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Topics - Rykuta

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Off Topic / Formally Starting Up A Youtube Channel
« on: August 31, 2014, 03:55:06 PM »
So I've been beating around the bush for a very long time with the intention of doing stuff with my speaking abilities for a while now and decided it was finally time to actually put forth the effort into creating some proper content on Youtube with it, having no idea where to start I made this quick intro video: both to guide myself and sorta ask around anyone who watches it what I should be doing.

I figured I'd also ask the forums since I will likely not be getting very many responses for that video on youtube itself. Whata you guys think I should start with?

So Nexus told me today about this fabulous new thing I can do with Blockland's Lighting engine, special thanks to Kompressor for amusing me for a solid 5 minutes today.

Unrelated: How do I get movie maker to not nerf video quality/framerate?


I don't know how many of you have been keeping up to date with my coding progress or any of my armaments, (HK Being a good example); but I've been working on and refining some codes I call my "AdvGuns Support". The premise behind them is simple: To allow for the most advanced and well integrated armament features that any up and coming weapon designer would be at a loss without. The codes themselves are (Hopefully) well written, easy to understand, and implementation is as easy as adding the:

Code: [Select]
RYG_Support = 1; (That minus is an Equals... wtf?)
Into your guns, among a few other interesting values, allowing for maximum customization.

As this is strictly a code project, there are no real pictures I can show, just feature listings, and a few interesting points worth noting.

Features Included:
  • Adaptive ammo system: Different from Space Guy's version, featuring a setItem fix for events that force items into the player's inventory.
  • Includes dryfire support: AKA Firing without any bullets in the mag. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Extra round support: Allows for there to be an extra round in a mag if you reload it without emptying the clip, for example: 15/30 goes to 31/30 bullets. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Advanced Recoil Codes and Falloff Functions: Functions included to allow weapons a wide variety of spread and damage features.
  • Movement Modifiers: These are significantly more dynamic than the simple "IF VELOCITY > 1" codes. These will take into account the player's velocity, and how long since the user stopped moving, so accuracy will not return to flawless when the player isn't moving, and moving faster will cause recoil to increase.
  • SpamFire Support: These recoil codes require a user to have short controlled bursts for more accuracy, as spamming the trigger or firing often will cause the weapon's recoil to skyrocket, allowing for interesting burst requirements if the user wishes to retain accuracy.
  • Damage Falloff: Weapon damage falls off with range, further the bullet travels, the less damage it deals. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Bipod Support: Weapons can implement a Bipod to correct accuracy, The bipod works by requiring players to find the TOP OF A BRICK and right click. This will stabilize the gun and greatly reduce recoil. It also has crouching protect, which says that if you deploy your bipod while crouching, and then uncrouch, you will also undeploy your bipod.
  • Supports both Raycasting and Non-Raycasting: The codes have been written with support functions that can be implemented by old-school weapon developers who still feel the need to use non-raycasting weapons, although at the moment, more support exists for raycasting.
  • Simple & Elegant implementation: Because understanding giant functions is a hard thing to do, and copy-pasting them is even more annoying (See T+T if you don't know what I'm talking about) I have developed all of these codes to be as easy to implement as adding a new variable to your datablock. So even complete weapon designer novices can use these advanced features in their weapons, and make top notch designs.

The features listed above are for the most part completed, there may be some refining to do here and there.

This topic probably looks very familiar, as I made a very similar one, (mostly identical now that I think about it), a while back. The only difference this time around is that I am including two files to download; the (Incomplete) support codes, and some useful weapon assets that I like to use (WIP). These add-ons will be separately developed from the mainstream HK and any other weapon-sets that I create in the future; they are also available for you to use at your own pleasure in your own projects. If you have suggestions or want me to change, edit, fix, improve, add certain features; feel free to write the changes and show them to me, or simply suggest them to me and I'll get to all of them eventually.

The goal here is to simplify the process of weapon creation to allow for a multitude of creative balancing options and unique weapon handling styles while also simultaneously making it super easy to mass produce different weapons of varying type, I will also be creating a tutorial video on how to create weapons, whether you use my support codes or write your own.

Download Some Support Codes! (If you plan on ever using HK once Khain stops being dead, I recommend you download both of these now.)

