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Messages - Waru

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 ... 383
Off Topic / hello 17 fellow users
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:42:45 AM »
how is your night

Off Topic / Re: hey guys
« on: February 03, 2018, 02:33:55 AM »

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:05:38 AM »
oof, katadeus actually came through and made a bomb ass track. hands off to him!

EDIT: I really said loving hands?

Off Topic / Re: school shooting simulator made by the us army
« on: January 27, 2018, 02:54:11 PM »
smh garbage asset flip

Call it apples and oranges as much as you'd like- but it still doesn't change that they're all sandbox games that Blockland has ultimately lost to.

I wouldn't consider Badspot annually pulling over 100k average a year from a lego building game to be "losing". More games with more content die in 3-4 years compared to old grand-dad blockland still chugging along after 10+ years. In the industry, you pouring your life savings into making a game and then it not selling is losing. You having a team of hundreds and your game still sucks is losing. You creating an online multiplayer game and then having no communication with your players outside of dev blogs is losing. I wouldn't consider blockland a game that "lost". It's ran it's course and that's perfectly fine. It doesn't have to keep going.  It doesn't need to stay alive like a lot of people think.

op i've transferred my sublime text 3 configuration between computers for this sole color theme
if you don't use a dark theme then you don't have a soul

text too small like ur pee pee

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: January 24, 2018, 07:19:37 PM »
Hey y'all I wanna reemphasize that if you want to have music for a small but serious game project I might be down.
I've been studying game development and music and if anyone wants like help or advice I may be able to provide it.
Don't PM me cause I don't check that, add me on Steam.

not online >:(

>not creating the universe and entering your code in the DNA of the primordial organisms at the bottom of the sea and waiting until they evolve into humans and the code within their DNA instinctively makes them write your code and run it

how can you think a blaringly bright screen with brightly colored variables is better for your eyes compared to black text with contrasting brightly colored variables?

 both should be fine if you're in adequate lighting and take your eyes off them occasionally. I'm just saying you deserve to be put down if you dont agree with white being superior.

Imagine discord light theme for text editors

looks okay


i just find it hard to really look at the code when it's dark. making me more confused than i already am

i use this weird olive looking theme. i like it

looks doable

dark themes are much better for coding at night,

guys have your light on at night. It's not safe for your eyes to be staring at something that bright (a computer screen even if using the dark theme) in contrast to pitch black around your room. If you just looked at a flash light in complete darkness for 5 hours a night your eyes are gonna get forgeted boys. Eye strain happens no matter what with prolonged use but if you're in a dark room compared to a lit room it is much worse.

dark guis is good for dark rooms but why you would do anything on the computer without a light source is beyond me

very dangerous stuff

mariana is the best color scheme and if you disagree with me you're colorblind

how could i be so foolish

I use a dark theme because I want to keep my eyesight past age 30

(forums is black on white)

if you use light theme coding then you are loving your eyeballs in their ass

you two are weak. take care of your eyes.

how to cook one headache:

1. open text editor
2. set to dark
3. look at all those dang colors
4. die

I realized why I like Xamarin Studio over Visual Studio (that's another story) or Visual Studio Code because the default is forgetin WHITE it doesn't make me want to kms.

discuss bad design

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