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Messages - beachbum111111

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Off Topic / Re: willymcmilly remembrance thread
« on: June 16, 2020, 01:19:08 PM »
Otis was/is a closet creep, albeit with more moral standards than your typical creep. Vertzer is a full blown creep tho and hopefully he's rotting.

Here's pic for proof

Got these from Wayback Machine because the current thread's pics are banished from TinyPic

Yeah those where the chats I was thinking of.

Off Topic / Re: willymcmilly remembrance thread
« on: June 16, 2020, 12:02:05 AM »
i dont think otis is an actual creep but i do remember some out of touch jokes here and there because that was just the stuffty humor back in the day

I remember in the Vertzer dramas that Otis at one point admitted that he's into some pretty terrible stuff or something, but my memory on it is faint at best.

otis was generally a really liked dude though.

It always kinda assumed he was a child enthusiast but he just never actually acted on it so people were fine with him, same with clone because I don't really remember him ever getting any flack either but clone was far worse.

Also I'm not knocking Otis because I don't really know whether or not he is, I don't think I've ever actually seen him post images himself, but more he seemed to talk about it and associate with those who did.

Yall may be thinking of nickpb, that was a stuffshow

I never read through that whole drama because jfk I've got no time for that. But what was the final verdict on that anyway?

Off Topic / Re: george floyd
« on: June 15, 2020, 08:40:56 PM »
On a happier note whenever I go to a wh*te woman’s baby shower I slip a Mifepristone into their rosé. I then proceed to attend the funeral for their unborn child.

Based and Redpilled

Off Topic / Re: willymcmilly remembrance thread
« on: June 15, 2020, 08:29:24 PM »
Anyone remember Vertzer?

Also weren't Otis and Clone v1.17 also creeps or am I misremembering because they were on the forum for a long time.

Off Topic / Re: femboy megathread
« on: June 15, 2020, 07:51:24 PM »
ad hominem and tu quoque be like

I'm not making an argument I'm genuinely curious. I thought he went trans.

Off Topic / Re: willymcmilly remembrance thread
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:44:46 PM »
he moved to twitter probably

He's probably in some discord grooming kids tbh.

Off Topic / Re: femboy megathread
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:44:01 PM »
Espio aren't you an alphabet people now?

Off Topic / Re: george floyd
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:42:40 PM »
George, George, George of da jungle.

Why is your name cheese pizza? I am concerned for multiple reasons

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 11:42:18 PM »
I'll give you one zimbabwean dollar to lock the thread

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 11:35:58 PM »
idk wth about my posts reads as "bent out of shape" but ok. as a reminder this whole argument started cus some straight boy got sad cus I indirectly called him uncool

Okay so you provoked someone and they retaliated. Hmmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here.

"forget terfs" aint gonna provoke nobody except terfs and if u a terf ur feelings are not valid. that's that on that. also cops. it is what it is
but if you mean anything other than that then you're frontin cus there's nothing provocative about pride

Ah yes the classic "it's fine the murder these people because they are subhuman scum". I've used it many a time myself.

I'm sure there's people here who don't like me specifically because of the way I behave. but you aren't one of em. neither is kidalex and a whole number of other people. yall make that clear when you say the same stuff to people who DO act polite even when you're arguing that they shouldn't exist

The eternal victim strikes again. It's funny how you try to make the LGBT label take the flack for your own forgetups but lets be real you're just lying to yourself yet again.

honestly what are you talking about, where do you get that from my posts. of all the things you could call me why have you fixated on narcissistic

Because you always have some terrible excuse for your stuffty behaviour and try to shift blame for your forgetups onto every single other entity on the planet except yourself

first of all you gotta do your research, half of the latest page of his posts are him being sensible in the pride thread. and secondly he's a cop, so

"See guys the person is LITERALLY a subhuman, I don't try provoking anyone because they aren't people to begin with". Funny, isn't this the exact same stuff you are complaining that other people do to you? Well you've certainly established that if you're good at anything, it's projecting your own insecurities onto others.

This is what mental illness looks like everyone, just make sure you take a step back and look in the mirror before you're too far gone.

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 10:59:49 PM »

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 10:50:01 PM »

You're clearly are bent out of shape over kidalexs post and everyone can see it, its the worst possible example you could've picked because literally no one supported him in that thread and everyone was on your side.

Also "check the pride thread" doesn't really work when you use that thread to intentionally provoke people.
But again just keep lying to yourself dude, keep trying to convince yourself that people don't like you because your gay and just too stunning and brave for them.

Also it's a good thing you at least don't deny that you're a self obsessed narcissist, that's the first step.

The next step is to stop loving being one.

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 10:37:24 PM »
what's with the beachbum insurrection recently? i haven't seem him be this active in literal years

I got deported from Zimbabwe and am just waiting in customs right now with time to kill.

Off Topic / Re: virgin thread (virgins only)
« on: June 14, 2020, 10:27:44 PM »
You seem to really be having a problem comprehending the whole "if you ignore then they'll forget off" rule. Alex wanted your attention foxscotch, did you give it to him? Why would you give him what he wants?

Also are you seriously getting bent out of shape over a single reply that was lampooned as soon as it was posted? Because from what I can tell from when I glanced over that thread literally no one was taking his side. This is why you're a narcissist dude, your ego is so fragile that you can't handle a single person daring to be dissident towards you.

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