V0.8 Advanced Weapons! (Support code that lets you do everything I listed above, and more.) (WIP)
V0.7 Weaponset Assets! (Fancy sounds/effects) (WIP)

I have not had proper time to test the RyAsset file enough to make sure it actually functions properly, As it is definitely incomplete, please let me know if you notice anything Odd going on with the HK pack if you use them in conjunction.

Keep in mind neither are feature complete, so please read the version numbers on each of them! And if you have any questions please: Ask them here!


Also: Check out the HK Topic to see very early versions of the weaponset, as well as a more recent alpha build!

And if anyone wants to do me a solid and make this topic look much prettier, that would be awesome! I'm not very good at being artsy fartsy.

Off Topic / Kickstarting: Potato Salad
« on: July 06, 2014, 04:47:16 AM »
Best Kickstarter campaign I've ever seen.

Zack Danger Brown, you sir have earned yourself a dollar.

Off Topic / The Mystery Of Football Manager 2014
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:59:10 AM »
So, this has been bugging me for quite a while now:

June 19th 12:56AM Central Time

Out of the 600+ people I have come into contact with, and the hundreds of groups I've been associated with in the past, not a single person has ever even heard of this game, let alone played it. Yet somehow it finds its way onto steam's top player count each day. All the other games on the list look like ones I could generally expect to have huge playercounts, but wtf is with this title. Its like the rouge skittle in my M&Ms that somehow snuck its way in there and is pretending to be made of chocolate.

Does anyone at all have any idea about this, at all? Is there some group of players that use steam solely to play this game and not for a single other purpose? Like some hidden cult hiding in some crazy man's abandoned warehouse?

Off Topic / Voice-acting potential? Does Rykuta Has The Words?
« on: May 26, 2014, 10:36:29 PM »
So a friend of mine asked me for my honest review of Runescape because he was looking to play it. Instead of writing anything, I made an absurdly over-the-top vocaroo voice review. Apparently my friend peed his pants laughing, and said that I had the best voice he had ever heard. Please forgive the quality as I have a terrible microphone that sometimes statics up the place, also ADULT LANGUAGE BE ADVISED

After sharing it around a bit, I pretty much got exactly the same results. So I'm curious, is my voice really that fabulous or have I been led astray. I'm on the verge of buying recording software and starting up an actual commentary/rant/idfk on youtube so, seriously, how do I sound?

Oh, and if you want me to do any sound clips for your whatever it is you're doing, let me know; I do accents too~! And I'll do it free cuz, lol, I enjoy doing stuff like this.

Off Topic / Steam: Let the shovelware dumping continue!
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:27:42 PM »
I'm annoyed, It's not too often I actually get annoyed enough to write about it, but this is getting straight up handicapped in here. I can understand wanting to inject a little more money into older games for nostalgia's sake like Battlefront 2 and Knights of the Old Republic; but who in their stupid right mind would want stuff like: "Escape The Lost Kingdom: The Forgotten Pharaoh" Some game that is apparently designed to run on Windows XP, or how about Freddi Fish? That game was around in the 90s... for an audience of first graders. Sure its nice to be reminded of these things, but holy crap the quantity of them being dumped on steam is just stupid.

I can't really decide what's more annoying though, the shovelware; games that have metascores of under 30 being plopped into steam to try to hijack money from suckers. Or maybe the iOS games being ported onto PC even though they play horribly and are usually ported handicappedly. Or how about those stupid Facebook games, yaknow the ones where you just click stuff to make stuff happen and wait hours on end for stuff to occur, those clones are great and I totally want to play them over games like Half-Life or Endless Legend.

The best part though is when you get to see stuff like this:

Stupid shovelware; but get this... ITS ON STEAMS NEW RELEASE PAGE TWICE :O AMAZING! It's almost like they're trying to keep their game up there even longer, despite the fact that it has ALREADY BEEN RELEASED 3 YEARS AGO, good freaking lord steam, are you drunk right now or are you just trying to give me excuses to use origin.

I literally find myself popping my way onto the early access section of steam, because at least those games are in the slightest bit worth paying for, even if they're utterly unfinished; I want new games, I'm bored, but steam doesn't have any... GOOD STUFF

Anyways I'm done, Steam is drunk and I'm not buying any new games on there any time soon, even if new good games get released; cuz they ain't getting my service till they at least separate their new releases page from actual new releases VS rereleases. Or maybe do some QUALITY CONTROL?

