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Messages - Momentum

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Creativity / Re: Music Megathread
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:20:25 AM »
i'm applying to one of the best schools for production in my country of canuckistan, have to submit a portfolio full of tunez though

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2017
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:12:00 AM »

Daily Update

Drendran has set up another humble abode in this years server. Complete with old cans of mountain dew, semen, stuff, and a cardboard box, Dren will stay very comfortable.

Off Topic / Re: Post users who you think are homoloveual
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:57:09 PM »
gonna have to say nix on this one nothin personnel ike

Off Topic / Re: Motorcyclists are starfishs.
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:32:12 PM »
the worst breed of motorcyclist is the one that has a gopro mounted to thier loving helmet 24/7 and records every little thing wrong with thier rides and posts it on youtube, a typical encounter goes like this
  • you forget to set your preliminary turboblinker at 72 miles per hour on a half crescent moon at 7:45
  • cycleforget speeds up to you and knocks on your window when you stop
  • hello? what would you like?
  • yeah hey bro just wanted you to know that you violated the turboblinker clause of 1974 and im gonna record your plate and put it on youtube yeah my dads a lawyer i know this stuff
  • even though i constantly lane filter, rev my engine at stops and smash mirrors im kinda excemt from this stuff because yknow im a biker
  • drive away, thinking encounter is over
  • biker talks to his camera for the next five minutes about how horrible this interaction was and that i should go to jail
kill yourselves cycleforgets, no exceptions.

Off Topic / Re: who is the most powerful guy here [MCJOB VS BADSPOT]
« on: November 27, 2016, 05:48:08 PM »
mcjob wore these LED glasses with these horrendous hateful symbols on them in downtown sydney.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2017 in development?
« on: October 30, 2016, 10:48:38 AM »
all i'll say is that we're likely going to have a minigame or two, and that our design for this year's new years isn't like anything that's been done before, even by us.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2017 in development?
« on: October 29, 2016, 09:52:56 PM »
the new years for 2016 was p good, people actually played blockland while it was up.
it's a tradition at this point and many people will be let down if it isn't done for atleast 2017
don't worry man we're doing it. we got like 12 people on the server right now working

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2017 in development?
« on: October 27, 2016, 06:13:33 PM »

Drama / Daswiruch - Nihilist, Listens to Alice in Chains
« on: October 03, 2016, 05:57:55 PM »

the man: VoDKa (daswiruch)

the posts: very mad

the topic: hodotman is a good samaritan but daswiruch is a mysterious nihilist who hates everybody

but can this man's life really be saved? he was already half-dead by the time hodot and his friend stumbled upon him and was pretty ready to end it
i would've allowed this dude to go through with it. i don't think he could handle the extreme pressure and sorrow that was upon him at the time and a short lifetime is much better than a lifetime of suffering especially since life doesn't really matter and we're all just thoughts inside a hunk of meat anyways
mayday to daswiruch's middleschool chad, your life may be in danger
this is handicapped
what we perceive of reality and life is just thoughts pretty much
life has no meaning unless you make it
nothing really needs to exist and we are here by pure chance
life is useless, but whatever
no i'm an existential nihilist

~~~another similar post from another recent topic~~~
cant they just loving make up its not that hard

TL;DR, hodotman does a good deed by potentially saving a man who's hit rock bottom, daswiruch joins the thread and begins talking about how all life is worthless and whatnot, typical middleschooler stuff. he gets calle dout for it and begins to justify it

advice: you may be pretty solid at debating, but jesus christ man get a grip middleschool was a few years ago

PS: very sorry to hodotman for an edgelord joining his topic and ruining it, rip. brothers for life still tho

Drama / Re: nal ~ dislike bombs my video; holding grudges or some stuff wtf?
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:02:56 PM »
*teleports behind you and forgets ur hamsters butt* pssh, nothin personnel

Off Topic / Re: Whats the point anymore
« on: August 10, 2016, 10:39:32 PM »
Your situation is one that many on the forums can relate to. It's not an uncommon occurrence for one to feel this way, and it's understandable that many of the people on the forums can relate to this due to the demographic that makes up the forums that I've grown to understand over the last few years. While I don't post much anymore on the forums I've still decided to make something that i feel will benefit a lot of people on here, and hopefully it doesn't just get buried within a day.

The things that you feel I can also relate to. My condition, however has been improved (seemingly so) ever since I began using prescribed antidepressants. Your feelings of nihilism convey to me that obviously while you still do feel emotion, those feelings aren't coming off in the way you want. People have probably asked you this before, but are you depressed? Like, actually depressed? While you might want not to admit it due to the fact that the disorder grows ever more prominent with the "special snowflake" crowd, and that everyone and their mother seems to claim that they have it; but there's not a slim chance that you might have it. The first part of you getting help is the hardest, it's to go to a doctor. I'm not trying to pull all of the tactics that your everyday psychologist-therapist money vacuum would say, (ex. you have to admit you have a problem first hehe :)))) ) but this is coming from a person who's actually been there.

Antidepressants don't mess with your consciousness, they don't adjust anything up there, and most of the time, there are no side effects. While a lot of conspiracy people like to theorize that antidepressants are some kind of "government mind control" thing to make people more docile and whatnot, that's also not true.

The only thing that you will be able to count on is that they will get you out of your rut of not doing things. While the people you want to befriend, engage in a romantic relationship with, or work with may still dislike you, it doesn't necessarily mean anymore that it's going to be a problem to you. When I started it was in the start of the warmer months, a time traditionally always troubling to me as I found that people I cared so much about became more than willing to engage in detrimental activities, but now I see the other side of it.

I've begun to pick up a variety of new hobbies that I never thought I would have ever been doing. Apart from my pre-medication interests of simply just doing computer stuff and working on music, I've now been working on cars, doing plumbing work, medical stuff, and I'm even currently planning on prototyping a supercar from my own design.

All you need to do to begin your change is to take action, espio. While this thread has devolved into harambe memes that doesn't mean that you have to forget about trying to face your issues.

lol whats stopping you

A simple, but powerful statement that's often said to people in situations like this. One may not know what the person is dealing with, but they still say it. Do you want to know what was stopping me? What was stopping me was that I lived in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields and all of my friends living a 45-minute drive away from me. What was stopping me was my already disabled father being diagnosed with brain cancer, and being unable to get up a flight of stairs, let alone drive me to a friend's place. You don't know espio. You don't know me either. You also don't know anyone else who spoke of their problems in this thread.

This is true. Even though my situation was pretty stuffty I tried to stay positive because letting it all fall apart isn't a great idea when you're at rock bottom. I guess the same advice could be helpful to espio, look what you have and what good qualities you have and focus on that. The solution isn't to attack your flaws, but to strengthen your qualities
Taking up exercising to get in a better mental state and using it as common ground to find new friends would not have helped me, but it will definitely help espio more than he'll ever imagine.

This, of course is something that I can agree with. Physical health and mental health really do come hand-in-hand. Why not try joining your school's cross country team? I hadn't ran more than a few dozen meters for a long time before joining, but now I'm much stronger than i ever would have thought. While the initial practices of joining really did ruin me, i kept going and eventually was much superior to my old physical self.

Many people care about you, espio, as well as everyone else who talked about thier problems. While I don't know you, I do know that people in your life do care, and maybe you should go and talk to them.

April Fools 2016 / Re: My son is a little bitch.
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:15:20 PM »
Youtube Commentator
your videos are stuff

April Fools 2016 / Re: Shazoo and I Are Getting Married
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:13:44 PM »
shazoo you have the 'tism if you catch my drift
if you're shaking my cans
if you're canning my beans

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