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Topics - Chefkokkie

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Games / Spellforce (1 and 2) Megathread - RTS+RPG Goodness
« on: October 24, 2010, 03:05:43 PM »
Spellforce is a combination of both RPG and RTS games, creating a (in my eyes) unique experience.

In Spellforce: The Order of Dawn you control 1 main hero (the avatar). When the avatar finds a big monument he can activate it with his runeboard and summon up to 5 other heroes (at a hero monument) or large armies (at a race monument). But in some levels, there are no monuments available (or just a hero monument) and so you have to use your band of heroes to fight through the level.
There are 6 different races in Spellforce, each of which are either good or evil. The good races are the humans, dwarves and elves, while the evil races are orcs, trolls and dark elves. As you progress through the campaign/free play you earn new runes, unlocking new heroes and races. You also find new plans to make new units or buildings for a certain race.

Spellforce also has 2 expansion packs: The Breath of Winter and The Shadow of the Phoenix. Breath of Winter introduces free play mode, which is like the campaign but without quests and a story, but just levels to complete. The player can choose to play RTS and RPG levels, and they can also be repeated for more XP and items, plans and runes.
The Shadow of the Phoenix adds 2 new buildings to each race, ups the level cap by 20 and gives free play mode a level filled with quests.
The Breath of Winter also adds another campaign where you create a new character (not the same one as from the order of dawn) and The Shadow of the Phoenix allows you to import characters from either The Order of Dawn or The Breath of Winter, or make a new character which starts at level 30 (the level cap of the other campaigns).

A few years before Spellforce: The Order of Dawn, a group of 13 powerful mages called the Circle found a book speaking of a ritual that would give them immense power. However only one of them would be able to receive this power, and each of them wanted it. To this end they made the runes: magical stones that could produce living creatures, and whenever that creature died, it could be reborn from the rune. Runeslaves also have to serve the owner of their rune. While they were working on the ritual, the 13 mages of the Circle all sent their armies at each other. The ritual, later known as the Convocation, shattered the world and all but 1 of the Circle Mages died. The last Circle Mage, Rohen Tahir, connected the last 'islands' of the world floating on the nether sea with portals, because there was no way to get from island to island without strong magic (like his, for example). The tutorial starts with a woman, Tahira, helping some of her friends on their mission for Rohen to find a special runestone. After the tutorial the runestone is given to Rohen, when it turns out that the runewarrior in the runestone is the player avatar. The game starts with Rohen summoning the player, then giving him his own rune so he can control himself.
The Breath of Winter starts with 2 humans from a refugee camp summoning the player at a hero monument so that he can help them get back 2 other rune warriors who were with the refugees first, but had their runes stolen. Like Rohen, they give the player his own rune.
The Shadow of the Phoenix continues where the first 2 games left off. The storyline is different for Phoenix Stone (Order of Dawn) and Shadowblade (Breath of Winter) characters.


Inventory screen

A dwarven town

Dwarven army from said town vanquishing the enemy

Like in the first game, in Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars you control a main character: Your avatar. However there are some significant changes in the game mechanics.
One of these is that you no longer control a rune warrior, nor do you have any runes to activate rune monuments. Instead you are a Shaikan, a human with dragon's blood in his veins, making you immortal. If you or one of the heroes in your party dies, one of your other heroes has to perform a ritual near your body to resurrect you.
Since you no longer use monuments, the RTS part of the game is more like regular RTS. You have 1 main building (headquarters) that can produce workers and the first 2 soldiers of your race. There are 3 different races/alliances. Each race actually is a group of 3 other races. The Realm consists of humans, dwarves and elves. The Clans consist of Orcs, Trolls and Barbarians and The Pact which is made up out of Dark Elves, Shadows and Gargoyles. To learn new abilities for your avatar and heroes, you do not find spells like in the first game, but you have to invest 1 skill point into a specialization tree each level. There are 2 general specialization trees, Combat and Magic, which split into 2 smaller trees which split into 2 smaller trees etc.
Like Spellforce: The Breath of Winter and Shadow of the Phoenix, there is a free play mode where you can choose between RTS and RPG maps, and if you want you can repeat them. The freeplay mode has a lot of quests and a small storyline of its own.