Agree, disagree, thoughts? I'd love to hear if anyone else is just as annoyed or willing to live with it. Nostalgia is not an excuse to ruin genuinely new games opportunities to succeed; and moneygrubbing is an even worse excuse.

EDIT: The picture is probably a glitch on steam, but its the reason that my sanity was driven over the end.

Games / Hammerwatch - A Game Of Dungeons
« on: September 02, 2013, 06:24:01 PM »


Hammerwatch, simply put, is a dungeon runner. And a good one a that, combining a classy 8-bit style with a fantastic array of gameplay and mechanics. For fans of the classic Gauntlet game, expect something very similar. Despite its 8-bit appearance; the game features some rather fancy 8-bit graphics, with shadows, shaders, fancy effects, and a few other bits and bobs that make the experience all the more fun. Despite having a slight lack of default content, the game does feature a level editor, which expands its gameplay by the boatload, assuming you can understand the interface.

Hammerwatch is a game forged by Jochum Skoglund and Niklas Myrberg; with a soundtrack designed by TwoFeathers. The game features four basic classes, some skillsets, a massive multilevel dungeon with secrets, puzzles, warp zones, and other fabulous features. And a metric stuffload of enemies to beat down. The game is a hack and slash adventure, calling back to the classic Gauntlet titles of old. Presently the game only contains two dungeons: The main campaign which spans four acts, each with three levels and a boss; and an endless defense style game-mode which pins the player against endless waves of enemies. There are many secrets to discover along the way, and shop keepers to keep the player and his party going strong.

There are four playable classes in Hammerwatch:
The Paladin is one of the melee classes in the game, but he can attack faster than any of the other classes. He is very durable, starting with the second most health and the most defense, but he deals the least amount of damage. Later he can improve his swing radius and his shield radius. The Paladin starts out with the Charge ability allowing him to dash forward destroying anything in his path. He can also gain a healing skill, which heals himself and all allies, and a Holy Storm ability that allows him to spin around in a circle dealing huge volumes of damage per second. The Paladin also has a passive stun ability, and all of his special abilities increase as sword damage increases, allowing him to do more damage the more powerful his basic attack is.
The Ranger, as his name suggests, is the primary ranged class of the game and has the longest range of the two ranged classes. His health is the second lowest while his defense is decent. He deals the second most damage out of all the classes. He can later increase his range and damage, as well as enemies penetrated. The Ranger starts out with a bomb ability, similar to the likes of bomber man bomb placement, allowing him to take out large groups of enemies at once. He also can later purchase a trap ability, which snares enemies in a radius; and an arrow spin, which allows him to spin in a 360 degree arc, shooting out arrows in all directions. The Ranger has two passive abilities that can be upgraded, The first is a dodge ability, allowing him to completely negate damage at a percentage, and a critical hit ability, which lets him deal huge damage on occasion.
The Wizard is the second ranged class in Hammerwatch. Using his mystic powers, the Wizard can cast a fireball which explodes in a radius upon impact, damaging anything nearby. He has the lowest health out of all of the classes but some of the strongest magical attacks. He has a significantly lower range then that of the Ranger; but is still capable of hitting enemies from afar. The mage has a firebreath ability, which allows him to spew fire in front of him, scorching any enemies in his wake. Later he can be upgraded with an ice flash, which freezes or slows enemies near him in a radius; and a meteor storm, which floods a large area around the Wizard with meteors, dealing massive damage. The wizard also has two passive abilities; the first is to negate damage and freeze enemies at a percentage; the second is for his attacks to catch enemies on fire. (Also a percentage chance)
The Warlock is a bit of a hybrid class; the best of both worlds between the Paladin and the Wizard. By default, he is a melee class, but his magic abilities allow him to get some serious range on his opponents. He has the most health (But not the most defense) of all the classes, and the highest damage. His tiny dagger is not nearly as useful as the paladin's sword however, and can only parry lighter attacks. It does however have a chance to poison enemies on hit. The Warlock, can fire a lightning bolt, that dashes between a certain number of enemies, dealing the same among of damage to them, it is a ranged attack, great at crowd control. He can unlock two other abilities later down the road, A life steal nova, that steals health from enemies in a radius; and a massive lightning storm ability allowing damaging enemies near you. He has two passive abilities, a life and manasteal ability.

