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Messages - aludane

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 ... 336
Clan Discussion / Re: Oceanco [OCNC] - Server Online!
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:09:28 PM »
Brilliant server. The interiors (especially the wood striped cabins) really inspired me.

Gallery / Re: [VIDEO] A crappy Blockland story.
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:05:27 PM »
I enjoyed it, the scene with flying hero hitting that object is hilarious.

Just want your opinion on this:

I eventually plan on apping once this ship is done. Quick question, what size ship do you prefer for an app? Medium, 10-25 rooms? Large, 40+ rooms?

Well no stuff, Sherlock. If it 'wasn't the effect you were going for', you wouldn't have added it.

Why the sudden hostility? If you feel like I've done something wrong PM me otherwise calm down.

You're the only person to get at what I've done more closely.

I am a major fan of Homeworld, Homeworld Cata and Homeworld 2 and I'm expecting great things from Hardware. I wanted to see if anybody picked up on it from the screenshots.

One day I'm going to build a damn big Homeworld ship. Maybe that should be my ARES app.

We would be able to see your ships better if you didn't add prissy environmental effects that obscure the entire ship with shadows/dust...
It's the effect I wanted to go for.

Off Topic / Re: Bisjac new lancer car
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:19:50 PM »
Looks way better than my car.

Does ARES still host servers? I can't see them anywhere. I like to visit them

Those have to be the best screenshots i've ever seen.  :cookieMonster:

The one with the ALC logo is being completely re-done. I'm going to keep parts/patterns of the hull the same but I'm scrapping all of the interior.  Should be ready in a few months.

Off Topic / Re: I need help with Bitcoin mining.
« on: April 13, 2013, 08:26:03 PM »
I recommend you read this, it's very interesting and details how most people use ASIC chips or FPGA boards who are serious about mining.

a demo would be neat.

I'm pretty skilled at base VCE, but I haven't used callfunction yet, so i'm not sure what it does.

Ok, this should do it. It's quite simple but shows a simple concatentation of two VCE variables.

Gallery / Re: Sylvanor Underground Laboratories
« on: April 13, 2013, 06:41:01 AM »
This looks amazing. Love the small details!

Running a salvage minigame right now, you should disable sound downloads or it might add an extra minute or two of downloading.

Join here

The server is down now.

The HQ I built is redundant. Depending on your confirmation I will be re-purposing it (changing its floors completely).

There were some serious faults with the rooms designs which lead to a crazy maze of interconnecting boxes and corridors. I may re-design the entire floor section/remove all interior. The old version would be dismantled at my graveyard with events removed and all named bricks gone.

might i ask how you made it so that when a specific command was entered, something happened?
It's a bit complex but I use VCE functions that allow for string concatenation when supplying the arguments to that function. E.g:

Hello = "Hi "
World = "Forums"

CallFunction Concat <var:br:Hello> <var:br:World>

this would become "Hi Forums" or <var:br:arg0> (within the brick that the function call was supplied to)

What you're seeing on the screen is a string being created from keyboard inputs, I could in theory create a macro that enters the text of.. let's say "CVALUE-" with just one event. Quite cool considering I could program keys using the computer itself or make it enters words faster.

If it's still confusing, I'll send a demo .bls file to explain further.

Gallery / Aludane's Failed Spaceship Projects / A Graveyard of Scrap
« on: April 12, 2013, 10:11:22 AM »
ALC related, Comblock related, and other failed designs that are no longer maintained or have had major alterations which led to large chunks of ship being discarded.

Any spaceship builder would understand this thread.

Codename - "ALCO"
Organisation - ALC
Fate - Abandoned due to loss of interest as well as internal room faults and design.

Codename - "ZAlCOR"
Organisation - ALC
Fate - Major reconstruction meant this part of the ship hull of about 20-30 rooms was discarded. Much of the interior has been destroyed due to heavy brick/event removal for a new design.

The image below shows a small room still being operated so that necessary interior stripping can be done.

Codename - "Galaxtos"
Organisation - N/A
Fate - Way too many bricks, poor room design.

Codename - "N/A"
Organisation - N/A
Fate - Multiple room faults, largely duplicated which meant poor ship design.

Codenmae - "N/A"
Organisation - Comblock
Fate - Lack of interior work and definition.
Former Space-station Comblock HQ

Unknown pieces that are lost in time -

I will possibly add more images (since I haven't given details on some of the Comblock related builds) and maybe a video of me exploring some of the interior (if it works out ok since it's extremely dark with no lights inside some of the rooms). I would say most of my projects fail and some of them survive.

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