff you may want to know: Wiki

Oh, and be prepared for a LOT of this:

Off Topic / Sandvich is a faty
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:48:14 PM »

Taken from his Live Stream Thing

Creativity / Unofficial Minecraft Halloween Update Trailer
« on: October 24, 2010, 12:15:14 PM »
I got bored last night and made this.

Yay, parodies made in windows movie maker.

Edit: Re-uploaded.

Games / Clonk Rage
« on: October 21, 2010, 05:00:06 PM »
Because other thread was too old to bump

Clonk Rage is like a side scrolling Haven and Hearth, you build stuff and complete objectives to win levels.

There is a ranking system in Clonk Rage, so your team of Clonks rank up by doing stuff in missions (You keep your rank as long as you don't abort the mission you ranked up in).
Also, play the tutorial levels before you do anything else.

Things to do:
  • Make buildings ranging from bamboo huts to castles
  • Mine for minerals like gold, ore, and coal to complete objectives
  • Throw flint at people for teh lolz
  • Make a variety of vehilces
  • Multiplayer

Obligatory Trailer
The Website

And one last thing, you can play it for free.  You miss out on some fun missions if you don't have it, but you can get with someone online to play them if your friends are coolbros who bought the game.

Have fun.

Games / TF2 Update Out! Trading!
« on: September 30, 2010, 02:48:14 PM »
Quote from: Change Log
Team Fortress 2
Added the Mann-conomy.
Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
Added Trading.
Added Item customization.

Additional TF2 features
Added new auto-team-scramble system:
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically scramble the teams if the criteria is met
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windiff erence to set the number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble (default is 2)
Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute the selections
Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if you were killed by a player or building on your own team
Server browser tweaks
It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or Blacklists after you have a good/bad experience on them.
The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully connecting to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer->Advanced dialog)
Achievement tuning
Demoman achievement "The Stickening" changed to 3 from 5.
Heavy achievement "Krazy Ivan" changed to 50 from 100.
Medic achievement "Consultation" changed to 3 from 5.
Medic achievement "Peer Review" changed to 10 from 50.
Medic achievement "Placebo Effect" changed to 2 from from 5.
Medic achievement "FYI I am A Medic" changed to 1 from 5.
Medic achievement "Family Practice" changed to 5 from 10.
Soldier achievement "Geneva Contravention" changed to 3 from 5.
Scout achievement "Strike Zone" now counts assists.
Scout achievements "Fall Classic" and "Foul Territory" are fixed.

To see a list of the new blueprints, go here.
To see a list of the new items, go here.
To trade with other Blocklanders, go here
To see the Mann-Conomy FAQ, go here.
To baww about the update, go here.

Off Topic / Bronchitus
« on: September 29, 2010, 03:35:22 PM »
It makes you sick and doesn't afraid of anything.

And it makes you miss a lot of school too. Bleh.


Games / VS Saxton Hale
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:18:45 PM »

VS Saxton Hale is a mod where red team goes up against Saxton hale.

Saxton Hale can 1 hit most classes, and the classes get critical hits with most weapons against Saxton Hale.  If red team kills Hale or captures the arena's control point, they win.  If Saxton Hale kills all of red team or captures the arena's control point, he wins.  You cannot use nasatcha.

Special actions for Hale:
Hold control for a few seconds, then look up and stand = Super Jump
Taunt with full rage =  Stun players with a mighty roar

Servers with the mod: Here

Fun stuff.

Off Topic / Newest steam scam.
« on: August 24, 2010, 04:04:54 PM »
Just throwing it out there so no one else falls for it.

Off Topic / Pesterchum 2.0
« on: August 05, 2010, 12:03:45 AM »
Because it deserves its own thread.


Welcome to the thread for our beloved pesterchum app!

-very close to the original
-nice skin
-easy management of chums (adding, deleting)
-debug console
-easy config file
-tray icon
-quirks manager
-double click thing

[strk]-blinking taskbar[/strk]
-color choosing
-built in java
-platform independent

Still not convinced? Here's a screenshot!

Alright! Now where can I get it?
-I noticed that the X11 server crashes sometimes when using the tray icon. I have no idea why but it's not a fault in my code. Just try to start it again. It will run sometime. If not, open the config and change the tray: to false.
-This is a milestone release. We'll block all previous clients to prevent conflicts.
-When reporting a bug, please include the bug file in the logs directory AFTER closing the pesterchum app.
-I will cease developing on this for a while now. I've had enough of programming all day long on this app for more than a week now. I will therefore pass the responsibilities to the other team members for now (three or four weeks). I hope that this release can satisfy most requests and that it works as well for you as it did for us.
-When beginning to pester someone, the colors in the status message might be wrong. That is because the program now isn't waiting for a color code anymore to prevent the "windows not opening forever" bug. However,  if the chum is on your chumroll, the color gets saved to get a hopefully already correct color.