The (so far) only expansion is Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm. In Dragon Storm you get one additional race to play with: The Shaikan. The Shaikan have the Shaikan Humans, the Blades (creatures made of iron) and Dragons. Dragon Storm comes with a new campaign and an addition to the freeplay mode: An Arena where you fight extremely powerful enemies to test your character's strength.
All heroes and your avatar unlock a smaller, third skill tree alongside Combat and Magic: Shaikan. The Shaikan tree has useful spells for both soldiers and magicians with abilities which often relate to blood and/or dragons.

After the events of Spellforce: Shadow of the Phoenix all rune warriors were gone. The game starts with the player looking at an old hero monument, wondering what the world would be like if the rune warriors were still there. He is then approached by his 'brother' Bor (all Shaikan are semi-related because of the same dragon's blood in their veins) who tells him they shouldn't be late for the player's coming of age. They head towards the town when they notice that there's a huge dark elf army heading for the Shaikan city in the Iron Fields.

In Spellforce: Dragon Storm, the portals connecting the different islands are collapsing and it's up to the player character (another Shaikan) to find a way to stop them from doing so. The new leader of the Shaikan, the player character from Shadow Wars, has also disappeared and the Shaikan are under siege from different fronts.


Inventory Screen

Pact Town

Realm Titan

Additional Stuff:

Spellforce Platinum Edition on steam:
Spellforce 2 Gold Edition on steam:

The third expansion for Spellforce 2, Spellforce 2: Faith in Destiny is scheduled for release sometime this year (2010).

I've played every game so far but finished none of them (I suppose I should)

Gallery / Current - Siege TDM
« on: April 05, 2010, 02:57:31 PM »
Capture the outpost

I built this last Christmas as a Craftsmen Secret Santa present for Angear. The save resurfaced a couple of days ago and I added to it and fixed some things. I then thought about posting it on the forums.

The rebels have made a tunnel to the government military base. As the soldiers find out the rebels are digging under the watchtower they set up some forcefields around the tunnels, but they can only keep them up for 30 seconds....


Overview of the whole area, the red is where the rebels spawn at first.

The watchtower. When captured the blocks in front of it explode to open up 2 more ways out of the rebel spawn.

The gatehouse with its turret emplacement.

Gatehouse interior. Until it is captured the soldiers spawn here and when it is the rebels spawn there.

The main area which holds 4 CPs: The Infirmary, The Armory, The Soldiers' Quarters and The Courtyard. All of these have their own spawns and can be captured in any order. Once all are captured the last CP opens up.

The infirmary interior. On the balcony there is another turret emplacement.

The armory and its turret emplacement. The CP is on the inside on the first floor.

The soldiers quarters and another turret emplacement. The CP is located just outside of the quarters.

The courtyard in front of the headquarters. The only main area CP that does not have a turret.

The interior of the headquarters with its CP. Once it is captured the soldiers lose the game. And in a way the rebels do, too...

I host this sometimes when I feel like it. I might get some action screenshots up the next time I do though.

Gallery / Elemental Arena [Still WIP]
« on: March 14, 2010, 01:00:00 PM »
Elemental Arena

It's back, and we're still working on it. Other thread was too old. The spells used are Amade's Elemental Spell Pack.

Currently features an arena with 3 modes (blocks, water and plain) with a random generator for the blocks. Also features a building where you pick 2 spells (out of 8), a building where you enter the arena. Next to the entrance building there's a building with admin controls. There's also a building where team data is stored (you can group up with friends and create a team to battle other teams). Everything is currently centered around the arena in the middle.

In the future it will feature a store where you can buy headquarters for your team and furniture for it (with money you get by winning battles against other teams). Currently thinking of adding an option to buy a lot so you can build your own headquarters, but it's more expensive. Later it will feature a hall of fame and areas for headquarters (behind the 2 gates that contain the spawns).


A map of the arena grounds.

The arena in water mode (the block placement is random, so it's different every time)

The arena in block mode (same goes for the blocks here)

The arena in plain mode

The entrance building

The magic guild

One of the rooms of the magic guild, books tell you things about the spell and the open book teaches you the spell (green page to learn, red page to unlearn)

The red gate (which will lead to one of the roads with headquarters) with a spawning garden on the left

The blue gate (will lead to the other road with headquarters) with a small spawning room on the right

The spawning room in the blue gate

The building which contains info about all teams

The admin control building with buttons that control the arena and entrance building

The shop (not done)

NEW! The lava mode of the arena, designed for long range combat. The lava allows lots of different tactics and it's designed for real matches (2v2 and the like, not FFA)

