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Topics - Tofu Plx (Rine)

Pages: [1]
Help / Odd sounds issues.
« on: April 09, 2009, 11:32:26 AM »
Sup BL, it's been a while.

Reinstalled a few weeks back, played some.

Come to play today, and I find my sound acting all screwy, when a certain sound is played, it seems to be played at a random pitch and I have no idea what's caused it.

Any ideas?

Off Topic / Post real life pictures of your desk.
« on: January 08, 2009, 05:42:16 PM »
do it.

Got new monitor, so I decided this would be postable.

Drama / This just in, the off topic forums serves no purpose...
« on: December 24, 2008, 04:08:04 AM »
...and is a waste of bandwidth according to long time forum egomaniac Ephialtes.

Games / Today on Zero Punctuation: Fallout 3.
« on: November 19, 2008, 12:11:05 PM »

thread posted because I know it pisses you lot off.

Drama / What the forget happened to this forum?
« on: October 15, 2008, 03:18:15 PM »
Seriously, I sort of idle off of the forums for a month or two, since BL isn't interesting me right now (going through an FPS phase), I return to 'check up' (if that's what you want to call it), and everything's gone tits up, every single forum is filled with two line topics comprising of "wats ur fav *" or "wuts betar, x or y", that contain not a single instance of puntuation, or even near correct spelling. I found this slightly amusing at first, but I've grown tired of it now and it's really just clogging up and already clogged forum.

I mean no disrespect to anyone when I say this, but I honestly preferred this community back when it was in the golden days of BLM1.6a, when box models were acceptable and it wasn't all about "ogm flat shadad plox", and people actually grew into decent modders, because they released their first (Releasable) mod, and people gave decent feedback, they didn't loving bite their head off like they do now.

I'm going to be a bit of an arse and blame 4chan, facepunch, and so on, or the general "fail" eculture itself, it's having an extremely negative influence on the members of this forum and it just makes it a generally un-nice place, that I'm really contemplating not returning to (not that any of you will care, but fat ah) seeing as how a) everyone's either become a jerk or b) the people who aren't jerks, are general 'noobs' who can't do stuff for stuff.

Call me a hypocrite on that last statement, but it's the truth, they're not just new, they're full blown, full grown noobs, the kind that don't change their ways regardless of what you do/say to them.

Whatever. /rant



This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about:

You're all loving sheep, all of you.

Update 2:

It's nice to see the old jerks still being jerks, yes, that means you Ephi. <3

Update 3:

Why is everyone so obsessed with that "Someone has posted in this topic since you last viewed it, you may wish to review your post" (or whatever the crap it says) anyways? It's not like it's some great (dis)honor to be top-posted, now the forum is becoming more active, it can only be expected, it's nothing big, it's not new, and it's not cared about.

Update 4:

People are still treating cookies (or the forum 'smileys' in general as their god. Why?

Games / Good games with low requirements.
« on: June 18, 2008, 02:41:58 PM »
Hay guys, looking for some new games to play at school, that should probably fit these specifications:

a 2.6ghz celeron
512mb ram
onboard gfx

Preferably under 300mb (although 500mb may be acceptable), must not be FPS, must have LAN play.


so far we've been playing CnC1 and KKND2: Krossfire.

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