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Topics - Nal

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General Discussion / I need an opinion on which Blockhead is better
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:37:56 PM »

pros for the first one
  • me
  • looks nice

pros for second one
  • better color
  • newer

thank u for ur time

Off Topic / hi it's my birthday too
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:18:40 PM »
hey xr want to exchange richard pics

for real tho, i can't believe i've been on here since I was 13. weird af

Off Topic / Furry Megathread v2 - Furry Things Here!
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:15:11 PM »

What's furry?
The furry fandom is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions.

The furry genre (sometimes referred to as a meta-genre) is based on the idea of fantasy animal characters, rather than any one type of fiction. Any title in any form of media can be considered relative to the furry genre simply by having a fantasy animal character in it. Such characters are most often seen in cartoons, comics, science fiction, allegorical novels, Gothic horror movies, commercials and video games.

Outside the fandom, the most common term used to describe such characters is anthropomorphic (a word derived from the Greek; Anthropos Morphe, literally meaning Human Form). Those within the fandom prefer the term furry - hence the name furry fandom. Other terms for these types of characters are funny animal, talking animal, or kemono in Japan, although each of these has subtle differences in meaning.

Art - Now with proper credit! (highlight to view)

The art posted here is an example for what can be posted and how. Just include credits for said art and so forth. I suppose all artists want their art credited, so if you're posting something, please include a source.

If you don't want your art piece shown in the OP or thread, please email me here. If you want something changed for your credit, please let me know. If you want your Discord or Telegram group featured in the OP, just pm me a link and I'll include it. Also, if you don't feel comfortable giving out your email or I didn't reply or check it in time, please message me on telegram. I'm on Telegram daily, and if you want or need anything in the thread, just message me there.


  • Fancypants - For the idea on formatting the art, you didn't really directly help me but I liked how you formatted previously
  • VinnyTheGuy - Previous OP, getting a mean job at McDonald's

Off Topic / Do you like carbonated water?
« on: June 06, 2017, 02:34:22 PM »
simple question, I'm kinda curious to what you all think of it

Off Topic / Topsters thread/Favorite albums thread
« on: May 19, 2017, 09:25:03 PM »

i ran outta stuff towards the bottom

for the memes, my old chart from 2015

Off Topic / how do you/did you stop biting your nails????
« on: May 03, 2017, 10:48:56 PM »
seriously ive tried everything including bashing my loving head in with a book and it hasn't helped

"keep your nails short"
my nails are short because i bite them off god damn it

"treat yourself to a manicure as often as you can."
what am i loving gay?wait

"Wear gloves."
do I look like I'm in a special ed class?

"find your triggers"
I tried, I really did. The urge was so bad.

"Keep your hands or mouth busy."
I bite my nails with gum in, sorry

I've also tried using an app to track when I bite my nails and I couldn't bring myself to do it. seriously how the hell does someone stop this habit

please lego forum give me some advice on this nothing has worked i very much appreciate it

also side note sorry if i'm coming off as mad lol that isn't my intention

I don't know if it's me, but just thinking of the stuff that I've done in the past seriously makes me cringe. I thought there would be a threshold after you get older but I guess not. I guess it's interesting nowadays because technology and such has everything archived so you can view your stupidity so quickly lol.

I just keep thinking about it I guess. Anyone else have that?

It's pretty self explanatory on the stuff I've done so /discuss cringe from the past



Off Topic / -
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:07:14 AM »
might as well remove

April Fools 2016 / My son is a little bitch.
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:43:37 PM »
Psycho Dad          
So today, my son still hasn't gotten a job. It's been a over a month and my son still has decided he doesn't want to get a job. I am absolutely sick and tired of my son doing this to me. All I want is the best from my son, and what does he do to repay me?? He hides my damn beers. I'm absolutely annoyed that he would even consider doing this. Son, if you're reading this, GET A JOB!!!

Off Topic / smash n chill (LIVE ON TV)
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:20:44 PM »
me and ultimamax are playing for fun, come on in

General Discussion / how long have you played bl on steam?
« on: October 18, 2015, 12:06:59 AM »

just hit 1k, how long have you guys played?

« on: October 06, 2015, 04:11:39 PM »

Off Topic / PBG got arrested
« on: September 09, 2015, 05:04:05 PM »

On September 9, 2015, Austin Hargrave a.k.a; PeanutButterGamer, was arrested in his Washington home due to possession of drugs. He was found in his upstairs bedroom, foaming at the mouth, and screaming profanities. Police investigated the area and found large quantities of cannabis and cocaine. Large amounts of alcohol were also thought to be a cause. He is currently in the Western State Hospital recovering. His girlfriend, Danielle, told Washington Police 'he had been acting odd lately' and 'he wasn't like himself'...
holy stuff guys

what do I do about this, there is like 50 of them crowding the loving window and I don't know what to do. Should I open the window or try to hit them with a broom or what
they're flies, not like bee's or anything

I'll record when I do something

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