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Topics - Shabach

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Requests / Request ==> ifPlayerdirection
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:35:16 AM »
This event was made some time ago, but RTB has since then redone itself to v3.5 or whatever. I have found numerous occasions where such an event would be extraordinarily helpful. If anyone out there has this event, I would be most appreciative if you could post it, or otherwise link to a mediafire download.

Yes, I have taken the 4 seconds to initiate a search for the file, and have already found the old topic. The download was hosted on an old version of RTB, as I hinted to above.

If (Surprisingly)nobody has this add-on, could one of the better scripters, ones who know what they're doing, make a new version. If such a thing is done, an independent for onActivate AND an accessory version to work alongside VCE would be simply superb.

Suggestions & Requests / I need the 1x1 no-sides/no-lines.
« on: July 25, 2010, 03:41:20 PM »
I accidentally got rid of this brick when I was clearing out my blockland folder. I forgot it was necessary in several of my builds. Can someone either post a dl link, or otherwise tell me how to make an add-on that will use the standard 1x1, but call it the 1x1 no-sides. I just want to load the bricks that go there, instead of trying to figure out where they go, and putting regular 1x1s in their place.

Anything helpful at all would be appreciated.

Suggestions & Requests / Well, might as well post this again
« on: May 29, 2010, 07:46:37 AM »
ANY feedback is welcome
Hey Everybody! I'm a guy that did one thing once on the blockland forums and pretty much forgot about it for about half a year.

That thing was post a save file to a ok build I made a long time ago for version 7 I  think...maybe even earlier. Well some time ago the computer that had all the great old blockland-ness on it decided to poop out on me and is currently in-operable. I was able to find the topic and got all happy when I saw the link for the old build, but it was not to last.

Mediafire, in all its cruel space saving needs, decided to delete the link that had the last copy I knew how to get my build from.

All of that story relates to this request right now: Does anyone still have a copy of that old save file buried deep inside their computers, locked away for this exact circumstance?

The link to the old topic is:

It wasn't the best build I ever made, but I though it was fair for a first try. The MAIN reason I want it back is because i put a LOT of effort into doing some eventing before there were a lot of the event add-ons that made things easier.

I am aware that the chances of it still existing are slim, but I am hopeful yet! If this doesn't work, I'm sure someone will be able to salvage the one file from the broken mass that was my old computer...

Either post a link or PM it to me if you got it.

Yep, it's me asking for old things no one has again...I would like to somehow majestically obtain copies of the old versions of blockland. Yeah, as old as anyone has.

I have majestically obtained these versions:

In order for me to go back any further, I have to have the original Blockland; v1.02

If anyone can provide me with these earlier versions, that would be terrific!
also, if anyone has my build from about two years ago, that would be nice. By now though, it's pretty much just wishful thinking

General Discussion / Solution to my personal VCE problem
« on: May 24, 2010, 12:23:37 PM »
Hi everybody! This is a solution I found to a tragic problem with the Variable Conditional Events. I noticed rather recently, that my VCE v11 was not working properly. I would enter events such as these:

{0} onActivate | Self | VCE_ifValue | <var:cl:lastmsg> [up] [1 1]
{1} onVariabletrue | player | addVelocity [0 0 25]

After making sure everything was entered correctly, I would click "send." I would then click the brick after typing "up." nothing would happen, OR I would click the brick with out saying anything, and it would execute the event anyway. I would check the brick again and see this:

{0} onActivate | Self | VCE_ifValue | <var:cl:lastmsg> [] []
{1} onVariabletrue | Player |addVelocity [0 0 25]

In the old versions of Blockland, many add-ons weren't ported correctly and they ended up messing up other add-ons. Many of us thought those days were over, but I'm afraid to tell you they aren't.

The event setAppearance was the culprit in this situation.

I went through each category of my events, leaving the VCE and that section enabled by themselves. After going down the list a while, I hit the events section. All the other add-ons were  unchecked except the events, and the problem occurred again. I then proceeded to divide the events section into sub-sections of five. After going through this, I found the event and removed it. The problem disappeared. To follow up, in case there were multiple events causing it, I enabled all the remaining events and started a game. The problem was gone.

Ok, the whole reason I'm telling you this long explanation of what I did, is to eliminate the annoying individuals saying "well how do we know your results are accurate?" I'm sure someone will say that, if not in different words, but I am at least making an attempt to help other people.

