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Topics - Fusion

Pages: [1]
Help / Blockland Application Closes Immediately
« on: January 28, 2010, 05:37:39 PM »
Well, normally I know how to solve my own problems. But this one stumps me. I'm on a Mac OSX 10.4.11. V14 shows up on the doc for about half of a second. Then it disappears. Same thing every time. Every other version has worked perfectly fine. I've tried re-installing a few times. That doesn't help. So maybe it's my system? I have no clue. Help, please!

Suggestions & Requests / Increased Accuracy/Damage While Crouching
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:18:08 PM »
Basically, while you crouch all of the weapons you fire are more accurate. This would make it so it is more beneficial to crouch. The next thing, the damage part, would be so while you are crouching you take more damage from weapons. It would even out crouching a bunch. I don't know if this is even possible, but I think that it might be, and it would be very realistic.

Suggestions & Requests / Flag Bricks
« on: April 08, 2009, 10:29:57 PM »
Basically, it would be bricks that are flags. It would also be cool to be able to use the printer on them to change what is on them. Just a suggestion, you know. Maybe have different sizes, have it blow in the wind on some, have them go downwards (like hanging ones), or something like that. I think that this would be pretty cool.

Gallery / War Torn DM! (Fusion's App for MoB)
« on: January 15, 2009, 11:35:39 PM »
Well, I finally decided to join a clan. It is basically a place that has been torn up by war, hence the name "War Torn". It is full of military equipment and such that are fully evented. I would have tried it out first, but I can't find a place to host it (I can't forward ports (router)), so please leave HELPFUL comments and criticism so I can make it better.

Just so you know, this map is in the slate. And, please rate x/10

He grenade
Arctic Warfare Magnum
Desert Eagle
TF2 Sniper, Mini-gun and Flame-Thrower
SF Revolver
Homing Vector
And all of the defaults.


Pics (I got them(finally)):

Suggestions & Requests / "On Player Hit" Event
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:50:00 PM »
The title pretty much gives the main idea, but there is some more that I would like to post. It would be within a radius of a brick, so you could have it in a certain area if yo want. And last, it could target the shooter. This would be great for some RPG's. Please tell me your ideas, thx!

Gallery / 2 player pinball!!!
« on: September 30, 2008, 10:25:10 PM »
This is basically pinball, but 2 players. You will need a third person, to start it, but I included a delay on how long it takes to start for those of you that only have 1 friend. There are buttons that control it, and the like. Not much else to explain, so enjoy! If you have any questions or comments please post them. Please note that the reason that i did not make it 1 player and real pinball is because of the difficulty, although I will be working on one. (For those noobs out there, the map is construct, putting it in slate works also)

Suggestions & Requests / Limbs that can be shopped off.
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:36:07 PM »
It would be intense if somebody made a mod that is like a gamemode. The mode would allow you to shoot/chop off limbs if they are hit with enough force. Then the limb would become a physical object for like 5 seconds. Also, for added goodness, make blood squirt out. That would be epic for some games.

Suggestions & Requests / Moving images on prints.
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:53:28 PM »
If somebody made a group of prints, like say, for example, somebody running, they could put it on numerous prints, having each print be a frame. Then with wrench events the user could set it up on the print brick. All that needs to happen is the prints need to be made, then it is ready if somebody uses wrench events. Please post any comments about what you think. Questions are fine but not as wanted...

Games / Super Mario War
« on: July 16, 2008, 11:56:35 AM »
This game is actually very fun. The gameplay is a lot like the super mario games on gameboy. It is different though. Because you are battling other players. It is up to 4 players, and it has AIs that are very hard on the difficulty 'Very Hard'. You can make your own maps and what not. If you need help just check out the forms. The like that I gave you is to the 1.8 beta. If you want the old one go ahead and find it, but I don't know why you would. Check it out, because if you are here, you have nothing better to do. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux, and X-box.

Suggestions & Requests / Bumper car type thing
« on: July 12, 2008, 03:20:11 PM »
It is basically a car, or something, that, when it crashes into a wall or another vehicle, it takes damage. I don't think that there are any of these, but it would be very realistic, and awesome. It should be possible.

Gallery / Sgt. Ben's Undead legend (I am legend) build
« on: June 09, 2008, 11:19:06 AM »
This is a map made by Sgt. Ben. It is in the bedroom. I took the pics. He wanted me to post it online Sorry for the poor lighting. It is basically a city that is built for zombies. It has war torn effects and stuff like that. It is awesome. Please rate X/10

Gallery / City TDM/Zombies
« on: June 04, 2008, 12:48:22 AM »
This is my first build. It is basically a city with 2 bases at both ends. Please rate x/10. In order to use this you will need the zombies mod.

Suggestions & Requests / A weapons/vehicle maker, INGAME
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:06:50 PM »
Basically, it should let you make something like a gun or a plane, etc. Then you hit the object with a wand (or something like that) Then it asks you if it is a vehicle, a gun, or a plane or something like that. Then it tells you to hit special points of the object (front and back ends of a barrel, wheels, seats, hold point, etc.). If it is a gun then you can make the projectile. It would also have more options like how fast the projectile or vehicle goes, if the projectile falls, etc. This would probably be pretty hard, but it would be awesome. I would love it if somebody would please make this. It would probably be one of the best things made. Tell me what you think about this idea, or if it would be just wayyyy too hard.

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