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Topics - joey888joey

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Games / Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server [MCRP] - Join Us Today!
« on: September 08, 2015, 03:18:54 PM »
Hi guys,

We have a Minecraft server we just started about a week ago, we are trying to expand the community on our server and we are looking for mature players who enjoy a lite roleplay / survival experience. I have more information below about the server, you are welcome to come on and check it out.

MCRP 1.8.8
Minecraft Roleplay/Survival Server
Port: 25565

Join today and get a free plot of land in Woodsberg!

Server Description:
We are a friendly and player-oriented lite roleplay server aimed at having fun and creating your own adventure. Open up a general store, start a village, or just go fishing. We give players the freedom of choosing how they want to play and what they want to do. A small but growing community, we are looking for new players and are offering free plots of land in some of our towns where you can build what you want.

Server Rules:
  • Do NOT attack or kill on sight, you must have a reason to kill someone
  • Do NOT attack or kill inside towns and cities
  • Do NOT intentionally destroy or interfere with someone else's home or building, strictly enforced
  • No spamming or griefing of any kind will be tolerated

Plugins Used:
  • DynMap (
  • Essentials
  • GriefPrevention
  • LWC
  • Towny
  • SimpleBackup
  • CraftConomy v3
  • Permissionlove
  • RealMail
  • Trading
  • Vault
  • Advanced Report
  • BetterShops
  • ChestCommands
  • Editable Signs

Town Listing:
Kensor (City)
Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: Joskuk

Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: none

Nation: none
Mayor: kio74

Nation: Federation of Udecca
Mayor: Pompmaker2

Nation: none
Mayor: Batclone12

If you have any questions or suggestions please reply to this thread.

Games / Minecraft Lite RP Server [1.2.5]
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:14:14 PM »
    Minecraft Server
    Minecraft Lite RP Server

    Join us:

    Site: Click Here | Online Map: Click Here

    This server is a lite RP with (currently) two towns. It focuses on living in cities, running stores, hunting, and keeping up with your Minecraft life. There are a lot of friendly people that can help you with various things. If you need assistance, please ask an OP.

    • Montline | Mayor: joey888joey | Nation: Plaustrum
    • Sandford | Mayor: rockslide26 | Nation: Plaustrum

    • Plaustrum | King: joey888joey

    • No Griefing
    • Respect Others' Property
    • Respect and Listen to Operators
    • No TNT
    • PvP is Only Allowed in the Wilderness

    • joey888joey (me)
    • kio74 (FireFish)
    • dinosaurlegos (Not a BL member)

    In-Game Businesses
    • Montline Central Rail Co.
    • Menlo Electric

    • wertel | Reason: OP Abuse, Logging in under joey888joey to give himself OP after being demoted.

    Games / Minecraft Post Apocalypse RP - HELP WANTED
    « on: September 26, 2011, 05:43:17 PM »
    Please download the texture pack before playing, if you do not a lot of blocks will look weird and out of place.

    Please note that the texture pack is not complete. Additionally, the server is still undergoing construction and preparation however is open for people to help.


    What is a PARP?
    A PARP (Post Apocalypse RP) is a server based after a apocalypse, where many buildings are broken and abandoned, resources are limited, and the earth is greatly effected.

    How do you RP(role play)?
    A role play server means you stick the the role of a character in that time. For example, this is a PARP, so you wouldn't go around telling people you're going to watch tv. Stay realistic to the setting.

    How do I join?
    Open Minecraft, and connect to the IP

    Will the server be whitelisted?
    Yes, however it currently isn't

    How do I become an OP?
    We will have a form to apply in the future, but for now, just show me you are capable.

    Technical Information

    Java Heap Size (Server RAM)
    768MB (Please note, this will go up as needed)

    Physical RAM/Tech Specs
    Intel Xeon QC 3.00GHz
    2x 250GB RAID 1 7.2k • 3GB/s >> Current information, next week info listed below in italics.
    2x 300GB SCSI RAID 1 15k • 6GB/s
    2x Gigabit Ethernet  (Redundant)
    2x Power Supplies (Redundant)
    2x UPS Battery Backup Systems (Redundant)
    Emergency AC Power Generators Standing By

    Server Information

    IP Address:Port

    OP List
    joey888joey (Me)
    kio74 (FireFish)

    Taking Requests
    If you have any requests please reply to the topic with this format:
    Code: [Select]
    MC Username: [b]MC NAME HERE[/b]
    Request: [b]Plugin/OP/Other[/b]
    Details: [b]DETAILS HERE[/b]
    Link: [b]FULL LINK HERE (If needed)[/b]

    If you have any questions, just post a reply.