There are 4 acts in Hammerwatch, each with their own unique layout, enemies, secrets, and tile set.
There are many floors to the deadly dungeon of Castle Hammerwatch. Each becoming significantly more difficult to the last. Each time you go down a floor, your troubles grow exponentially. The quantity of enemies, the toughness of enemies, the trap quantity, and the secret quantity. Expect heavy resistance throughout each floor you travel in.

The game is also divided into four acts. (The fourth of which's name I forgot); they are as follows:
• The Prison: (Boss is The Queen) (SHOWN)
• The Armory: (Boss is The Knight)
• The Archives: (Boss is The Lich)
• The Finale: (Boss is ???)

Along your encounters you may find a shop keeper. There are quite a few different store types to locate, each with their own tier of equipment you can purchase using the gold and gems collected throughout your travels. There is a combo vendor; whose job is to sell you combo related upgrades (You get bonuses as you slay more enemies); a defense vendor, whose job is to sell you defensive abilities or armor; a vitality vendor, whose job is to sell you health or mana; an attack vendor, who sells damage and damaging abilities/upgrades; finally there is a potions vender who sells potions for your travels.

Each Act is also split up into three floors, each with its own secrets, traps, and enemies to face; as well as loot to discover.

Included in each floor you reach will be keys, and colored doors. Bronze keys open bronze doors, silver keys open silver doors, and gold keys open gold doors. Keep on the look out for Ankhs as well; as they will boost your life count. PROTIP: Do not be afraid to use keys whenever the opportunity presents itself, you will always have enough keys in the dungeon to open every single door available; as long as you look.

This game, is VERY VERY HARD. If you do not put on some modifiers to make your experience less stressful. By default you are given a small life limit; and very minimal damage towards enemies, it is HIGHLY recommended that if you plan on playing the game in its default state, you have a full party of people who are already experienced to some degree with the dungeons.

Hammerwatch Website
Hammerwatch On Steam/Greenlight

Keep in mind I haven't covered quite everything, but that's the point of the discussion topic right?

Gallery / WW2 - Ostheer Infantrie Gruppen Post
« on: August 23, 2013, 01:10:37 AM »
Because I play Company of Heroes. And because the Ostheer are badasses. Here is a German infantry bunker, it includes a halftrack garage, and some troop quarters.

Feel free to rate x/10.

Also Frontrox is a tank commander; and Spencer is a local hobo the Infantrie garrison is training to do tricks.

Off Topic / EA On the HumbleBundle: BF3 for 5 Dorreh - Mind boggled
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:48:13 PM »

Pay what you want for games from EA? Now that's one thing I thought I'd never hear in my lifetime.

Add-Ons / Ammo Box - A Droppable Refill
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:23:35 PM »
The ammo box: AS SEEN IN BF3

The Ammo Box Of Destiny

So I was cleaning out my files the other day and stumbled upon an old add-on I had developed around the time TW1.2 was under construction. (For those who don't know, my file organization is similar to Aperture Science's; where everything that's old gets sealed away, and then the new is built over it.) This handy tool was designed to give resupplying on the field purpose; no more spawning annoying little singular ammo piles or whatever, now you've got ammo on the go, for you and your teammates.

  • An ammo box (pickup) item, that allows you to receive full ammo whenever you walk over it.
  • An inventory item that you can carry around with you and drop onto the ground for other players to resupply from.
  • Support for T+T (Despite the outdatedness of T+T, people still use it), as well as my older weapon-sets; if you wish for your weapon-set to be supported, merely include the code to refill your guns in the topic.

UPCOMING FEATURES: (If demand is high enough)
  • Perhaps prefs to control how much ammo it gives you.
  • Prefs to disable the boxes disappearing after 30 seconds.
  • Prefs for how often the thing can be used.


  • Code: Rykuta
  • Model: Jink
  • General Help: Ipquarx

Oh, one last thing, this add-on has been sitting around for quite a while, so if you notice any glitches or problems with it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. Kthx, enjoy your ammo box!


So I got my steam update, but that little number there caught my eye. I wondered, if a game costs negative one cent, does that mean I can make money by getting copies of the game?

