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Messages - McZealot

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Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:32:15 PM »
So happy Jordan Peele won an Oscar for his first film, even though Get Out wasn't nearly as good as The Shape of Water.

Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:29:14 PM »
Geeze, I'm ticked that Logan lost.

Also, I didn't even realize Living Vincent was in the running. I can't believe that lost to Coco.

Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:16:44 PM »
So pissed that Silent Child won. It was preachy and stupid. They villified the parents to an extreme degree and it was almost comedic. The ending was so stupid (with the girl signing "I LOVE YOU") and almost laughable. The Eleven O'Clock was HILARIOUS and brilliant, one of the funniest shorts I've seen. I didn't think it would win because of the lack of politics, but Watu Wote was also great and really touching. It had political issues and was very tense during the hostage scene. I am dumbfounded that Silent Child won because it was genuinely the worst (or second worst) of the entire selection. Did they watch the films they voted on?

Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:33:47 PM »
I am so pissed that Kobe Bryant's awful Basketball short won over the INCREDIBLE Revolting Rhymes. I was watching that film and I swear it just got better and better and better. One of the coolest looking animated shorts I've ever seen. At least it didn't go to this year's generic Disney short.

Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:22:16 PM »
I'm gonna be so pissy if Phantom Thread wins supporting actress. Rooting hard for Octavia Spencer from The Shape of Water. She just about made that whole movie.

the only reason "remember me" is a nominated song is because it's disney/pixar and it's written by a pop artist

like seriously has film music gotten this bland
It drove me crazy when the boring and plotless "Piper" won best short just because it was by Disney. It had pretty animation, but zero substance.

Off Topic / Re: The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:10:22 PM »
dunkirk actually deserves it. their sounds weren't limited to just fancy guns, there was actually some unique things hans zimmer did in the soundtrack on both the music theory and the cool fan sides of things
along with that they had some really good advertising but that ain't related. along with that if you really look for it some subconscious links are formed between sounds and characters the same way they are in harry potter

also ive never heard of icarus or the billboards lol what are they
I'm sure they had high quality sound effects--but have you seen Baby Driver? I saw both and while Dunkirk had a "punch" to some scenes because of the audio Baby Driver was synchronized with audio being played by the main character's iPod through just about the whole movie. Everything that happened was synchronized to it--cars would speed and swerve with the tempo of the song and the character would run around in tune with the music. The fact that they kept that going for (almost) the entire film was outstanding. It wasn't "Best Sound Effects," it was "Best Sound Editing/Mixing", which applies to how well it plays with the rest of the film. I felt like BD blew Dunkirk out of the water in that regard.

Off Topic / The Oscars
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:01:59 PM »
Anyone else watching? I do it just to get pissed. Updating with wins.

Best Supporting Actor winner: Sam Rockwell; Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
I wanted to win: Three Billboards
I guessed would win: Three Billboards

Best Makeup & Hairstyling winner: Darkest Hour
Didn't care much. Was disappointing that Shape of Water didn't get a nomination.

Best Costume Design winner: Phantom Thread
Didn't care much.

Best Documentary Feature winner: Icarus
I wanted to win: Icarus
I guessed would win: Icarus

So happy Icarus won this. Incredible documentary, second favorite one ever. "Tickled" is my #1, it's insane.

Best Sound Editing winner: Dunkirk
I wanted to win: Baby Driver or Blade Runner 2049
I guessed would win: Baby Driver

Really, Dunkirk? It had a lot of gunfire and stuff but nothing about the audio blew me away, except for how loud it was.

Best Sound Mixing winner: Dunkirk
I wanted to win: Baby Driver or Blade Runner 2049
I guessed would win: Baby Driver

The hell? The entire movie of Baby Driver was synchronized to an INCREDIBLE soundtrack so that all the actions were fluid and brilliant. But DUNKIRK wins because... it had some nice sounding guns.

Best Production Design winner: The Shape of Water
I wanted to win: Blade Runner 2049
I guessed would win: The Shape of Water

Really? Shape of Water gets it over Blade Runner? That movie was incredible and every set was soaked in brilliant set and lighting design. The cgi blended well with the rest of it and the whole thing was incredible. Shape of Water was great and pretty but not even on the same level.

Best Foreign Language Film winner: A Fantastic Woman (Chile)
I wanted to win: The Insult
I guessed would win: The Insult

A Fantastic Woman literally won because it starred a Trans-Woman as the lead.

Best Supporting Actress winner: Allison Janney; I, Tonya
I wanted to win: Octavia Spencer; The Shape of Water
I guessed would win: Lesley Manville, Phantom Thread

I'm gonna be so pissy if Phantom Thread wins supporting actress. Rooting hard for Octavia Spencer from The Shape of Water. She just about made that whole movie.

