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Topics - Plornt

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Add-Ons / Duplorcator, the duplicator replacement (v2.0- Client loading)
« on: August 29, 2012, 02:18:21 PM »

    I have remade the duplicator. This one adds one new feature, and changes the theme of the original duplicator just to be different!
    Problems with the old duplicator:
    • Did not plant water bricks correctly.
    • Did not plant print bricks correctly.
    • Error spam, everywhere
    This duplicator fixes all of those errors, with no error spam. Therefore making this duplicator faster and more reliable to not crash the server.
    • Preferences to change
    • Ability to ghost your whole duplication, watch video.
    • Duplicates events.
    • Rotates events.
    • /Duplorcator, /Dup, and /duplicator will work if the original duplicator is not on the server.
    • Fully compatible with the other duplicator, so you can have both if you really wanted to.
    • Allows saving and loading of duplications
    • Admin Only
    • Max Bricks (Admins)
    • Max Bricks (Non-Admins)
    • Selecting Timeout (Admin)
    • Selecting Timeout (Non-Admins)
    • Planting Timeout (Admins)
    • Planting Timeout (Non-Admins)
    • Rotate Events
    • Trust Level Required to duplicate
    • Max Ghost Bricks, this pref determines how many bricks should be ghosted when you select a duplication.
    • Quick Ghost Bricks, this determines how many ghost bricks should move instantly when you move your brick, any duplication with more ghost bricks will have a slight delay to prevent lag.
    • Admin Only load
    • Admin Only save
    • Client duplication uploading- Who can upload duplications
    • Can load Blockland saves- Can we /loaddup on normal Blockland saves?

    Ghosts OOGA BOOGA

    Here's a video thanks to Jirue :D:

    Download: Tool_Duplicator (v2.0)
    • Fixed bug with JVS events not duplicating properly
    • Fixed little bug with center prints not disappearing
    • Added save and load feature. /savedup and /loaddup. Also added RTB prefs for each.
    • Fixed bugs caused by recent Blockland updates, and the JVS switch.
    • Completely changed the duplicator duplication system.
    • Added a few new preferences:
    • Completely remade loaddup and savedup. They now save in the Blockland saves folder
    • Speed boost
    • Now work with public bricks
    • Client duplication uploading, you can now load any save/duplication from your Blockland save folder
    • Added /clientload SAVE command so you can client upload your duplication
    • Added /cancelLoad to cancel your client upload. Both of those commands are client sided, if something happens and the server does not have the duplicator this command will work to stop it.
    • Added /reloaddup to reload the duplication you just uploaded
    If you find client uploading laggy, disable it through the preferences.
    Also, if you attempt to upload a file with a brick count greater than what is permitted for your user, you will be prompted to keep uploading or cancel. There are most likely some kind of bugs because of the drastic change, please PM me if you find any.

    Note: I changed it from Tool_Duplorcator to Tool_Duplicator for RTB reasons. So delete the old Tool_Duplorcator
    • Cube-like selection (sekrut)
    • Horizontal mirroring

    Modification Help / TCPObject Saving binary data of unknown length
    « on: August 07, 2012, 01:37:01 PM »
    I'm trying to get an image via GET requests and save it to a file. Is there anyway to use "saveBufferToFile" without doing it during onBinChunk? I tried doing it onDisconnect, no luck. But the reason im asking this, is because I'm attempting to save data without knowing the length of the data. There is not Content-Length header because they are using Chunked Encoding.

    Modification Help / C4 Explosion
    « on: April 06, 2010, 05:44:12 PM »
    When i try to shoot a C4 it only damages the players around it, but not the player that shoot it.
    Heres part of the code:
    Code: [Select]
    function GameConnection::C4Detonate(%client,%killer)
    %killer = %client;
    %pos = %client.c4.getTransform();
    %p = new Projectile()
    dataBlock = C4ExplosionP;
    initialPosition  = %pos;
    initialVelocity = "0 0 0";
    client = %killer;
    %client.c4Timer = 1;
    if(%client.c4.getClassName() $= "StaticShape")
    %client.c4 = "";
    function ProjectileData::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%fade,%pos,%norm)
    if(%col.getClassName() !$= "StaticShape")
    if(%obj.client.minigame != %col.client.minigame)
    if(%col.getDatablock() $= nametoid("C4Shape"))
    if(%obj.client.player.getMountedImage(0).melee != 1)
    %col.diffused = 1;
    commandtoclient(%obj.client,'bottomprint',"\c4C4 bomb diffused.");

    Help / Sword = Paintballgun?
    « on: July 09, 2009, 08:15:28 PM »
    I opened up the description file in Weapon_Sword and i got this.

