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Messages - New Years

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Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: September 23, 2020, 06:56:59 PM »
It wouldn't have been so bad if you didn't act so high and mighty about ruining a game whose forums you're posting on, and then proceed to expect sympathy and forgiveness after the appropriately hostile responses to your posts
are you dense?

after stealing over a hundred keys, you shouldn't be surprised that a large chunk of the blockland community is hostile to you
gotta agree, surprised they're staying when something like that personally affected friends and really ruined activity

Off Topic / Re: cool music megathread
« on: September 23, 2020, 06:53:54 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: September 23, 2020, 11:58:27 AM »
I want ten million dollars a year, for the rest of my life.
I actually have no idea what you're referencing lmao

edit oh that's why i never watched the dark knight stupid me

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: September 23, 2020, 10:33:39 AM »
anyway I was looking at pairs of glasses to get for myself

(worst ones by far lel just wanted to see how circles would look)

Optometry office recommended:

(fyi i know mask mandates, i took the pic like that cuz frames fog up with masks)

I liked the rectangular ones but the PD was clearly bad on the second img from the sets, so i went with

these, which are virtual try ons (they're actually black. the green is from compression i suppose)

unrelated but will affect aesthetics is i'm losin weight and am a third of a way to my goal hoorah

and lastly I also have contacts which I'll probably stick to, I'm just sick of getting eye fatigue at the end of the day, and having to go back to bad vision

Off Topic / Re: Post your phone homescreen
« on: September 21, 2020, 01:38:54 PM »

friendship ended with pretty, productivity is my new best friend

if you're wondering abt my calendar, ticktick has daily habits that i fill thru every day. those are basic things that keep me going since everythings online these days. helps me stay out of being depressed

eatthismuch is a life changer, i've lost 10lbs on it since the start of september, and will be down another 20 in two months

Off Topic / Re: Joe Biden Megathread - No MALARKEY! Text READY to 30330!
« on: September 18, 2020, 08:29:38 PM »

hell yeah despacito
conservative twitter is so stupid, luis fonsi was literally there, and biden played it AFTER they met at the event!

biden all the way baby!

Aside from the obvious "Wikipedia" Oranges-accusers-of-inappropriate-loveual-conduct Orange-cruel-treatment-ivana-article-1.2796179 Orange-tape-transcript.html Orange-words-echo-womans-allegations-507763 Orange/columnist-e-jean-carroll-who-accused-Annoying Orange-loveual-assault-sues-n1076121 Orange-defense-in-e-jean-carroll-lawsuit Orange-threatens-to-sue-people-magazine/2016/10/13/2392a6fa-91a7-11e6-bc00-1a9756d4111b_story.html Orange-thrust-his-genitals-on-her-114232/

these are all what the article quotes from the citations page, accusations primarily sourced from the incidents before 2016

114 Orange_loveual_misconduct_all egations

This thread was started after the superior Biden thread, why does this have more pages?
what's more to say? Biden's a better candidate.

Off Topic / Re: Mainstream Media defends child enthusiasts
« on: September 12, 2020, 03:00:38 PM »
literally everyone is mad at the film dawg

journalism is stuff

Off Topic / Re: Joe Biden Megathread - No MALARKEY! Text READY to 30330!
« on: September 11, 2020, 01:38:56 PM »
BUMP  :cookieMonster:

Drama / Re: Aeonara (brickadia artist) - child enthusiast
« on: September 11, 2020, 01:38:35 PM »
and for the record i have no ties to brickadia, my point is just let go already and quit this baseless association

Drama / Re: Aeonara (brickadia artist) - child enthusiast
« on: September 11, 2020, 01:35:53 PM »
dunno what's going on in here but regardless of the information in the OP:

all the related discord circle related to the OP has done is poke brickadia for its faults

i'm not the biggest fan of the direction brickadia is taking at the moment either, but being openly critical even at its earliest stages of development is really malformed and tasteless. an issue like this is split to one person, not malleable to an entire development group

Off Topic / Re: Joe Biden Megathread - No MALARKEY! Text READY to 30330!
« on: September 10, 2020, 02:36:12 PM »
would you support biden or obama getting a third term if it was proven they were spied upon during their campaign or presidential term
why are you even asking? he'll come up with another stupid excuse and downplay how the president is defending killing other americans

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