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Topics - LaCuckooRacha

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Off Topic / Holy crap, I gots me some confidence.
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:57:31 PM »
Well, with the recent news that I am definitely moving back to the same neighborhood I grew up in, I will not have to take exams, and that I only have to go to around 30 more days of school, I have been completely happy for the first time in over 4 years.  :D  The knowledge that I will only see the starfishs in my school a maximum of 41 more times as of now, and that I only have 9 more Theology and Philosophy lessons has only added to that joy.

At lunch, I went around with the group of friends I have collected over the four years here, and realized that I have a pretty awesome life.  Even my least favorite teacher in my least favorite class yelling at me about how I "didn't even scrape a U" in the mock test for an exam I most likely won't be taking didn't bother me. :D

Tonight I had to do a mountain of work, I only managed to write one paragraph.  I am still excited to go to school tomorrow and talk to my friends about subjects that interest all of us, and to know that I am just wasting the time of most of my teachers, as they are currently helping us revise very obscure parts of a completely different course to the one I will be taking in a year, to help with a test I will not be taking.  Tomorrow I am sitting a re-test of that mock in an effort to determine if it was just a fluke that I did so horribly, I have not thoroughly revised for this test, but I know that after it is done, it is done, and there is nothing to worry about.

TL;DR: My life is awesome because I see it that way, and that's how I want it to be.

Anyway, I just wanted to share what was on my mind. :P  Discuss optimism I guess. :/

Off Topic / I've got paranoia.
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:17:09 PM »
Yep.  Never thought it was anything more than just being afraid of random stuff when I was younger, but it turns out it is not normal for a fifteen year old to have to check his room for monsters every time he walks into it.  It also explains why I can never trust anyone I know with personal things and secrets, and why I seem to be on the verge of insanity.

There's a problem though.  Apparently, it is good to have an outlet for any emotions or fears I have, as it helps with calming the mind and building trust.  I cannot trust my own mother with secrets, and I know I cannot just explain that I have paranoia.  When I try to tell my mother or father about anything that may be wrong with me, it is usually three days before they will believe me, and during that time they will ridicule me. :(

I looked up methods of curing paranoia, and it is strongly suggested that I consult a psychiatrist about my paranoia to help locate the source of my paranoia and to help with getting over it.  I do not want to have to ask my parents to take me to one, I am afraid of the ridicule I will receive from that.  Thinking about the source of my paranoia, it may have been a mixture of my parents not seeming to care about my problems, and my brother constantly trying to make me watch horror movies when I was four years old.

Any suggestions on what to do?

Off Topic / Understanding Five Dimensions.
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:15:56 PM »
This is a guide to comprehending five dimensions, and how they work.

The null dimension

Not too hard to understand this one.
Imagine a single point, with no length, width or height.  This cannot interact with other things, and thus neither exists or can be measured.

The first dimension

Again, a fairly simple concept.
Say we took that null point from before, and gave it a length, width or height.  This still could not interact on the third dimension, as it is simply a line.  This has no physical properties, as nothing can exist inside this line.  It can only be measured in one dimension.

The second dimension

You are probably familiar with this one.  However, a two dimensional object cannot reflect light, as nothing can be within.  It may have a surface area, but it has no depth, so it still cannot interact with other objects in the third dimension.

The third dimension

If you do not already know how this one works, you must have a lot of trouble in everyday life.  Humans can only comprehend the third dimension naturally.  An object in the third dimension has length, width and height.  This can interact with other objects.

The fourth dimension

This is experienced every day, but only one place at a time.  Just as a 2d object is just one cross-section of a 3d object, the 3d object is just one point of a 4d object.