Best Animated Short winner: Dear Basketball
I wanted to win: Revolting Rhymes (Incredible)
I guessed would win: Lou (generic Disney cartoon)

I am so pissed that Kobe Bryant's awful Basketball short won over the INCREDIBLE Revolting Rhymes. I was watching that film and I swear it just got better and better and better. One of the coolest looking animated shorts I've ever seen. At least it didn't go to this year's generic Disney short.

Best Animated Feature winner: Coco
I wanted to win: Coco
I guessed would win: Coco
I didn't like Coco that much (it was a good movie) but wow, the other options are garbage. I've seen them all and Boss Baby & Ferdinand were bad. Must've been a bad year for animation.

Best Visual Effects winner: Blade Runner 2049
I wanted to win: Blade Runner 2049
I guessed would win: War For The Planet of The Apes

So happy Blade Runner won this. Oscar judges always seem to vote for the mildly convincing monkey CGI that has been around for like 5+ years now despite the fact that it has made minimal improvements.

Best Film Editing winner: Dunkirk
I wanted to win: Baby Driver
I guessed would win: Dunkirk

What was the impressive film editing in Dunkirk? Baby Driver has incredible sync but Dunkirk didn't have any transitions or anything that astounded me.

Best Documentary Short winner: Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405

Best Live Action Short winner: The Silent Child
I wanted to win: The Eleven O'Clock
I guessed would win: Watu Wote (I was SURE would win)

So pissed that Silent Child won. It was preachy and stupid. They villified the parents to an extreme degree and it was almost comedic. The ending was so stupid (with the girl signing "I LOVE YOU") and almost laughable. The Eleven O'Clock was HILARIOUS and brilliant, one of the funniest shorts I've seen. I didn't think it would win because of the lack of politics, but Watu Wote was also great and really touching. It had political issues and was very tense during the hostage scene. I am dumbfounded that Silent Child won because it was genuinely the worst (or second worst) of the entire selection. Did they watch the films they voted on?

Best Cinematography winner: Blade Runner 2049
I wanted to win: Blade Runner 2049
I guessed would win: Dunkirk


Best Picture winner: The Shape Of Water
I wanted to win: The Shape Of Water
I guessed would win: Three Billboards

Sorry that I didn't update, I was busy having a ten minute long climax after The Shape of Water miraculously beat out Three Billboards for the Oscar. So happy. This almost makes up for Star Trek Beyond getting it's award stolen by Self Delete Squad.

I got really scared when this was announced years back because so far every film that explores "internet culture" in a comedic way has been really unfunny and cancerous. For two of the worst examples, check out the Smosh movie and of course, the Emoji Movie. Thankfully, this actually looks like it'll be alright. Not crazy about Disney films (they have such extreme writing constraints and such large teams that it really stifles creativity) but they always have a certain level of quality you can expect. They are almost always good, but almost never great.

Also I have repressed anger towards Wreck-It-Ralph, because when it came out in Middle School everyone would call me "Wreck-It-Ralph" or say "WHY'D YOU HAVE TO WRECK IT RALPH?" if I knocked something over or anything.

Off Topic / Re: Hard Rock And Metal Megathread - Post Rock and Talk.
« on: February 26, 2018, 06:46:03 PM »
song of the night
most overrated metallica song. battery is like a really catchy CRASHING THROUGH THE BOUNDARIES LUNACY HAS FOUND ME CANNOT KILL THE BATTERY (10 seconds of extremely uncatchy riff).

for whomt he bell tolls is one of the best songs ever. master of puppets is really good too.

Off Topic / Re: who is this wacky character
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:39:00 PM »
check their username history. see if it's a real user who got hacked or if you just added a spambot.

Off Topic / Re: [QUIZ] Which 'Simpsons' Character Are You?
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:37:56 PM »
I liked the "how much can you bench question" which went in increments of 100 despite the fact that someone who can bench 100 is weak and someone who can bench 195 is strong. Like, 90% of people (who arent big lifters obviously) will fall into that category.

Off Topic / Re: Black Panther movie
« on: February 17, 2018, 02:22:10 AM »
Ironically, the villain of the film was literally advocating white genocide.

Off Topic / Re: Black Panther movie
« on: February 17, 2018, 02:10:31 AM »
Can confirm the black outreach worked. Was the only white person in the theater.

« on: February 16, 2018, 09:01:38 PM »
cool cat- a school shooting safety film
Make sure to wear body armor when you shoot up your school kids. Bullets ricocheting off nearby lockers might deflect into your own chest. Stay safe!

« on: February 16, 2018, 08:58:14 PM »
"Cool Cat Stops a School Shooting" made me start laughing uncontrollably

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