GJ Steam, Thank you for giving me the source of infinite monies.

Modification Help / Advanced Armaments - Support Code (UPDATE 2/21/13)
« on: January 18, 2013, 03:18:49 PM »
I don't know how many of you have been keeping up to date with my coding progress or any of my armaments, (HK Being a good example); but I've been working on and refining some codes I call my "AdvGuns Support". The premise behind them is simple: To allow for the most advanced and well integrated armament features that any up and coming weapon designer would be at a loss without. The codes themselves are (Hopefully) well written, easy to understand, and implementation is as easy as adding the:
Code: [Select]
RYG_Support =1;Into your guns, among a few other interesting values, allowing for maximum customization.

As this is strictly a code project, there are no real pictures I can show, just feature listings, and a few interesting points worth noting.

Features Included:
  • Adaptive ammo system: Different from Space Guy's version, featuring a setItem fix for events that force items into the player's inventory.
  • Includes dryfire support: AKA Firing without any bullets in the mag. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Extra round support: Allows for there to be an extra round in a mag if you reload it without emptying the clip, for example: 15/30 goes to 31/30 bullets. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Advanced Recoil Codes and Falloff Functions: Functions included to allow weapons a wide variety of spread and damage features.
  • Movement Modifiers: These are significantly more dynamic than the simple "IF VELOCITY > 1" codes. These will take into account the player's velocity, and how long since the user stopped moving, so accuracy will not return to flawless when the player isn't moving, and moving faster will cause recoil to increase.
  • SpamFire Support: These recoil codes require a user to have short controlled bursts for more accuracy, as spamming the trigger or firing often will cause the weapon's recoil to skyrocket, allowing for interesting burst requirements if the user wishes to retain accuracy.
  • Damage Falloff: Weapon damage falls off with range, further the bullet travels, the less damage it deals. (Can Be Toggled Via RTB)
  • Bipod Support: Weapons can implement a Bipod to correct accuracy, The bipod works by requiring players to find the TOP OF A BRICK and right click. This will stabilize the gun and greatly reduce recoil. It also has crouching protect, which says that if you deploy your bipod while crouching, and then uncrouch, you will also undeploy your bipod.
  • Supports both Raycasting and Non Raycasting: The codes have been written with support functions that can be implemented by old-school weapon developers who still feel the need to use non raycasting weapons, although at the moment, more support exists for raycasting.
  • Simple & Elegant implementation: Because understanding giant functions is a hard thing to do, and copy-pasting them is even more annoying (See T+T if you don't know what I'm talking about) I have developed all of these codes to be as easy to implement as adding a new variable to your datablock. So even complete weapon designer novices can use these advanced features in their weapons, and make top notch designs.

The features listed above are 100% completed and function as intended.

Intended/Upcoming Features:
  • Backwards compatibility: Since these codes use advanced versions of all currently known weapon support codes, compatibility may be in question, I intend to iron this out, unless someone can convince all weapon designers using ammo to switch over to this system.
  • Guns that level up through use: Self explanatory I hope, increase things like reload speed, fire rate, damage, etc.
  • Minigun/Vulcan spinup code: Raiden Spinnaz, no but seriously, shoot more, fire faster, yay.

At the moment, I am in need of weapon designers that wish to test the use of my codes with their weaponsets, so I can get proper feedback on any glitches or problems they are having, and resolve them before the official release of the codes. Just shoot me a PM if you are interested in using them.


Feedback? Suggestions for editions to the code before release? Desire to use/test? Post away!

Q: Do you plan on releasing these for public use?
A: Yes, when I have people actually using them, because a support script on it's own is useless without implementers

Q: How can I use these for my weapons?
A: PM or Email me, I'll send back information regarding how you can be a part of the testing crew.

UPDATE: 2/21/13
Hello all! Just wanted to tell you that the code has been updated. I am pleased to announce that I have added limited ammunition into the mix as requested, as well as the famous ammobox, sadly you cannot throw it at enemies to kill them. (However funny that would be)

The ammo box comes in two forms, the (Item) and the (Droppable) (Both can be spawned from bricks.) The item form is the one you walk over and pick up ammo from, the droppable one is the one players actually add to their inventory, so they can drop the box on their own.