    Games / Minecraft Server (4GB of RAM Allocated)
    « on: July 28, 2011, 06:22:37 PM »
    Minecraft Server

    What is there to do?
    This is a normal building server running Bukkit. You can build towns, villages, small homes, or posh mansions.

    Do you have rules?
    1. No griefing
    2. No spamming
    3. No flooding other people's buildings/creations
    4. No random killing
    5. Listen to OPs
    6. No TNT spam
    7. If you are on someone's land/building and they ask to leave, then leave.
    8. Be nice
    9. No stealing from other's chests, or homes.


    What is the IP address and port?
    Server 1:
    Server 2:

    How much RAM is there?
    4GB of Allocated RAM, will increase if necessary

    What servers do you use?
    Dell PowerEdge R310 Rack Mounted
    Intel Xeon X3430 2.40GHz Quad-Core
    2x 250GB HD w/ RAID 1
    32GB 800MHz DDR3 RAM
    OS: Linux

    Who hosts our servers?
    Simple Host Server Co. ( )

    Menen's Path Rules
    Ok bitches new rules about my paths.

    No building ON, AROUND ANDNEAR the paths without permission

    No Altering the Terrain Around and near the Path

    No Cutting down trees near the path

    No building in the Cave Path

    No altering the cave path

    No altering the waterfalls

    no altering any bodies of water

    no altering bridges

    no altering ANYTHING

    dont even touch my loving paths

    Forum Games / The Command Prompt Project (TCPproject)
    « on: July 25, 2011, 10:22:17 PM »
    The Command Prompt Project

    This is a open project that anyone can enter.
    I will not provide lessons on how to use Linux, however I may create a small guide to common commands on this topic. Use it at your own risk, and don't do anything stupid.

    Debian/Ubuntu Linux knowledge is recommended.

    What will happen is I will have a SSH (Secure Shell) server running with Ubuntu Linux 11.04 Server 32-Bit. You will be able to sign up, and get an account to login to the SSH server, I will supply you with the proper IP address and other needed information. Your account will have restrictions to avoid abuse. Read more below.

    100MB of total storage space
    54MB of total RAM available (trust me, that's enough for a command prompt)
    *A slow bandwidth per user to discourage hosting of servers, amount undecided so far.*
    10 processes at once
    2 simultaneous logins

    How do I enter?
    PM me with a desired username and password and I will try to have it setup as soon as possible.

    Commands and Extra Notes
    The following commands will be blocked for security reasons:

    "ifconfig" - Can result in changed network configurations, shows IP address(es)

    More coming soon...

    Any other questions or comments? Just reply to the topic.

    Off Topic / Simple Host Server Co. Comes To Blockland!
    « on: May 31, 2011, 06:43:02 PM »
    Simple Host Server Co.

    My email:

    I am Joseph Kukla, the President of Simple Host Server Company. As I was looking to expand I wanted to add more games that we could host for, I thought about Blockland, as I know some people have issues with hosting, after seeing how left out you guys are from having a reliable host, I realized it's my turn to step in.

    The release date of our service is still unknown.


    -Our servers are in the United States
    -We will be charging somewhere between $3.99 /mo to $5.99 /mo (Maybe even cheaper), however it is uncertain, it will be disclosed when we start hosting.
    -We do not have quad-core servers, however most our servers have two Intel Xeon processors.
    -We own our servers, they are not rented from anywhere
    -All of our servers are Dell PowerEdges of various models
    -Our servers run Linux.

    Potential Customers

    If you have any questions, please visit our Live Chat (Link on top of post) or email me (Email at top of post). Additonally, you can reply to this topic, but your quetsions will get answered much quicker if you email me or do a live chat session.

    Gallery / My First Model: Paintball Gun
    « on: January 28, 2011, 10:47:28 PM »
    My First Model

    I just started using blender to make some models. I decided to make a paintball gun model. If you want I can make this into an add-on. Here are some pictures!

    Please rate x/10.

    *Credit to FireFish for giving me a real paintball gun to look at.

    Help / Server Hosting Problems - Ping
    « on: January 12, 2011, 12:00:53 AM »
    Once as I host a server, anyone on the LAN network can join, however people over the internet cannot - for my server the ping shows up as "???". I don't get this because I even forwarded my ports to the correct IP address and everything but I can never get people to join my server. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you need more information ask me.

    Help / Cash Mod and VCE
    « on: July 24, 2010, 08:34:22 PM »
    Hey I am running a server and I need to know if there is any VCE tag (Example of a tag is like <var:player:health) I tried stuff like <var:player:cash> and <var:client:cash> but nothing seems to work. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Help / Turn off shadows?
    « on: July 08, 2010, 07:52:06 PM »
    Is there a way to turn off shadows because I am taking pictures in construct and removing the background and the shadows make it take longer. Please help I would really like it.