NEW! The stands on the opposite end from the arena to the arena entrance


Ice does not work right now.
Most interiors are bland (focus is on the exterior so the area around the arena looks nice)

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Password: Melon

Gallery / Elemental Arena [WIP]
« on: November 16, 2009, 02:56:27 PM »
Elemental Arena

Here comes the first arena made with the elemental spells pack. The basic things needed for the arena are built, but new things including team play and things to do with that are still being added. Now for some pictures



The Magic Guild, where you select 2 spells to learn. You will not have them in your inventory until you enter the arena though

One of the rooms in the Magic Guild: The fire room. Here there's the learning book with the green learning and red un-learning page. The books in the bookcase provide you with some info about the spells.

This building is just a normal 2 story building, except that there's a door to the dungeons in the back, which lead to the arena pits.

Admin control, where admins can control certain things such as the dungeon doors and the teleporters to the arena. Also provided are some cameras for supervision.

The dungeon behind the main building.

An action shot of the arena, located in the middle of the plaza.

This is a gate which will lead to one of the building districts where the arena teams will be able to build headquarters. On the left is the spawn (behind the flowers).

Furthermore there is a shop currently being built by Wizzeh, which you can see on the far left of the last screenshot. I didn't take a screenshot because it wasn't finished. The shop will provide for the buying of land for headquarters and for interior for people who are too lazy to do it themselves/can't make good interior.

Gallery / Space Housing Spire - [TGB] Application - Image Heavy
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:31:30 PM »
This is my application for The Galaxy Builders.

It's a space house, intended for 2 (rich) persons. It has 3 floors connected by an elevator. It is actually part of a bigger whole. The connection-part will be connected to some sort of center, and that center will have 3 other identical spires on it.


The whole thing. That's me on the top floor for a bit of size comparison.

The third floor, the top floor. It is also the room where you come in. It is the sitting room

The second floor, including bathroom, kitchen, dining room and a circular walkway on the outside. This is the bathroom door.

The first floor, it is the bedroom, with bookcase, bed, TV, bench and computer.

This is the part that would connect to the rest of the complex.

This is the sitting room, on the top floor.

On the second floor, there's the dining room...

...and the kitchen.

This is part of the circular walkway around the rooms on the second floor. There is another bench on the other side of the walkway.

The bathroom

On the first floor, we have computer and bookcase (with books and futuristic state of the art movies).

The bed and the sofa and TV.

That's about it.
Hope I get in.
You may rate x/10 and constructive criticism please.

Gallery / U.S.S. Tantalus - Image Heavy
« on: August 05, 2009, 08:58:20 AM »
This is a spaceship I started on a long time ago and was intended to be a DM, but when the brickcount got too high I abandoned that idea and just continued on it because I have almost never completely finished a build.
Then I thought of using this as an application for {ASI}, which it is right now.

The U.S.S. Tantalus is a multi-purpose support ship, mainly used as a carrier for ground troops and small space-fighters. It has 4 turrets for self-defense.
The Tantalus is made of 14447 bricks.

Pictures (descriptions are under the pictures):

A side view of the ship

A view of the front

A view of the rear

The Escape Pods

The inside of an Escape Pod

The hallway on the starboard side with the Escape Pods 5 through to 8

The Navigation Room (on the left) and the Engine Room (behind the window on the right)

The Cargo Hold

The Hangar Bay, the thing hanging from the ceiling is Hangar Bay Control

Hangar Bay Control

The Armory

The Starboard Side Turret, 1 of the 4 turrets

One of the two sleeping quarters

The Bridge

The Events:
Each turret has an indentical control panel with lots of buttons panels and meters, but there are only some things that are useful/do things

The panel above the cone brackets (< and >) activates the camera on the turret the panel is connected with.
The green square button activates the turret, firing twin rockets (mech heavy rockets) in a straight line.
The long, blue meter indicates the recharge level, once you fire the turret, it empties and you have to wait for it to re-fill before you can fire again.

2 of the turrets are located on the sides of the ship - near the front - and fire forwards. The other 2 turrets are located on each side above the escape pods and fire to the sides. The panels to control these are located in the bridge.

The commander's chair in the bridge can move back and forward when you press the button on the chair


...and back again

Located on the railing in front of the chair is another camera panel which shows a view from the rear of the ship, just above the engines.

Constructive criticism please, and you may rate x/10

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