If we dropped a cube onto another object, we will see it move.  In the fourth dimension, we could see any part of this movement at will.  Just as we can see any point along the height of a pole, we could see any point in space at any point in time.  However, we would only see the future in a single way, as a pre-determined pathway without:

The fifth dimension

Just like the fourth dimension deals with points along a timeline, the third dimension deals with points along a third vector, the second dimension deals with points along a second vector and so on; the fifth dimension deals with points along many different timelines.
If you could see five dimensions of a certain physical point, not only could you see the height, width, depth and timeline of it, but you could also see every possible situation that point could have been in.  If this is hard to understand, try this:

Let's take a point on Earth, next to a beautiful lake.  Now, we could see the Earth spin under this point along the timeline in the fourth dimension, from the time this point existed to the point it stopped existing.  If we saw the same point in the same time, but in the fifth dimension, we could see any possible configuration of this scenery.  Instead of this beautiful lake, perhaps Earth formed an identical lake out of lava instead, and Earth is a barren mess of volcanic activity.  Or, perhaps, the lake was two centimeters deeper than the one we saw.

I kinda lost myself a bit while writing this, so if this makes no sense, tell me.

Off Topic / My money does not seem to be anywhere...
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:08:54 PM »
A while ago, I had to pay around £700 to repair my computer because of a faulty part.  My parents told me that I would have to pay all of it.  My parents have been saying that all my money has been going to pay off the debt, however they still believe that I owe them £700, and that I have yet to pay them.  Whenever I question this, they tell me that the money is in my bank account, which I found out a few months ago didn't exist.  When I ask one parent about where my money is, they tell me to talk about it with the other parent.  When I ask them both in the same room, they are suddenly too busy to talk.  I have earned over £200 over the past few months, however I cannot use it for anything because it is "somewhere".

We are financially stable, and my parents do not need to be stealing money from me, so I don't know why they do it...

Off Topic / "You wanna see my richard?"
« on: December 26, 2010, 10:32:22 AM »
Simply search your middle name into google images and take the first one, then put "You wanna see my richard?" or "Did you touch my ass?" on it.

It has to be the first image, even if it makes no sense.  If it is classed as adult-content, go on to the next one.

If you have no middle name, use either your first or last name instead.

Off Topic / Worst nosebleed of my life.
« on: December 05, 2010, 01:54:52 PM »
Yes yes, "Ooh something bad happened to me, I will go tell a forum that plays with internet legos!".

So I have had at least one nosebleed per day for the past year or so, but they are all minor, and insignificant.  Today, my nose was bleeding, so I decided to breathe in softly through my nose to dry out the blood and let it clot, but suddenly a huge splash of blood was flowing down my throat.  I reacted by coughing, which caused a burst of blood, enough to fill a wine glass, to burst out of my nose.  Thankfully I had moved my computer to the floor, and the blood simply splashed into my lap.  My brother got freaked out and shouted in surprise, which caused my heart to race, which made more blood start running from my nose as fast as water.  I abandoned the tissues, and went to the sink, my mother came in, gave me a towel an an icepack, which didn't help at all.  I used the icepack and towel to cover my face as I sat down in the living room, every time I removed the towel, a gush of blood would come out.  Eventually I stopped it by pinching my nose for 10 minutes, and the blood has finally stopped flowing out.

I am going to see the doctor about this in the morning, I have been having lots of nosebleeds from the same area of my nose for a long time, but this one was terrible.

Off Topic / Troll to save kid's lives!
« on: December 02, 2010, 02:26:33 PM »
Type anything you want into the box, for every name, the bank will pay 1kr to dying children.
Troll it, spam it, whatever, but you are still saving children's lives. :D

Edit:  4chan has been trolling it as well, I have seen "PUDDIPUDDIPUDDI" go past, "monday Lover", DESUDESUDESUDESU", etc. :3

Off Topic / What is wrong with me?
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:04:37 AM »
Every so often I will suddenly feel a wave of comfort surge through my body, then I will collapse onto the floor.  It has been happening since last night, when I woke up really thirsty in the middle of the night, but had nothing to drink.  I have had plenty of water all day, and stayed home all day today.  I also feel really tired and uncomfortable.
The wave of comfort feels really nice, but then I feel empty inside, then really cold, then too hot, then I want to sleep, then I fall over or collapse.  I have had a headache for two days now, but it seems to be gone.