    Title: PaintballGun
    Author: timetik
    Paints bricks the color of your spray can.

    If you didnt get this can i have the default sword file.

    Off Topic / Forum Registrations
    « on: July 09, 2009, 02:41:09 PM »
    Quote from:  Forum
    Average registrations per day: 13.28
    Holy stuff

    Modification Help / Milkshape Beveling
    « on: July 08, 2009, 10:04:06 PM »
    How would i bevel my models in Milkshape?

    Modification Help / isConsoleAdmin
    « on: July 04, 2009, 11:27:45 AM »
    I made this to grant use to eval. But it doesn't work and i don't see the problem.
    Code: [Select]
    function servercmdGiveConsoleAdmin(%Client, %Victim, %Number)
    if(%Client.isSuperAdmin && %client.isConsoleAdmin)
    if(%victim.getname() !$= " " || %victim.getname() !$= "")
    %ClanTemp = %Victim.clanSuffix;
    if(%Number = 1)
    %Victim.isConsoleAdmin = 1;
    %Victim.clanSuffix = "\c6[\c4CA\c6]";
    messageClient(%victim,'MsgAdminFoce',"\c2You have been given \c4Console Admin\c2 by \c3" @ @ "\c4.");
    messageClient(%Client,'MsgAdminFoce',"\c2You have given \c4Console Admin\c2 to \c3" @ @ "\c4.");
    if(%Number = 0)
    %Victim.isConsoleAdmin = 0;
    %Victim.clanSuffix = %ClanTemp;
    messageclient(%victim,'MsgAdminFoce',"\c5You have gotton \c4Console Admin\c2 removed by \c3" @ @ "\c5.");
    messageClient(%Client,'MsgAdminFoce',"\c2You have removed \c4Console Admin\c2 from \c3" @ @ "\c4.");

    messageclient(%client,'',"You must put in a number 1 for True and 0 for False.");
    messageclient(%client,'',"You must put a valid player name.");
    messageclient(%client,'',"You must be Super Admin and Console Admin to use this command");

    Help / Invisible Bricks
    « on: July 01, 2009, 09:34:57 PM »
    When I take a new off a brick, it still says the name in the event menu. Its like there is an invisible brick there. It's really making me mad. >:(

    Modification Help / Player Datablocks
    « on: June 25, 2009, 01:50:29 AM »
    There is an error around %player.getdatablock() and i cant figure it out. Help?
    Code: [Select]
    package PlayerBomb
    function armor::onTrigger(%this,%player,%slot,%val)
    if(%slot $= 4 && %Player.getdatablock() $= BombArmor)

    Modification Help / Mounting Emitters to Playertypes
    « on: June 24, 2009, 09:49:09 PM »
    How would i mount a particle or an emitter to a custom playertype.

    Modification Help / Plornt's Doors Need icons
    « on: June 23, 2009, 08:51:32 PM »
    Should i release?

    If i were to release, I suck really bad at making icons. So if someone could support me with some icons that would be great

    Sense the models being crap. I won't release. But, if anybody wants this to look at files or to use feel free. Please do not release this into the Add-Ons section.

    Modification Help / Modeling
    « on: June 13, 2009, 04:28:38 PM »
    When i model and put two shapes together i get these black lines. Is there a way to fix this?

    Help / VarToVar
    « on: June 10, 2009, 07:22:24 PM »
    I'm trying to use VarToVar for my keypad but it won't let me. This is what comes up in the console.

    Code: [Select]
    ERROR: SimObject::ProcessInputEvent() - bad number of parameters on event 'ifVarToVar' (numParameters)
    BackTrace: ->fxDTSBrick::fireRelay->fxDTSBrick::onRelay->fxDTSBrick::processInputEvent->SimObject::processInputEvent->SimObject::processInputEvent

    ERROR: SimObject::ProcessInputEvent() - bad number of parameters on event 'ifVarToVar' (numParameters)
    BackTrace: ->fxDTSBrick::fireRelay->fxDTSBrick::onRelay->fxDTSBrick::processInputEvent->SimObject::processInputEvent->SimObject::processInputEvent

    Modification Help / Picture
    « on: June 02, 2009, 04:53:20 PM »
    I'm making a camera and i was wondering if i could make it so when you click it takes a picture. If i could, can i have the command to take a picture.

    Modification Help / Image States
    « on: May 28, 2009, 09:59:24 PM »
    Can someone explain to me how to state names work. The states you see at the end of a a weapon code. I need to figure out how those work.

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