    Music / Lizard's Music Collection - Taking Requests
    « on: July 08, 2010, 07:05:05 PM »
    Lizard's Music Collection - Taking Requests
    A collection of Music that I will be adding to constantly, I will take requests.
    These are correctly formatted OGG Vorbis files with a Mono configuration.

    Red means they have been checked and do not work   Green means they have been checked and do work   Blue means the check is pending

    Club Beats
    *Club Beat 3 & 4 are very similar, however are not the same

    Club Beat 1     Download

    Club Beat 2   (Low Volume-Will fix it soon)     Download

    Club Beat 3*     Download

    Club Beat 4*     Download

    Techno Beats

    Techno Beat 1     Download

    Help / Max Server Physics Vehicles
    « on: June 29, 2010, 08:04:58 AM »
    I am hosting a server, but before I host it I go into "Advanced Config" and set the max global physics vehicles to 100 rather than 20. When I launch the game it changes back to 20. I even tried 50, 200, and 25. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Modification Help / Play Sound in a Car
    « on: June 24, 2010, 09:17:17 AM »
    I have a car and I want it so that when I press the spacebar it will put on a siren and have it looping until I press the spacebar again. (I have a sound file for it). How would I do this in the script and where would I have to put the sound file---also what format would it be, .wav I believe?

    General Discussion / Lizard's City RPG
    « on: June 13, 2010, 10:52:38 PM »

    Lizard's City RPG

    Pictures have been added of our progress, we have also taken away some features to allow humans to do them, but two more have been added to balance it out again.

    Any help would be nice, we are hosting a lot of the time and help will be credited at the end, plus in game you will get $50,000 of a bonus for your help.

    City RPG

    This will give you a peek at what is going to be in it.


    • Radio (Working)
    • 2 Towns/Cities
    • Automated Stores
    • License Plates
    • Working Traffic Lights


    You will be able to tune into different radio stations, in order to use these radio stations you will need to download the pack from the internet, after you download it you may use the radio as you wish. Below are the radio stations I currently have, if you know more genres and songs to go on the radio station please reply to this topic:
    Green means radio station is done, Red means it is not completed.

    88.5 - Metal -
    88.7 - Rap - Where Brooklyn At, 10 Crack Commandments
    89.9 - Techno - Honey, Kids
    90.3 - Jazz - No songs yet...
    92.7 - Country - Ring of Fire, Folsom Prison Blues
    93.7 - Hip Hop - New York State of Mind, Childrens Story, The World is Yours
    97.7 - Weather - Weather
    99.1 - Rock - Mother's Little Helper, Sweet Home Alabama, 1979
    99.3 - Reggae - Get Up Stand Up, One Love, Jammin'
    100.5 - Ska - Santeria, What I Got
    101.7 - Classical - Come Fly With Me, The Best is Yet to Come, I Get a Kick Out of You
    102.1 - Blues - Speedo, Blowing in the Wind, Like a Rolling Stone
    104.1 - Alternative - Come As You Are, Smells Like Teen Spirit

    Suggested Songs

    Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown --- unknown genre
    Green Day - Know your enemy --- unknown genre
    Green Day - Murder City --- unknown genre
    Lost Prophet - Rooftops --- unknown genre
    Skillet - Monster --- unknown genre
    Adrenaline - Dead Inside --- Metal

    Automated Stores

    It will simple a caveman can do it! But really, it will be just pressing a button and it will deduct that amount and give you the item, of course if you don't have the required amount of money you will be denied.

    License Plates

    Now cars will have license plates above them, in yellow on a standard or municipal (law) car. Or if it is a commercial vehicle it would be bright red. If you have committed a crime and are escaping in a car, the cops could say over the radio the license plate of your car and have backup arrive. You have to get your car registered before you can legally drive it on the road.

    Working Traffic Lights

    Yes, another law made to follow, if you break it you will just have a ticket with a fine. If you are low on money or don't want to have a bad criminal record then you could just obey the law, it isn't that bad to be a nice person.

    More will be added later, I need to work on other projects, but please reply and tell me what you think about it.

    General Discussion / Left 4 Dead Campaign - Across The Street
    « on: June 13, 2010, 10:02:31 PM »


    The Streets - 55% Complete You can help with our building while our server is up
    Rooftops - 0% Complete
    Industrial Park - 0% Complete
    The Finale - 0% Complete


    Assault Rifles:
    • AK-47
    • M16
    • Hunting Shotgun
    • Chrome Shotgun
    • Desert Eagle
    • P2000
    • Dual Handguns
    • Pipe Bomb
    • Molotov roostertail


    • Lizard
    • FireFish
    • Trogdor10
    • Suge-R

    Please comment on what you think, more pictures will be out soon of previews.

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