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Topics - Grumpy

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« on: April 25, 2012, 06:54:15 PM »
2 large upsets which eliminated Barca and Real Madrid. Now who will win the final.

Honestly I think Bayern will win because they actually competed versus Madrid while Chelsea got really lucky against Barca.

if you don't care don't post, keep any negative posts out too

Off Topic / Skrillex is the devil
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:55:54 AM »
Skrillex, a Gothic icon and Lesbian fashionista whose name is Latin for “Homoloveual Satan Wasp”, is the biggest act in Dubstep today — a music genre founded on consuming massive amounts of drugs and having raucous pre-marital love with numerous partners — and his winnings at the 2012 Grammys prove that his satanic presence will be felt for years to come. As long as Skrillex wins Grammys and is accepted by mainstream media, he will claim souls for Satan and molest our children through his perverse philosophy of futuristic devil machine music.

Skrillex is the inventor of “dubstep” whose sole purpose is to provide a “drop” — common youth terminology for procuring and snorting drugs. In addition, the rhythm patterns he employs in his “music” are known to cause seizures to certain people, which provides ample opportunity for other concert-goers to rape said afflicted person(s).

Skrillex, a known emoloveual, was born Sonny Moore. He rose to fame with the satanic Rock ‘n roll band “From First To Last” (a band name that celebrates falling from God’s grace) and soon parlayed that success into something much more blasphemous; something that incorporates elements of Warhol-era rampant homoloveuality and perversion, electronic “music” and lesbian-influenced haircuts. It is rumored that 1 in 3 women are raped at a Skrillex concert and forced to abort their children soon after.

Over 100% of homoloveual gays listen to, or have listened to Skrillex in their life — mostly while participating in door-to-door recruitment for love orgies or attempting to molest children in one of the patented “Rape Vans” used by the gay homo community.

In addition, Skrillex has launched a grotesque fashion trend, where upon weak-minded woman destroy their hallowed vessels of child birthing by SHAVING the side of their head — the same thing responsible for the downfall of Samson is being ENCOURAGED by this gnome-ish pervert. Skrillex will stop at nothing to get every teen in America hooked on dubstep and “ecstasy” (a potent street drug responsible for terrorism).

(Skrillex, shown here drinking “ecstasy”, in particular the potent “X3″ version)

As a proud parent of four, healthy, able-bodied children, I urge all fellow parents to think thrice before allowing their own children to attend a dubstep show. These shows are full of unemployed “Occupiers” who seek to rape and maim your children and family life. Skrillex fans are MORE likely to rob a gas station and set a retirement home on fire than 1000% of Christians.

Please join with me in boycotting dubstep and this evil, satanic harbinger of deceit.


christwire is a satirical site, feel free to post your favorites

Off Topic / 2 tragic stories that will make you cry
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:19:39 AM »

A tragedy about poptarts.

Bonus points if you post it on facebook and post your results

Help / Crashing after I'm in the server for awhile/
« on: November 17, 2010, 06:19:02 PM »
On 2 servers so far (bushidos and taboos) I crash about 1-5 minutes within joining. In the little black cmd box that comes in the background when playing, it spams the following after blockland crashes

WARNING: Add-Ons/content_phydeouz/shapes/contentShapeGiantFanFlatColliding.dts has > 256 collision edges, consider simplifying that crap

This is the only thing that spams my cmd box after crashing. Yes I have removed the folder from my add-ons but I still can't seem to fix it.

Suggestions & Requests / First Person Only
« on: November 14, 2010, 11:07:21 PM »
For a DM series I am in the process of planning I somewhat need a first person only player (with no jets also). The only link I could find is broken so if someone could make these it would be very helpful.

Also I know someone made a one shot RPG that disapears after use. Anyone know where I could download yet or if it's private who made it?

« on: July 21, 2010, 11:43:25 PM »

Gay white vampire whose skin glitters


Gay native american that still wears no shoes

Edward is better, by the way.

Off Topic / Lacrosse
« on: July 09, 2010, 12:02:29 AM »
Anyone here play lacrosse? I am thinking about playing.

Gallery / [NWB] Application: Hotel
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:48:59 PM »
Hello this is just a nice and simple hotel I made. The goal was it to be nice but also have the simplistic feel to it. Hope you enjoy it. Please rate 1-10.

Basic Overview- From here you can see the handmade street, the balconies and the roof with the seagulls.

Backside Shot- A picture of the backside, you can see the backdoor, ladder to the roof, and the trashbin here.

Entrance- From here you can see behind the check-in desk, the plant, the tip of the waiting bench and a peek of the lobby.

Lobby-  Shows the lobby with the cool wave design, a TV, a few chairs with stools and a  oval coffe table.

Hotel Room type 1- You can see one of the rooms with a bed, a flatscreen TV, and the edge of a nightstand/ lamp

Hotel Room type 2- A bit smaller than the other, contains a different type of TV with a slightly bigger nightstand.

To me it looks a lot cooler in person so if you see my server up come check it out!


New shot of outside w/ plants

Added 2 different types of pictures in one of the rooms.

First one is a beach and the second one is a park scene with clouds FYI!

Off Topic / /Rage Learned something about my graphics card.
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:00:07 PM »
I got a new computer for christmas it was from dell so I was kinda :/ about everything because I had a feeling my dad got scammed. So in January the graphics card comes, it's a GT9400 1GB. Before he was talking about how it was a really good card and stuff so I was somewhat upset. Now today I asked him how much he paid etc. So first off he said it was about $700 for only the computer which has a Intel Core2 Duo at 3.06 ghz and 4GB of ram (and I can only use 3.5 or w/e of it since my dad's got damn computer guy said that Windows 7 was bad so we are on XP until my dad gets the upgrade, loving dumbass). Also he told me the graphics card was GOING to be $200 nVidia card but he didn't know which one. I am assuming it would be a GTX250 but apparently it didn't fit. So his computer guy calls dell and he gets the GT9400 since that was the best card that could fit.


Also if my dad told me he was going to get a computer for me I could buy a way better computer from a website than for what he paid for this.

Off Topic / Who won American Idol?
« on: May 26, 2010, 11:15:30 PM »
It's still going on in California but I know it also showed on the east cost. So did the guy or the girl win?

Off Topic / *NEW* Black Ops Trailer
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:17:43 PM »
Just was shown on ESPN about 30 minutes ago.

What do you guys think?

Also should I get it for PC or PS3?


Off Topic / If you post something that is actually funny you win.
« on: May 09, 2010, 01:35:44 PM »
It has to be actually funny.

Off Topic / Ouch braces hurt :(
« on: May 04, 2010, 05:26:34 PM »
Got braces today they hurt really bad, I tried to bite a cookie my front tooth teeth almost like blew up. Any thing I could do to help them feel better?

Drama / Sebaster 105's avatar
« on: May 01, 2010, 10:51:07 PM »
Ys it's an asian chick about to show her boobs.

Nw get over and commenting about it in every single thread he posts in. I's nothing special

I you think it is so cool then google it, then show it to your parents.

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