The limited ammunition script includes support for both special ammotypes, as well as one per gun. By default it uses a per-gun basis, but if you want to make your weapons more like T+T (IE, 9mm rounds, RPG rounds, etc) instructions have been included, and support exists for these to work as well. Read the readme, ask me questions, and read the server.cs

Next things on my Agenda:
  • Proper non-raycasting weapon support (The functions I have in place for these are rather cumbersome, more so than necessary, since I want my system to be usable by all types of weapons, I'll need to adjust these)
  • Other random/interesting features. (I AM ACCEPTING SUGGESTIONS/REQUESTS!)
  • Proper ADS support. (Suggested by Khain, apparently people actually like ironsights (?) however, the current means of going about adding ADS to weaponry in blockland is about as inefficient and cumbersome as far as the code is concerned. It will double the datablock count of any weaponset, as well as looking fairly clunkyfull.

Off Topic / Obama won't support building 'Death Star'
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:40:38 PM »
Thank you humanity for proving to me that star wars is still cool.


US definatly needs more star wars talk regarding national defense, Discuss.

Old thread is old, new thread is new.

Modification Help / Corporate Warfare: Glorious Weapons
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:36:49 PM »
Companies fight wars, not just people you know!

OVERVIEW:This world is full of plenty of unique gun developers, each with their own styles and designs. Guns specialising in different things. You know, the things that make monopolies impossible. As such, in the blocko-verse, we need to keep our tech up to par with the rest of the world. Thus I present to you CORPORATE WARFARE! Weapon developers from around the blockverse are clashing in a battle of development and engineering with, ironically, a war as the battlegrounds for these corporate giants. For you see, blockland is being torn apart by a great and devastating evil! The 40k's are invading, and bringing with them a wave of noobs more dangerous than any previous batch, with blockland at war, companies are pumping out even more of their amazing hardware.

Which one will you buy?
  • High Octane - "Did you know 99% of noobs aren't blown up as of right now? We aim to fix that!"
  • Old Fashioned - "Bringing the good old days of the wild (blocko)west to your fingertips, aim for the head!"
  • Clockwork Steampunk - "Steam and fire! Coal and Cogs!: We make bullets Go, FAST!"
  • Elegant & Futuristic - "Form meets function, guns for any a combatant's needs. Just charge them up, and fire away!"
  • Makeshift - "Hank make guns, hank shoot guns, hank like when guns has lots ammo, also attachments."
  • Organic - "Because like, we can't just all get along maaannn, gotta steal that life energy so I can be better!"

Each developer will have their own unique array of armaments to choose from, no repeats! That means you get 100% unique armaments!
Also: if you happen to have any interesting ideas on gimmicks you want to see added, let us know; if you need further explanation of the companies, just ask.

PROJECT MEMBERS: (In order of importance (lol JK, It's random))
  • Rykuta - Lead Programmer/Project CEO
  • Khain - Lead Model Design/Project VP
  • Azerath - Modeler
  • PiTheKhoz - Modeler
  • Ben VineGrape - More Modeler
  • Ippy-Q RX - Coding assistance
  • Zloff - Coding/Ui/Ci Assitance, Bitch

Donators will get perks, yay.
  • Below $5: Name listed on topic as cool bro, speeds up production.
  • $5-$10: Beta Access unlocked, you get to play with the guns b4 everyone else
  • $10-$20: Alpha Access, you get to play with the guns while they're still in development!
  • $20-$50: Premium Access, same as alpha, except you also get the exclusive ATOMIX weapon corp's armaments, plus dibs on beta slots in future RyMod developments.
  • $100+: I, will, suck, your, balls.
  • $1000+: I will be your love slave for life

Wanna help (Test/Model/Codes)? CATCH A STTEEEEAAAAMM... AND MSG ME!
Kthx, Questions? Comments? Other random such things? Post away! Also, sorry: not the most ornate topic ever, I'm sure Khain'll help me spicey it up eventually.

PROGRESS: 12% Planning Phase, Some Models Done (Motivation Is High!) (I have also aquired exceedingly useful code from an old private weaponset of Space's, giving me further knowledge on highly advanced weaponry, including level-up systems, chargable arms, and storing data when a weapon is dropped.)


-Ben GrapePine-


Also: Modelers, Working Hard.

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