What is wrong with me? D:

Off Topic / Legally prove the existence of Santa Claus.
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:28:45 AM »

You are now a lawyer, and you must legally prove that not only does Santa exist, but he is in this courtroom.  Legally prove that your client is the one and only Santa.  You may pull out facts and opinions from any source, but you may not use any material from the original movie.  Also the post office does not send the letters to the North Pole, they sometimes send them to volunteers to be answered, or dispose of them.

Being a lawyer, you do not have to be balanced in the facts you give, as the point is to prove that your client is Santa.  Saying he doesn't exist loses the argument.

Off Topic / The Hadron Collider did it!
« on: November 08, 2010, 05:31:43 PM »

Off Topic / Explaining the infinite, yet expanding universe.
« on: November 04, 2010, 03:34:29 PM »
So, this is partly from a physics lesson at school, and partly from documentaries and my own knowledge, I will attempt to illustrate in a simple way, how the universe can be infinite, yet be expanding.

First off, the universe is not exactly infinite.  What scientists mean by "infinite", is that you can keep going in a straight line, and never hit a solid end of the universe.

So, think of the universe as a wheel, a flat surfaced, but round wheel.  Now, if we were to go much faster than the speed of light, we could imagine this wheel is a 2d version of the universe.  The 2d metaphor works, because you are only traveling in one direction at any one time.  If you were to be going forward, but angled up at 20°, you could just imagine the next millimeter of the wheel is at 20°.  Now, if you are going straight in any direction in the universe, you will end up back where you started.  (If you don't run into an object or die.)  So, imagine going in one direction as going around the wheel.  You will eventually end up where you started, but never ran into an edge or teleported.  You have gone the entire length of the universe.  Now, if the universe is expanding, let's have the wheel expand as well.  Now that the wheel has expanded, it will take longer to do one full rotation of the wheel, just as it now takes longer to traverse the entire length of the universe.  In a 3d world (like our own), pretend that the direction you are going is forward on the wheel, you never change angles, but you end up going in a loop (pretend the wheel is turning instead, like a treadmill).

Off Topic / Céline Fonck
« on: October 24, 2010, 11:51:42 AM »
A woman by the name of Céline Fonck is connected to the network of the house we are staying at in Granada, Spain.  In her "dossier public" of her macbook pro, (yes, she is apparently French) she has google sketchup pro 7, limewire, adobe photoshop cs3 and a whole bunch more expensive programs.  I can directly copy all of these files onto my macbook pro, and have all of the activated files to keep.  I know a lot of the programs are out of date, but they would be free.

I cannot be guaranteed that all of these files are legit, nor can I locate this woman.  I can take a screenshot for proof.

I am wondering, should I copy all of these files?  Would I get in trouble if found out?  Will this affect her computer in any way that I don't know of?

Off Topic / So, it is now October
« on: October 02, 2010, 08:43:09 AM »
And therefore, we need a scary thread.

That means creepypasta, scary images, scary gifs, scary stories and discussions about Halloween.

I'm not sure if screamers are against the rules if you tell us it's a screamer.

Let's try to keep this topic alive until the 31st.

Off Topic / This may be my last year in England.
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:10:08 PM »
I have lived in England for 3 years. (Summer to summer mind you)  And by next summer I may be moving back to America.  I am not sure whether I should be happy to be going home, or sad to be leaving my new friends.

I like the school system here, I like being so close to just about every European country and I like the mildness of the weather.
I miss my old friends, I hate living a nine hour flight away from my family, I hate the assumption the brits have that Americans are all fat and gay, and I miss all my favorite foods that I can't get here.

Off Topic / Scary thread
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:43:11 PM »
I have noticed a dangerous lack of anything scary.  I want this to be solved.
Edit:  Gifs should be in links so it takes less time to load.

So, you you get some sleep tonight, you win.  :D

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