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Topics - Meta_KnightX

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I tried finding who talked to me about it but I can't find who and it's killing me because I can't find out about it or find it anywhere. Someone give me assistance

(And I swear if this is all a dream I'm going to put my brain in a choke hold)

EDIT: I'm calling this whole thing bogus unless someone finds something

Off Topic / [AMAA] This Topic is about me saying "Hello"
« on: July 10, 2017, 01:20:01 AM »
Hi guys did you miss me?
I know you didddd.

What are some blazing hot games on Blockland right now?

Oh right, I should do a Ask Me Almost Anything too

So basically in lunch one person yelled woah. Then the other yelled woah back.. Moments later everyone everywhere in lunch. Someone at my table was repeatably  yelling bad words as loud as he could  and somehow did not get in trouble. (Someone else at my table said black and got in trouble for it) I was cracking up so hard my face was more pink than a flamingo by all the things that guy was yelling at my table. Only one person got sent to the office though (he was who started it) but later came back and everyone was yelling. The lunch custodian told us to stop.


Uh yeah, so I get a message today that someone from my school had mentioned me on Uchat. Now those are obvious flaws right there. How could it possibly know what school you go to, and who you are. Obviously, you have not set up an account.
Oh, btw here's the image

It says see who, again, you didn't even set up an account. The shortened link simply send you to the iTunes store.

Most of you guys probably already know right off the bat that it's a scam. But, I just wanted to tell a story.

Maybe someone should set up a dummy account and see what it's about.

Anyways, comments?

Games / RIP
« on: September 18, 2016, 11:25:10 PM »

Off Topic / I spilled water on my keyboard and it's done for AMA
« on: September 04, 2016, 03:21:38 PM »
I spilled water for the millionth time on my desk because there is no good room to put it on.

My keyboard finally decided to not obey me anymore. AMA and you have to try to translate my keyboard

Gallery / [VIDEO] [NOW "REMASTERED"] How to Play Speedkart X (JOKE)
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:59:53 PM »
Since so many people did not know how to play Speedkart, I decided to make a "tutorial" on how to play Speedkart X.


Remastered version here:

I hope this guy goes to court gets terminated:

Stop him now!

Games / Emulation Thread
« on: July 04, 2016, 04:01:13 PM »
Welcome to the Emulation Thread, from old to the newest stuff on emulating!
If there's an emulator I provide that isn't the most popular one, tell me! Or if I've made any mistakes, tell me!
Please suggest things for me to add too!

Otherwise, talk anything emulation!

(Click each picture for download link)

Nintendo Emulators


Current ver. 0.97


Current ver. 1.53

Current ver. 1.6.1

Gamecube + Wii

Current ver. 5.0

Wii U

(NOTICE) Cemu is a work in progress emulator. There will be some glitches and requires a really high end PC to run bigger games
Current ver. 1.5.3
Current Patreon ver. 1.5.4

Gameboy + Gameboy Color

Current ver. 1.5.2

Gameboy Advanced (And also DS I guess)

Current ver. 2.6a


Current ver. 0.9.11


(WARNING)  Citra is a work in progress emulator. There will be some glitches and it may not work for fast for any PC
Current ver. (No stable builds, only nightly builds)

Off Topic / Please help me not hate Blender
« on: June 20, 2016, 03:32:44 PM »
You know, Blender for 3D objects and stuff, I had it working earlier.

I try to open Blender and stuff, and go to open user preferences, and it doesn't open anything AT ALL. And the top bar gets stuck at User Preferences.

I try to import a file into Blender, it doesn't do that either. Nvm, but I still want to import dts, which requires the add-on, which I can only add through User Preferences
I've reinstalled it 3 TIMES.
No help.

Off Topic / It's my birthday (AMAA) (14th Birthday)
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:00:08 AM »
Made to be posted close enough to 12 AM

AMAA? (Ask me almost anything)

Off Topic / Can someone make this song instrumental
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:43:56 PM »
This song is challenging to get an instrumental working on it on audacity.
If one of you guys had a better music program to make instrumental that would be awesome thanks!

Off Topic / My favorite cat companion has gone missing for 8 days
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:11:50 AM »
I've been going 2 nights without my favorite cat Mazie, and this is the third. After searching the whole house with my Mom, we came to a rumor that Mazie ran out the door at some point in the process of my older step-brother moving his stuff, and freaked out, she didn't know where to go, it's good she has open source to creeks and some mice around somewhere maybe.

I really hope she is found. I miss her already 😫😫😫
She's my every night cat, and she loves me as much as I lover her

I don't know how entertaining I can make this but here's the link:

Off Topic / HTC Vive Review
« on: June 02, 2016, 12:00:42 AM »
What's been going on?

For the past couple of days, I've been playing with the HTC Vive my step dad got for the house! Everything is AWESOME!

Games I've played: AudioSheild, Catteral Damage, Job Simulator (If you don't know any of these games, search it up on Steam)

Quick Game Reviews
AudioSheild: Wow! Any music from your PC or on Soundcloud! Riiiight on the beat! Epic!

Catteral Damage: Meow! Teleport as a cat. Okay. Rawr! Knocking everything over! And this is a bad hazard for viewers and animals, I keep hitting them!

Job Simulator: Blasting! This is better than adults call "work"! Great!

Other Info

Picking games are pretty easy and settings you can adjust via monitor are good.

Problems encountered: Callibration may go wonky and you will fly to who knows where in game, all of a sudden freezing (on a GTX 1080) very overwhelming, and makes you nauseous, some crashing on some games at some points, no big deal. Although The Lab keeps crashing a lot, Steam VR may just break totally, we sweat a lot in-game and get marks after taking off HTC Vive

What we learned in setup: Mirrors mess with the sensors BIG time

Side effects (that I encountered, and are actually cool): Taking of the headset, it felt weird right away that I was back in the real world, Later, after finishing the Vive for the night, I closed my eyes and saw the menu for Steam VR, and at other points some games that I've played on it, and I had an illusion that a border appeared

Overall: HTC Vive is very amazing! Watching it in videos won't amaze you as much as actually using it!

Ask me anything related to HTC Vive

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