So, the whole point here is, if you have this event, and are experiencing problems with VCE, check this one first. If you find any other add-ons that cause similar problems, just go ahead and post 'em here

Help / Help: Blockland automatically disables an add-on
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:09:33 PM »
Right, so here I am looking for add-ons when I think to myself, "what was that one I had? SetPrint? Oh yeah! That was it!"

And so I found it! I DL'd it and installed it and activated it and was happy, until I noticed that it didn't show up. It never really occurred to me to care, so I didn't do anything until one day, I glanced at the console and noticed an irregularity in the add-on activation sequence.

It said something along the lines of the add-on being on a list of known problem causers. It didn't say that exactly, but it was close. And so what it does is prevent the add-on from working.

At this point I was thinking; aww...but wait! if it is on a list, then it should show up on a folder-wide search! And so the hunt began. And then ended just as fast.

The search brought about 50 or so files with the name "print" in them, or the word "print" inside the file somewhere. and none of them were lists. Waa!

So here's the whole point of this topic: I need help finding out how I can use my dang add-on! If anyone has any ideas as to what I can do, that would be much appreciated. Hopefully someone will have an answer!

Help / Problems witrh chat HUD
« on: January 04, 2010, 06:57:03 PM »
Right, so I'm having a little problem with my chat and alert HUD. you know, where all the things that happen are displayed for about three seconds? Well for some reason mine won't go away. I'll say something, or load something and it will display it, but the message won't disappear until enough things happen to fill that space again. I'd take a picture of it, but all you would see is a lot of text in the corner.

Suggestions & Requests / Request for ancient save file
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:31:26 PM »
ANY feedback is welcome

Hey Everybody! I'm a guy that did one thing once on the blockland forums and pretty much forgot about it for about half a year.

That thing was post a save file to a ok build I made a long time ago for version 7 I  think...maybe even earlier. Well some time ago the computer that had all the great old blockland-ness on it decided to poop out on me and is currently in-operable. I was able to find the topic and got all happy when I saw the link for the old build, but it was not to last.

Mediafire, in all its cruel space saving needs, decided to delete the link that had the last copy I knew how to get my build from.

All of that story relates to this request right now: Does anyone still have a copy of that old save file buried deep inside their computers, locked away for this exact circumstance?

The link to the old topic is:

It wasn't the best build I ever made, but I though it was fair for a first try. The MAIN reason I want it back is because i put a LOT of effort into doing some eventing before there were a lot of the event add-ons that made things easier.

I am aware that the chances of it still existing are slim, but I am hopeful yet! If this doesn't work, I'm sure someone will be able to salvage the one file from the broken mass that was my old computer...

Either post a link or PM it to me if you got it.

Music / Ooops
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:54:19 PM »
Never mind, already been done

Off Topic / !cipoT sdrawkcaB
« on: December 28, 2008, 04:56:43 PM »
I figured this would be fun, so I made a random topic, and actually in the right area!
everything (except for this explanation) SHOULD be typed backward! you can talk about anything though...

!!!nigeb ssenbmud eht teL

Suggestions & Requests / mods please...
« on: December 18, 2008, 11:22:34 PM »
I am an avid player, and therefore like to play around with the old versions of BL too.
Seeing as Badspot has removed the archives section of the forums, i can no longer get my old mods.
If anyone still has some of the old add-ons, or has their entire folder, or stuff, I would be very appreciative if you would post a link to mediafire (or another site like it) where I could get them.

Specific mods i am looking for:
trader's old bot mod.
The "patrolbot" mod

any of the old weapons,musics, or decals would be appreciated!

Gallery / Shabach's First build! Criticism welcome!
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:32:54 PM »
Hey, this is my first build ever!

It is a Zombie DM
There are helpful teleports to get you back to the build if you get lost.
Almost all functions of the Zombie storage areas are controlled on a panel.
Has some pretty cool events
Neat areas
...and Zombies!

This is the bottom, if you fall here, there is a way to get back to the top

Overview of the top area

The uber-console,EVERYbutton does something

This is the outside of one of the Zombie areas

This is a cool symbol I made when testing out relay events, it is on the ground, everything else is in the air!

Oh...and don't worry about bricks, only 5343!

Here is the save if you want it
And you can use the overview as a save pic


Feel free to comment

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