-2.0 :
-->Milestone release
-->Over 1750 lines of code! Holy melony!
-->Bugs all fixed that could be fixed (no mac specific weirdo errors fixed)
-->Trollslum added
-->Menu added
-->Quirks manager added
-->Appear as offline added
-->Double click functionality
-->Log files
-1.6 :
-->Added tray icon support
-->Added sounds
-->Added debug console
-->Added update notification possibility
-->Renewed config file
-->Color now changeable during pester sessions
-->Huge load of bugfixes and error preventions
-1.5 :
-->Fixed scrolling problem
-->Fixed channel issue
-->Fixed flood problem
-->Color fix
-->Fonts changed to Courier
-1.4 :
-->added scrollbar for chumroll
-->fixed automatic scrolling bug in the pesterchum windows
-->removed the blinking taskbar to fix the focus stealing problem
-->added color support
-1.2 :initial release

The app was tested under Windows 7 32x and Ubuntu 32x !

Q: How do I run it?
A: For windows, just run the run.cmd . For Linux, just run the run . On Mac, double click the pesterchum.jar .

Q: How should I test it?
A: Start out by adding the chum seriousProgrammer to your chumroll (that's me). Feel free to contact me when I'm online!

Q: How do I delete a chum from my chumroll?
A: Just select it and press the delete key on your keyboard.

Q: Can I change my color?
A: YES! Just click on the button next to your chumhandle

Q: I did something stupid. The application won't close/start/whatever.
A: No worries! First, if it's still running, kill it with the task manager. Then, just delete the pesterchum.cfg . That should fix it.

Q: I'm getting the error "javaw not found." What do I do?
A: Read this post.

Q: Is it compatible with Armada's pesterchum app?
A: Yes it is. To a certain level. Armada ceased developing and we joined forces because combined we are CAPTAIN PESTERCHUM! (someone needs to make a flash with that)

Q: But... Is your server reliable?
A: Yes, very. It's not a farm of servers so no netsplits possible. I have 5tb traffic per month, that should suffice. And the server has a very nice speed and is up 24/7.

Q: How did you make it?
A: Written in Java with help of the pIRCBot API. The initial app was made a week before Armada's but since it was missing the moods, I didn't release it.

Q: Is there support? Is it openSource?
A: Yes and yes, the source is in the jar files (1.6 and higher)

Q: I wanna join!
A: Talk to me first (pm or irc), give me a reason why you want to join and what you could add to the app. Also, you have to have knowledge of Java.

Q: Can I use your source to build trollian / my own version / whatever ?
A: Yes, but you have to license it under the GPL too and please, don't sell it as something completely new when it's just a new skin. Give us some credit.

Q: Can I suggest features?
A: Sure! Just don't go out of focus since we really tried to keep the app as close to the original as possible!

Q: FFFFUUUUCK It's not working! (Some error) I'm on a mac!
A: It looks like especially mac is posing some serious problems. I think it's because Apple has to have their own stuffty version of the JRE because they think they are special. Whatever the reason is, it's most certainly not our fault. However, this does not mean that we're not giving a stuff about mac users. It just means that the occurring errors don't necessarily have something to do with my code but with mac itself. we'll still try to find some workarounds to this if possible.

Q: Where can I post my chum handle?
Also, the new fora have a profile field for your chumhandle. Check it out.

Well, have fun using it!
Thanks to all the guys who supported us during the development and gave us some valuable information as well as requests and bug notices.
Also, welcome to the dev team, Eskimo and Squeegy! Thanks again for your submissions to the code pool!

Dev team:
/shameless copypasta from here


You have to extract this (and most other programs) to run it in the case you didn't know. (Kapturrith :U)

First, choose a username. If you want to follow the general formula it's "wordWord", each word starting with G, C, A, or T. You don't have to follow that formula, it's just what's used in MSPA. Press enter and choose a color if you want, then CLIENT -> SAVE. You can add people with ADD CHUM.

The "Trolls" in MSPA all have a "quirk", or a strange/annoying way of typing. Pesterchum can do this automatically! Go to EXTRA -> QUIRKS, and click ADD. For the first entry, put the character you want replaced, and for the second entry put what you'd like it to become. EXAMPLE: If you type "S" for the first thing and "$" for the second, every time you type a capital S it will automatically change to a dollar sign ($).

Nepthan - grandTartan
Regulith - clockworkArtillery
Ladios - conspicuousCentrifuge
Menen - infernoGearbox
Thorax - auspiciousTactician
Fjeld - technoAlchemist
NicktheSushi - deluxeFishmonger
Sunthiel - alternativeController
Chefkokke - archaicTechnology
Ector - unrealMantis
Tokthree - gallantTrotter
Platinum - quantumAntagonist
Kapturrith - godlyDetective
MegaGuy - curiousQuack
Trop - twistedCist
kevin 51l - giganticHamburger
? - combustibleCreeper
JamestheLeet - gravityTagger
Alphadin - greenStarprogram
Rocknrollwill - candleCactuar

Off Topic / Happy Birthday to me
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:37:39 PM »

General Discussion / How did you find out about blockland?
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:45:15 PM »
See title.

I found it when I was playing the dust game, there was an ad for it in the sidebar.

Games / TF2 Engineer Update is on its way!
« on: May 05, 2010, 08:46:18 PM »
New video:


Games / TF2 Blog Update
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:41:51 PM »
Valve updated their blog with stuff about the engi update


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